I loved the resounding silence at Earthen Allied race

Oh, you mean like night elves/borne now in the Horde? Or that female Dracthyr look like humans or soon dwarves? Or High/Blood elves?
“But those aren’t the same groups as those, who joined the Alliance!!!”

That’s the whole point.^^
It’s natural, that there are always groups within a race, that prefer other things/values whatever. There are goblins working directly for the Alliance and against the Horde. Humans, who workend for the Horde and against the Alliance. It’s only natural. However Blizzard treats races, as if they suffer under a hivemind mentality, which is incredibly forced in many cases.

Thinking of it, keeping the strict racial segregation concept is immersion breaking, if you actually know a bit about the lore in this game. Granted, it isn’t good, but still. There are more than enough cases, where the exact opposite of what you just claimed is the case.^^


Nightborne are literally a different race, physically and culturally that never quarrel with orcs in ashenvale.

The other examples, very few, scarce and small in the grand scheme of things, literally highlight the inherently problem of how blizzard is handling stuff nowadays, it should be noted as a problem to be fixed, not something to be expanded and made the norm and ruin everything else.

Clans, tribes and kingdoms don’t have internet, they are culturally, their own hivemind, they share vision, customs, preconceptions and biases due to their uprising and bloody story, there is not rly much cultural exchange other than their closest allies like humans and dwarves, orcs and taurens and similar cases

People should just remove their modern view mentality and try to force the game to adhere their own desire and just find a new game where the factions are not separated by race, heard good things about Final fantasy.

If you actually know a bit about lore, you know it would be immersion breaking, ruining the game pillars that existed over 30 years.


honestly, we don’t need new races, but i’ll take an earthen dwarf

The addiction does still exist. The need to cope with it, for the time being, doesn’t. We’ll have to see what Midnight brings, since the Sunwell is a target.

The biological aspect is their dependency on magic. How they choose to sate it is a cultural/ideological matter. Vegans need food as much as non-vegans. By their ideology, they don’t eat meat.

So, the fact that the Pandaren exist means you’re wrong here. Something you even acknowledge, but then try to handwave off as, “but they were made that way.” There is less difference between Horde and Alliance Pandaren than there is between Blood Elves and High Elves.

What point does the customization of my posting avatar have to make that proves you right? Is my avatar’s hair blond? No?

You’re wrong.

I argued that an ideological difference exists. That doesn’t mean ideology is necessarily what I wanted with the High Elves. It’s pretty narrow minded to assume people only want one or two things out of a race.

Well, you clearly are ignorant.

There have been High Elves in Stormwind since vanilla, in Theramore, we had three lodges of them in the Eastern Kingdoms, etc… I mean, High Elves had more settlements than gnomes did back then, and Gnomes were a legitimately playable race.

Then we got some more High Elves in Burning Crusade with the Allerian Stronghold.

The fact you don’t know this proves either you’ve never played Alliance, or you choose to close your eyes to what our experience included since the game started.

Actually, no, they’re not a different breed. Unless you consider fat people to be a different breed from people who aren’t fat.

Dracthyr are indistinguishable from each other that I just assume every Dracthyr I see is a female one.

I mean… objectively speaking, that’s indeed the way Blizzard sees it. Overweight humans aren’t considered as normal humans. But well, loyalty in this game is also determined by your appearance. Better not question the developers’ mindset too much. :sweat_smile:

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I’m neutral on the addition of Earthen in general (they, just like a lot of other allied races, could’ve just been customizations, i.e: highmountain, lightforged, etc.), but I’m still never going to forgive Blizzard for giving us mechagnomes instead of sethrak. :melting_face:

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And it doesn’t matter since the sunwell is restored all of then are connected to it.

Which all elves, excluding the night elves, have.

Yes, thats why i said is not a biological distinction or aspect.

Using pandaren is always will be a false equivalence since they were introduced and created to be neutral from the start.

There is a huge difference between introducing a race as neutral and adding the race, from one faction, to another, 10 years after its existence, there is a completely difference in game design that follows both and reaction to the playerbase. For you, it doesn’t, but its a matter that matters in the game.

