I loved the resounding silence at Earthen Allied race

The question is:
Are furries even people?

Are trolls even trolls and not some night elf mutant?

Wrong. The forum crying didn’t dictate it, the unsubs would have. Blizzard is a business, they care about money. They don’t care about people who threaten to unsub like they always do. Sub numbers didn’t stop being reported the following financial report and being used as a metric for the success of the game due to whiners on the forum, it happened due to actual unsubs.

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Trolls. Night Elf Mutants. Both are substantially better than degenerate scalies.

It did along with the unsubs.

They didn’t go back and literally finish zones that were never finished just to add flying back because people whined on the forum, they did so because they were going to lose a lot of money. There was a massive outcry when MoP was introduced with pandas but we still have pandas. Crying on the forum isn’t going to result in massive game changes, taking your money elsewhere will.

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now if they added spell casting and weapon swing customization the crowd would have went wild…

Give us playable Naga/Murlocs instead of Earthen.
We’ve been asking for playable Naga since 2004.


Blizzard was maybe going guys…we have that flying ruined wow player base. They are strong in number. This will be okay!

Hahaha, yeah…no.

If we get wod classic the hope is there they don’t need to find out how small no flying crowd is. Twice.

Now some of the people who left before wod get to find out what pathfinder is.

They know not of the jungle. But they will in time.

People is sleeping on it…

But basically the horde can use dwarves now… sure it’s “earthen” but it’s a step forward like void elfs were the reason for having the high/blood elf model on the alliance…

Nah the foxes were a good call, but it seems like most people would have received them better Alliance side.
Etherals, Centaur, Ogres, Naga, High Elves (tho I guess we kind of have them?), Sethrak, Dragons (which I guess we also ‘kinda’ have?) heck even Murlocs have been so much more wanted for so many years.
This is why I am convinced Blizzard in all honesty does not listen to feedback. If there was ever something made that was in high demand I belive it was by chance.


And naga!!! Don’t forget naga!!!

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Drop a message on the playable naga thread!


No people are not sleeping on it. The idea of playing Dwarves on Horde does not interest me at all. And clearly it was a common sentiment there too.


I think people usually prefer new races over allied races.

It’s also a race newer folks won’t know crap about it they never wiki’d it.

Or even cared to read the crap in the dungeon run that goes over this earthen stuff. In retail or In classic. I can’t even recall seeing this place in years of retail lfd runs.

Ngl, I didn’t read it when I did that quest last week on an alt in cata. I forgot many bits. But I wasn’t looking for a refresher either. Next next next…quest complete.

We didn’t ask for it, we didn’t want it. To hell with that rly

It was rly an obnoxious decision


I will never understand why devs in general keep investing time in projects that any person can immediately see are absolute failures that almost no one wants.

Gnomes are already extremely unpopular. “You know what? Let’s release an even uglier version and sell it as AR!”
“We have humans… but surely many people want to play an overweight and unnaturally tall version of them! Who wouldn’t want to be overweight in a fantasy world?”
“People like dragons, so what if we take the female Worgen model and slap a tiny lizard head on it? But we really don’t feel like giving this race a second body type like the others… or visage forms for all races… or transmog…”
“Yeah, there might already be two dwarf clones in the game that almost no one plays, but if we give a third low-budget dwarf version rainbow pimples and beards for the women, then lots of people will surely find the race cool!”

Like… wtf? :joy:

If they have to make low budget clones, then at least take something popular like Vulpera for example. At least that race isn’t already there twice.


I don’t understand Blizzard’s logic with allied races. We really don’t need 4 types of humans, 4 types of elves, and 3 types of dwarves.

Lightforged Draenei, which are just like normal Draenei but even Lightier are a separate race, but Man’ari which are literal demons are just a skin color customization option.

It makes no sense, it’s just arbitrary. The only thing it really accomplishes is locking people out of customization options. Only people interested in Earthen are people who already played dwarves, just add the Earthen customizations to the already existing dwarf race. But then I guess Blizzard loses out on that race change money.


Well, that’s because there was never much logic behind the system, to begin with. Clearly, they came up with the idea early on to turn Highmountains, Lightforged, Dark Irons, and Mag’har into their own races after seeing all the requests and expectations for them to become barber options for existing races, then threw all consistency out the window, so you end up with:

  • Recolor of Horde race on Alliance vs. Alliance race with tweaked proportions and a new animation or two on Horde
  • Completely new model vs. touched-up version of an MoP NPC model
  • Alliance race with its limbs hacked off and replaced with new ones that are separate entities from the main model + new animations vs. completely new species with models built off a Horde race
  • Reskin of an Alliance race that’s slightly larger, available to both factions, and is mainly unique in being the game’s first race that is completely inorganic

They also put themselves in a situation where any obvious reskin race will get complaints about it not being barber options for its parent race (mechagnomes and earthen), and any subrace turned into barber options for an existing race will get complaints about it not being an allied race (Wildhammers, Darkfallen, and man’ari). That’s the definition of a Morton’s fork, and it’s all because they decided to make allied races a thing in the first place.