I loved the resounding silence at Earthen Allied race

It’s not easy being the best. Also 90% of female elves in game are actually dudes so

Yes, we will. And you will every time be reminded that you neglect half of the player base for your own selfish wish to give them another humans, while we have a great race diversity.

Given the choices the Alliance can have, yes, your irresponsible posting reflects on your poor ingame knowledge. You simply go with “stronk” and that’s your downfall.


If you didn’t notice dear, this is what the alliance playerbase want and like, human-like stuff. People don’t go for the alliance for "racial diversity", they go for the classic/medieval fantasy style.

Its not “neglecting” then, is giving then what they asked for.

Pray tell, what are the given choices the alliance can have? actually possible choices and not just wanting horde races like blood elves with another name and vulpera

And btw, i do have more lore knowledge than you, since you don’t realize how vrykul would be good of an option with unique culture and themes, way better than more elves


They want Vulperas, Bird-people, Fish-people, Snake-people. There was even a popular topic about raccoons or rabbits. They want everything but another dwarf- or gnome race. The only acceptable cheap races they like are High Elves and Wildhammers, because it’s part of the Alliance identity.

I hardly doubt you have lore knowledge at this point. Take responsibility for your poor post and how you want just the OG human race from WotLK and not their “offspring”. Both sides need to be equally represented in their race choices and the Alliance is clearly on its receiving end with no incentives or big races going for them. The only thing they have are better towns, but this is a RP-thing.


I agree with the who cares about earthen, but you leave Vulpera alone, they did nothing wrong. Except join Horde.


We wanted diaper gnomes.


To be honest, you could almost assume that the devs are having fun trolling the Alliance with things like diaper gnomes, Kul Tirans, and now on top of that, a third dwarf variant. Diaper Gnomes vs Vulpera however is and will probably always be the biggest “F*** you, Alliance” move ever. :sweat_smile:


a horda race, NICE

You do realize, that just because i advocate for vrykuls to be playable, by no means remove arakkoa, Jinyu and Sethrak as options, neither means i don’t want want then to be playable right?

You know you can want all of then, right?

Like, i can even throw Botani, as playable option, a dryad-like race, into the mix, to pair with saberons going to horde, since both travelled from draenor to Kalindor(did you knew that?)

Vrykuls are meant to be paired with ogres, as, again, since you have no lore knowledge and want to parrot crap to me. Since both are classic archetypes, with vrykuls being the viking/northenman theme and ogres being the cyclops, they both are human and orc ancestors, who are the main pillars of both factions and have their own unique themes, aesthetics and lore.

Not that you would know about then, since you could not even the name of the races you mention, but used slang-like terminology like “fish-people” and 'snake-people", why you don’t get responsibility for that?

I think its pretty funny and silly, when you want me to “take responsibility”, for suggesting a cool combination of playable race for both factions, that would greatly improve then by giving options that players asked for since we saw then.

So yeah, i take full responsibility for wanting and suggesting something so cool :smiley:

So you are just another sad alliance player, whining on a low level horde character in a vain tentative to hide your blatantly bias. you kinda drop the facade by wanting a horde race mate, need to do a little better


Proof? You have none. In fact, you know nothing about what characters I have. These here are just the ones with finished transmogs from last winter, bit scrambled around (Horde within Alliance and so on). I’m at 29/29. Unlike you, I’m actually true neutral and can see the issues the game has.


Regarding the rest of your posting, I deem it as a time waster.


Oh, did i strike a nerve?

The classic pigeon chess, they never change :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Not at all. Because you can’t even argue against the picture, which takes your whole opinion out of the window and how you perceive me and the actual reality, you are still left alone with your irresponsible argument towards the Alliance, which is, well, still irresponsible and not well thought out and the equivalent of “let them eat cake”.

It’s called “Xanatos Gambit” (google it up) and you delivered to me on a silver tablet. You have nothing left and it’s also not for me necessary to engage further in a won discussion.

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i think i did, since you are still wasting time here, trying to excuse yourself.

you are trying to be fancy, but that is literally what a pigeon chess player would say

Get confronted or refuted, “deem other posts unworthy responding” since you have noa argument from the start, and leave like you are above all

Like i said, classic, so classic, that you will answer to this comment again with the same pre-recorded answer but with different buzzwords


There’s no need for bait. You can probably get me suspended for reporting my post just the way it is. Give it a try! :memo: :trophy:

I wish they had at least chosen a popular race like the Vulpera and created a new playable group from them. Especially since there’s only one of them. Dwarves, on the other hand, will now exist three times with minimal changes. A race that hardly anyone plays anyway. Just ridiculous.

Or something like Arakkoa or Saberon, or even something entirely new, like they did with the Vulpera back then. A new cat race or something. It’s just infuriating what the devs are doing again.


It’s actually four times, the Wildhammers are a subrace of the Bronzebeards with wrong racials.

Personally, I dislike Earthen, but I would like to differentiate my opinion from the other naysayers.

I don’t dislike Earthen because they’re “another Dwarf.” Allied Races being racial reskins is fine, within reason.

It is a bit of a tangent, but I do feel that Mag’har & Lightforged Draenei could have been rolled into Orc & Draenei respectively, as it stands both Mag’har & Lightforged feel like gimped versions of Orc & Draenei with extremely limited customization options in comparison.

However, Allied Races like Zandalari, Void Elves (High Elf customizations only, tentacle creeps can go away!), etc. themselves are not bad. In fact, they are preferable to races like Vulpera, who only joined a faction out of a contrivance. Certainly these races are preferable to proposed races like Saberon, Sethrak & Arrakoa, who themselves have no real reason to declare for either the Horde or Alliance.

The problem comes down to the fact that Earthen, especially Earthen halfway across the planet, underground, have very little reason to leave their society & join either faction. Making them neutral is even worse.

I’m also not a fan of their customization options, they’re kind of ugly.

That said, I just want to state, Allied races being tweaked versions of existing races is fine, within reason and so long as it’s supported by precedent in Lore. I don’t think people would have the same pointed apathy if Forest Trolls were announced. Or, if we must have more Dwarves, we did a “return to Northrend” expansion and got Taunka & Frostborne. At least those Dwarves make sense!

True, but I’m fine with Wildhammer. They are just a customization option. Unfortunately DIs and Earthen are not.

It must suck being Blizzard at putting in some effort on what could’ve been exciting and ending up as a complete flop and a pathetic excuse for a starting zone and race. :rofl:

It’s their own fault. Any fool would see from the start that things like diaper gnomes, overweight humans, or embarrassingly even the same race three times in the case of dwarves wouldn’t go over well. If the devs then invest resources into these low-budget things… well, what can you say?


100% agree.

They simply could have brought out a Worgen-like race (Saberon) into the story but went with something lore-driven.

It really makes an awful impression of the Alliance’s state if they can’t have exclusive races to themselves.