I loved the resounding silence at Earthen Allied race

Not necessarily.

Orc priests, for example, don’t wield the Light. It’s more akin to spirit magic, which is interesting.


True, but the Zandalari and Kul Tiran druids are very much so their own separate groups. I think it’s a fair criticism that new race combinations were once lumped under the umbrella of neutral groups without much chance for their own, unique cultural adaptations by race, but that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore.

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Doesn’t matter, each time there is druid stuff you get nelf stuff. You will never see Worgen or Tauren themed deep dive into druidic lore. Darkspears have been neglected for years on what they’re even supposed to do. They always stand in the corner or you get the likes of Zen’Kiki who is there just for laughs and be told what a noob he is.

Priests were super homogenised in Legion, I think it was the most artrocious order hall. If you were not draenei or human you pretty much felt out of place. I cannot express how much I hated that place.

I’d rather if class/race combos actually mattered.
I’d even remov certain options such as Tauren mages.
and I am deffinietly against elf shaman, that just sound artrocious.

So I’d rather if we expanded on the options that are currently available and have meaningful deep dive.

I hate homogenisation with passion. And I hated what was done with the Hand of Tyr, they shoved in races that didn’t even have a business to be there, like Zandalari and came up with bs reasoning that made it look even worse.

Zandalari were improvement over Darkspear druids. They’re supposed to be a different thing with different pracices, but that didn’t stop developers to shove Zandalari to that new emerald dream zone and gush over night elves of all people (yes, these Zandalari, that offer you to buy elf head)

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You do realize that has less to do with homogenization, and more to do with the faction war being a done and dead narrative that Blizzard is never going to pursue again, right?

And considering the new Emerald Dream zone was all about the new Night Elf tree, formed from Night Elf souls and the Tear of the Night Elf’s Goddess, don’t you think maybe it’d have been strange if it wasn’t heavily themed around them to a degree? I mean, there was a fair smattering of green dragon stuff as well, but they’re the ones who taught the Night Elves druidism to begin with.

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Yet all druids are still essentially Elune priests as balance, that’s where the core issue is.
Even the literal Zandalari balance druids are priests of Elune(which they were exiled for worshipping).

Cultural class aesthetic changes would fix ALL issues like this. Imagine true KT druids wielding Death and Nature. That’s what we could have.


I’m not against cultural aesthetics for the classes. I am, in fact, in support of it.

That having been said, I’d like Blizzard to finish what it started first. Add Paladin, Druid, and Shaman to all races, and then pump out the class skins.

Faction war is the only time we actually get racial lore. If we get neutral lore we get mostly Nelf/Human stuff.

Ok, but just saying Horde should’ve have it’s own content. And deffinietly don’t put Zandalari among nelves becuase it shoud’ve turn ugly, but devs in their wonderful insight decided to make Zandalari fawning over nelves. Like, WHAT?!

But then you also had Legion wich was 100% nelf exclusive stuff, then you had SL, where the only nature zone is also exploring mostly night elf lore.
Everyone else is just there to be a token, second fiddle. And that is super lame.

I hated that decision so much. Zandalari were begging to have SOLAR themed druids.

Agreed. This has been a huge issue in general with the game. Even the human/nelf stuff doesn’t always feel like it applies to the humans/nelves so much as the characters, so even they don’t get much racial development. At least the Emerald Dream patch concluded with some solid Night Elf stuff, but the world tree ultimately was used to re-empower the Aspects.

You’re preaching to the choir on this one. That said, it’s no worse than how three of the Horde’s races which should have had MASSIVE RESERVATIONS about allying with the Zandalari never made so much as a peep when Sylvanas was courting them.

Can’t say it felt that way to me. Two of the zones delved into the Highborne Empire, which the Blood Elves were a continuation of. Retroactively, Nightborne and Highmountain Tauren content became Horde content. After the expansion was over, in hindsight, it felt more Horde alligned in that manner, but that harkens to another issue in that, ‘Horde Content,’ is not well defined. Some players dismiss anything to do with the elves out of hand from being Horde Content, seeing them more as Alliance content, even when it’s the Horde’s elves.

Stuff is a mess in general.

At least the heritage sets help advance individual race lore a tiny bit.

