I loved the resounding silence at Earthen Allied race

To be 100% fair, people DID ask for mechagnomes and kul’tirans as subraces, there were topics asking for it.

Grant it, it was not many, and they were quickly buried like all the others who didn’t had “elf” on it;


Should have been Alliance, yes. The faction lacks diversity in every aspect.


Says the Belf. Are you sure you’re welcome in Orgrimmar?

A lot of it was low-energy.

People went pogging out over Classic+ but most notably they went giga-pog when Metzen came out.

Earthen are nothing. They’re not even really a feature. The War Within is possibly one of the least hype expansions of all time with no true major selling features like Horde Paladin / Alliance Shaman, Death Knights, Goblin/Worgen, etc

Consider this, consider this for a moment.

War Within and Warlords of Draenor are brothers.

No wonder the hype is so low for Warthin.

Ion mentioned awhile back that it wouldn’t happen because armor wouldn’t work on their models.

Shadowlands and Dragonflight didn’t really have much to offer either. Sure, Dragonflight had Guild Wars 2’s dragon riding system, but aside from that, there wasn’t much, and Dracthyr weren’t well-received from the start. It’s a race with only one body type, you can’t use transmogs, it has only one class, and for some reason, only one half of two races for the visage form. Dracthyr just look really unfinished.

Of course, they are still more creative than presenting a low-budget dwarf variant as a brand new race and expansion feature for the third time, but still. The bar has generally become extremely low.
With TWW, we now have Dwarves 3.0, something almost no one asked for again, a few quality of life improvements that should have been in the game years ago, and… that’s about it.

As it stands, I won’t be buying TWW because there’s simply nothing there that justifies the price in any way.

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In fact, abysmal low. This is below Blizzard standards and an absolute shameful action they did. They earn at least +12 millions per month and they can’t afford to develop proper races?


Yes… the devs make so many questionable decisions that one might wonder if they are deliberately running the game into the ground over and over again. They know what the players want and surely they also know which races, when they create new ones, will become popular. For example, as was the case with the completely new Vulpera race. And yet, they keep creating one failure after another.


When you look at the Blizz HQ zip code the motivation behind Earthens becomes quite clear.


What exactly mean you by that? I’m not from the US.

Kt needed a skinny option. It have sold better. Racial kind of meh too. It’s Situational. Most players after their first kick off the cliff by lumbermil in arathi basin learn to not stand by the edge.

EoS….gettig launched off flag is an old trick too. Kt is gonna have to play serve tick games to see if the another race’s shaman or druid didn’t hit first.

The race is perfect and the only real race on azeroth, thank you! :stuck_out_tongue:

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The Dwarf erasure is too much. We need more epic beard for a dwarven renaissance


The skinny option is normal humans though, already available

The problem is not making proper Vrykul, to pair with ogres.

That is the no-brainer pick. Ogres horde, Vrykul alliance, both giants, both ancestors of orcs and humans, but nooooooooooooo, rock dwarves.


You would think this… but no XD


why is it only dwarven players saying this?

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And what about diversity? You want to give the Alliance just another pair of humans, just big and muscular ones now? What kind of irresponsible thinking is this?


I mean its a male orc player…why are you surprised? sorry guys but you make this way too easy. like 90% of them fit easily into the dude bro stereotype.

Jesus, are we goign to parrot that everytime, the alliance is the human-like races, the horde is the monsters, you have a few exceptions but this is just going to the norm, going to what warcraft is

Wanting another elf is fine, but wanting a proper race with unique culture, themes and aesthetic is “irresponsible thinking” now?

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I don’t want to hear that kind of nonsense from an elf player, the stereotype of you people are literally the worse