Because the whole point of the debate is asking for lord of the rings elves, not “elves that joined alliance”, or “ideology” because void elves were exactly that, they already covered that point, but wait, they were not in the right scheme of colors, not the specific group people wanted.

So yeah, sorry, im right

Don’t worry, i’ve being in the forum and in the game for a while, i know exactly what you wanted with then.

You say i’m ignorant but you didn’t refute my point about the silver covenant, which is from where most of the cry from the HE comes from, what makes you, dishonest?

All the examples you gave are merely part of the old world, civilians and npcs who don’t hold a leader, an organization, a formal group, a political structure, a culture or even a thematic, they were nothing, just there living like humans, its more likely that half-elves became a thing with an actual unique thematic.

The TBC ones are literally a memento from warcraft 2 tides of darkness, who didn’t got the memo of what happened to their race, its not “in your face”, its your own fault for seeing too much into it, same as the Mefisto memes MCu had for a while.

We have plenty of cases of factions working with individuals of a race from the opposite faction, is not a matter to make then playable, just because some people can’t stand not having a lord of the rings wannabe experience.

Speaking of being ignorant, The kul’tirans are, literally, not just fat people, they are a breed of half giants 8ft tall with different body constitution, a kul’tiran is born that way, you don’t become one if you eat too much, sorry.


Allied races was a cool concept when they revealed it, but none of the decisions of who got which race made sense. Mechagnomes were a meme and a half, these dwarves are but a single meme.

A meme would at least have a relatively positive aspect to it. With Diaper Gnomes, however, there were several threads where people asked Blizzard not to impose this hideous customization option on the already most unpopular race in WoW. Well… but at the end of the day, it’s still Blizzard, and feedback has never really been their strong suit. It was clear from the start that races like this would be anything but well received, and yet they are created. You can only shake your head at the behavior of the devs.


Mechagnomes would’ve been cool if they could turn their legs into tanks or hover jets or have a whole mechasuit customization

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Why does our generation has such an issue to call everything laugh-worthy, gringe or disgrace just a meme? It completely takes out the actual criticism.

People love Vulpera. Shush.


I like Vulpirans. I will die on that hill. But valid otherwise.

I know this is tough to accept but the forum doesn’t get to decide how the game is made and what the players get.

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Which was always a hopeless endeavor because implementing a new race is a lot more complicated than implementing a mount, and you can’t easily swap out the former for a different one if enough people complain about it. God forbid they give something nice to an Alliance race that isn’t as popular as humans, night elves, draenei, or void elves without people demanding it be taken away or downgraded if it meant the Alliance got sethrak, ankoan, or something else that they had no chance of getting.

The writers wanted to make a story centered around a race that had gotten little content up to that point, for a zone that was intended to be half of the main content of a major patch, and it tied into a system that the programmers had recently implemented. Customer satisfaction toward new races is not a factor in the process, it’s a byproduct.

You’d think more would come to terms with that. A community of what’s probably a few dozen active members has virtually no power over the ones in charge of making the product, but this board is full of people who sure want to believe otherwise. Also hilarious how OP is one of the people who bashes mechagnomes and earthen but unashamedly supports high elves being playable.

Because ‘meme’ encompasses all of those things and renders the necessity thereof moot.

Of course it doesn’t. And even if it did, who cares? Nobody’s forcing you to present your substantial and well thought out criticisms of “laugh-worthy, gringe (whatever that’s supposed to mean), or disgrace” in those terms. Mayhap you’re not the paragon of reasoned critique you fancy yourself to be.

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I bet the reaction would have been completely different, if Blizzard had choosen a recolor of a popular race like Vulpera as “new” race. But stuff like dwarves, gnomes and the like are just a really bad joke.

Wrong. It happened when Blizz tried to say no flying in Warlords of Draenor.


:point_up_2: I remember how bad the reaction was and still is.
Blizzard always hopes that we forget their mistakes but we won’t.