And I don’t get what for. I don’t get what for the Dargon aspects are even needed. They’re totally useless and incompetent.

It was a rushed plot. Maybe it would be more organic if Vol’Jin did survive Broken Shore and was the one who would reach out to them. But I agree that it felt like jumping through plot points instead of adressing the story in organic way. I also wanted proper reflection on the troll past, but what I got was BS Titan facility and BS blood trolls, and plenty of other stuff that didn’t make sense. Zandalar as a whole was mishandled, the lore was very shallow and too much popculture references and member berries without anything substantial. To me as someone who waited years to see Zandalar, it was criminal how they fumbled this case.

And that is also hit and miss, Troll one was again very shallow, and Worgen one even shamed them for being a worgen.

But we’re going away from the main point.

I am 100% for character customization, for different visuals for spells depending on race/class combo, but when it comes to unlocking classes for races. I’d rahter if there were less combinations but for them to be used in thoughtful manner, to have proper represenation in game.

Otherwise you’ll get the Hand of Tyr treatment, and imo that is dreadful.

No its not, the only case pf ideological difference is pandaren and they were introduced neutral to being with.

It would be stupid to add the race of one faction, to the opposite faction, 10 years after the fact, without doing the same with another, and that would be awful in many levels.

People who wanted high elves never gave a flying ding about lore anyway, they only cared about being white blonde elves with blue eyes. Otherwise they would understand the evolution of lore that happened with elves and how they rename themselves blood elves, instead of trowing away with a tantrum over fanfiction and headcanon

What you answered is not an argument, since this is not a subrace, but a group with different name. Renaming is not becoming a different subrace


Blood Elves and High Elves in general had very different ideologies in regards how best to cope with their addiction to magic. The Blood Elves embraced the teachings Kael’thas brought back from Outland in drawing magic from any source, whether it be living or not.

That having been said, the High Elves themselves were not a monolith on how they coped with their addiction, but they were ideologically opposed to draining mana from living beings. Those of Dalaran made ample use of magical artifacts supplied by the Kirin Tor. Those of the Hinterlands lodge went cold turkey completely.

Beyond this vitally important aspect of their very biology, the other different was political. Horde and Alliance.

Sorry, but you’re wrong.

I can safely say that because I, as someone who DID want High Elves, would’ve been absolutely satisfied with Void Elves had it been the Silver Covenant that got dipped in the void koolaid while assisting Alleria. What I wanted, was to play as one of the elves that have literally been shoved in my face, as an Alliance player, since Vanilla WoW.

I am well aware of the lore regarding the Blood Elves. It seems you’re ignorant of the lore of the High Elves who didn’t live in Quel’Thalas, however, much less of how those groups continued to exist and work over the course of WoW’s lifetime, including to TWW where we’re once again seeing the Silver Covenant present.

I’d argue the only people in this argument having a tantrum are the bad actors on both side, typically after being prodded by bored trolls picking the easiest topic to stir the pot.

Kul Tirans are still humans. They’re the exact same race as Humans, just with a different name. Biologically speaking, Kul Tirans are humans, not even part Drust as was once hopefully assumed by the player base. Blizzard just made them fat to make them look different. Blizzard could’ve as easily used the skinny model, and it wouldn’t change the fact that the Kul Tirans are still humans.


The attempt to delegitimize the desire for High Elves through this pseudo-racism accusation is the mark of manipulative, gaslighting cretin and I just instantly mark that as a person that will never offer any legitimate counterpoint to anything.
It should have gotten Hazzikostas fired when he did it, because it’s flatly despicable.

I’ve no further interest in speaking with you.

To play devil’s advocate. Maybe it wasn’t malice but desire to give something unique?
To make this breed of elves more distinguish and have them offer something more than just being carbon copy of what is on the Horde?
In the end they added extra options to actually make them look like helves.

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Woah, what did I miss? o.o

Gotta keep reusing the same models OVER AND OVER AND OVER.

Or else they might not use it enough.

Or something.


I think it should’ve been simplified more. Choose your species first on the screen, then you can chose your subrace/your kingdom. It creates less clutter on the screen.



