I loved the resounding silence at Earthen Allied race

The crowd was mostly silent on most things they said and the little noise there was sounded forced/strained. It did not help that they showed one guy screaming horde and then quickly for the alliance again which means they had people planted in the audience to cheer ala Bill Maher’s show.


Yeah, you make a good point and the thing is… I don’t want thunder dwarves on the Horde. I wanted Dark Iron Dwarves, because they fit with the Horde and they’re interesting and cool…

If they’re the only new allied race, I will be kind of upset.


I love the look of the new Earthen and am excited to make one. I like the dwarves but these have much cooler options.


At the very least I expect a lot more customization for VEs.


Yeah…they could of given us ANYTHING else but a neutral race of dwarves is not what I wanted to see. We’ve got enough dwarves as is we don’t need more of them… I mean they could of given us furbolg or gnolls and I’d of been okay with that or the tuskarr…but…stone dwarves that literally could of just been an option for the other dwarves… is beyond lazy


Neutral Allied Race that has some very unique looks compared to regular dwarves.

Seems fine to me. Nothing else made sense.


My thoughts are simple.

War Within would’ve been a great time to give the Dwarves some Earthen customizations, the Trolls some Proto-Troll customizations, and introduce the Sethrak as an Allied Race (neutral even makes sense for them to a degree).

Midnight would be a great time to add Ethereals as an Allied Race, but if they added Earthen to TWW, then it’ll probably be High Elves for Midnight. Speaking as someone who has wanted High Elves as a playable race… it’d be a bad idea. Midnight taking place in Quel’Thalas means it should 99.99% be devoted exclusively to the Blood Elf narrative, which has survived off of breadcrumbs since BC. I’ll also reiterate what I’ve said before, but one of the key defining narratives for High Elves in the setting, was putting Quel’Thalas below something else on their list of priorities. Old Alliances, family, mana veganism, whatever, for the High Elves, Quel’Thalas was not #1. Giving them any kind of presence in Midnight in Quel’Thalas is going to feel like a step backwards in their narrative.


The earthen…can grow hair?


Why not? :dracthyr_shrug:

Ugh, I groaned so hard when they said it would focus on Quel’thalas. I’m so tired of the elves and their stories.


they’re made of stone and…stone doesn’t grow hair last I checked…

Oh god please no more bloody elves I’m so sick of elves at this point…


I liked a lot that they presented. The earthen race wasnt one of them. I wish they would focus more on finishing some classes and new classes than adding races.

For instance. Beast masters getting real pets and abilities. Demon hunters 3rd spec. Priests disc becoming much more defined.


Earthen have had hair and beards since Vanilla. They’re constructs, the same as Keepers, who also have hair.


I was silent trying to figure out if I really saw a female dwarf with a beard lol

I had to rewind and indeed I was right.

Even beside that I think earthen is just kind of a bland choice. Like really? That’s it? A stone dwarf?

Who knows maybe their story is cool, but I can’t help but feel they’re not distinct enough to deserve a spot as an allied race. They’re just rock candy flavored dwarves


If Earthen have Stoneform so I don’t have to play Alliance, that’s a win in my book.

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Already playable now via Void Elf customization

But otherwise- you’re mostly right.

I like Earthen. I like Dwarves. But we already had 2 versions of Dwarves. A totally unique race would have been better. Or just use Earthen as additional customization for Dwarves/Dark Irons, and give other races something too.


It was the easiest. Again, programmers taking the easiest path. Earthen, dwarves, dark iron dwarves. Add a skin an voila, new race. Forget anything with 6 arms, or 4 legs. Lets just make copy and paste. You know maybe add a dracthyr tank that resembles general drakasyth?


It’s just really boring it’s not something new. You put armor on the earthen and you won’t be able to tell they’re not a dwarf or a dark iron dwarf

They probably have all the same animations too.

Just super unimpressive


Vulpera were actually highly requested and are one of the more popular allied races, just behind Zandalari Trolls and Void Elves.

But yeah, I don’t expect Earthen to be super popular.

I also question just how popular ogres would be. Kul Tiran are pretty similar to Ogres in terms of body build and they are the second most unplayed race, beaten only by Mechagnome.


No we don’t we have corrupted blood elves, and corrupted void elves, but we don’t have the actual Alliance blue eye’d loyalists which has been featured in every Alliance zone/instance since WotLK