  1. Grimtotem
  2. Highmountain
  3. Thunder Bluff


  1. Orgrimmar
  2. Warsong
  3. Mag’har


  1. Darkspear
  2. Zandalari
  3. Gurubashi

Undead (Forsaken)

  1. Lordaeron
  2. Northrend Scourge (would be cool to see them)
  3. San’layn (Vampire darkfallen)

Blood Elves

  1. Silvermoon
  2. Nightborne
  3. Quel’dorei (High Elves)


  1. Bilgewater
  2. Steamwheedle


  1. Voldunai



  1. Stormwind
  2. Kul Tiran
  3. Gilnean (Worgen)


  1. Ironforge
  2. Dark Iron
  3. Earthen
  4. Wildhammer

Night Elves

  1. Darnassian
  2. Quel’dorei (High Elves)
  3. Ren’dorei (Void Elves)


  1. Gnomeregan
  2. Mechagon


  1. Exodar
  2. Krokul (Broken)
  3. Lightforged



  1. Tushui
  2. Huojin


  1. Dracthyr

Had, emphasize in this one, since this one no longer exist.

From which source they suck mana is not an biological aspect, is like saying a vegan and a non-vegan are biologically distinct by their different ways to get nutrients.

Which i pointless, since the game doesn’t stand only in political differences, but different races, you can’t introduce every single faction, group or village as playable just because they pick red, blue or green. the only example was truly pandaren who trully had different ideologies other than just which side they want to go, and they were MADE to be neutral to being with. The rest like dracthyr and rock dwarf they didn’t bother with.

No, im entirelly right, you playing as one white blue-eyes elf prove my point.

If the legs you stand on is ideological difference of which faction they chose to go, it doesn’t matter from which faction they came from, if they have the same ideological difference

Kinda ironic to say im ignorant, and talking about silver covenant as if they were shoved in your face since vanilla, when the group only came to be in wrath :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Im well aware that a group of dozen elves who sided with dalaran and the other randoms who live in huts in quel’dani, or whatever that settlment with humans is called, sadly, they are not an unique nation nor anything remotely bearable to be a playable race, since everything that means to be a high elf is present in blood elves already, is redundant and nonsensical since is only to give people their fake fantasy of lord of the rings.

If you trully give a ding about high elf lore, you would understand their tragedy and their rename and their trials to overcome and why they joined horde, nor scream and beg for then to be available in the other faction because they are the “good guys” and you want to roleplay lord of the rings and side with humans and dwarves like any other generic rpg…

Yeah, a different breed of human, 8ft tall. They didn’t just change their name, they are physically and biologically different;

Is like saying a a bulldog is the same as an alaskan malamute, just because they are “dogs”, yeah, same species, different breed.

Unlike you know, 'i want to pick blue"


Your desire was already not legit by the moment they were introduced as a playable race in TBC, your problem is that they were introduced in the “wrong faction”

Like i said to the dude above, if you truly, like, love or cared about high elf lore, you would know the people and kingdom suffered a great tragedy, rename themselves overcame the trials, with newfound allies and were able to survive and their essence live on, with their culture, their history, their people and their kingdom.

But the problem still lies that they are not in the “right faction” with the “good guys” like in lord of the rings and other countless generic rpgs siding with humans and elves.


No Dragonmaw Orcs? :frowning:

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I would definitely prefer if you could choose your faction first, learn about it, and then pick from all available races. I’m definitely not a fan of Blizzard’s forced racial segregation concept. This way, players would choose a faction because of the faction itself, not because of a specific race they prefer. Loyalty shouldn’t be determined by a person’s appearance. It’s a pretty brain afk view.


Would be much better if they left the game how is intend to be since the very beginning and people who don’t like find another game.

Since the whole point is different races with their own views/cultures banging together for a common goal, who will have different perspectives and conflicts.

in real world yes, in a fantasy game with different races who share a blood story for years? no

Its not rly simple ignore all worldbuilding and the race population and how would they feel about their own faction accepting the enemy just because people playing the game don’t like or care about it.

Like how it would feel to a generic night elf family to see orcs and undeads freely walking in their streets after teldrasill? having then accept then as their own? humans going to orgrimmar, what would the orcs enslaved by humans in the past as children or trolls slaughtered in strangletorn and echo isles would think?

Its immersion breaking