I loved the resounding silence at Earthen Allied race

I’ll never tell anyone else what to do with their characters, but just speaking for myself, again, this feels like a step backwards from the High Elf narrative we had. Even when Vereesa went to Quel’Thalas to help defend it from the Amani in Cataclysm, there was no indication of any desire to remain. They were defending a land that had meaning to them, but to which they felt no loyalty beyond the past.

I’m hoping any High Elven presence in Midnight reflects that same attitude from a lore standpoint. Any content in Quel’Thalas needs to focus 99.99% on the Blood Elves. I want to see characters who have been lacking development get a chance to shine.

Rommath, Halduron, Voren’thal, Astalor, etc… I know Liadrin is going to get shoved down our throats since we’ll be allying with the Light to defend the Sunwell, and I can’t imagine Lor’themar won’t show up, but it’s time for some of the other significant names to get their chance to shine.

The last thing I want is some questline exploring how Rommath feels sorry about exiling the Void Elves, or Lor’themar apologies for the exile of either group, as both were justified.

That’s something I legit worry about, that we’re going to have a cringe moment where the Blood Elves collectively go, “We were wrong to exile you guys, and we’re sowwy.”

I would like to see land given back and peace w the Amani, but that would also be a Horde story. Idk what the Alliance parallel for that would be

Closure on leaving Quel’Thalas behind.

These narrative beats of Alleria wanting Quel’Thalas back into the Alliance, or anything talking about how it’s rightfully there’s, should come to an end. When it all wraps up, have the High Elves return to Dalaran, to their Lodges, to Stormwind, intent on slowly and quietly going extinct as the choice they made, representing a tragic and lost past doomed to fade in grace and dignity.

The Void Elves should look on Quel’Thalas and realize that it does not hold any sway over them, that the draw they once fell for it now is more powerful towards the Telogrus Rift, a place where they can practice their arts in peace and without endangering anyone else.

Lingering resentments can be put to bed, but that should be the narrative conclusion. Let the elven tribes unite to defend their homeland, and then determine it’s future is in the hands of the Blood Elves alone, the true legacy of the High Kingdom.


I mean, this is all wrong.

If high elves left Quel’thalas it was because of the government, not because of the land or their people.

Would you say governments or people that were exiled by past dictatorships such as those of Germany, Portugal, Spain, China etc. left behind their countries because they weren’t “loyal” to their homeland or people ? You’re mixing up concepts that have absolutely nothing to do with each other.

Of course that high elves feel something about their land. Of course they want to see it go neutral or go back to the Alliance. It’s not a step behind, it’s a very interesting political schism among a broken society, both sides of which managed to survive following their own methods.

The way Metzen spoke about how all “tribes” are uniting, it all does seem to point at some sort of reunification where Quel’thalas will be the neutral/sanctuary leveling zone for everyone.

Night elves have lost their capital city and their new capital is becoming a neutral/raiding zone tomorrow, I don’t see why they wouldn’t do the same with blood elves.

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No, it’s not.

You’re thinking only of the exile after the Third War, and not the High Elves whom ignored Anasterian’s commands to return home, whom instead remained a part of the Alliance after the Second War. Those exiled from Quel’Thalas wound up in a now destroyed lodge in the Eastern Plaguelands.

Even those whom were exiled had a choice. They put the survival of themselves and the others beneath that of their personal morals. It was entirely a choice and while it is easy in retrospect to say it was the wrong choice, that ignores the dire circumstances of the time.


who dis real talk?

it was a great silence

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I would prefer they either slow down and drop unique allied races or just stop making them all together… It just increases the chance of an OP racial dictating the PvP meta… For a reskin.

Eh. It is what it is.

I fully expect Midnight to get a chorus of cheers after revealing High Elves. As the fanbase loves Elves that much.


I know I’m taking a jab here, but it’s an easy asset flip.

Honestly, I’ve been waiting forever to mess with the Nerubians again, got excited to see a humanoid version of them, was hoping for them to be a playable race. But yeah disappointment.

If its High Elves, at least let’s not re-use the same model again. I’ll cross my fingers for the Nozdormu and Alexstraza models.

No cheers or claps this spells no one liked the idea.

The actions of the crowd speaks louder than words, and it seem all the other Blizzard devs got loud cheers and claps except for the WoW devs.

It was a waste of resources for a third dwarf, just funnel Earthens into the regular dwarf customizations like they did Man’ari draenei.



I know this is several days later, but their beards were made of stone, just like the rest of their body. Also, is this going to be another situation where Blizz only uses this form for new NPCs and leaves all the old ones as they were just like they did to the Dark Iron? :thinking:

Blizzard story MO is all too often square peg jammed into a round hole.

For a dwarf obsessed person like me, yes. I do agree that player excitement might not be what they hoped. Especially after yet again making Wildhammer second hand citizens to Bronzebeard and Dark Iron. They are supposed to be three equal clans, Blizz! /shakes fist :sweat_smile:

Nope. Not all of them.

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I wonder if theres gonna be an earthen Doubleagent?

Ah, cool. I never noticed that. Thanks!

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Dwarves are never that popular. Classic race but people tend to prefer humans or elves (more attractive humans).

They also don’t really fill a missing niche for the game. If I had to make a new alliance race, it would 1000% be a muscular ‘big’ race like the Vrykl. People ask for ogres but they’re fat/ugly. Which means most people wouldn’t touch them. You want a race who fill the giant, heroic, warrior type - something that isn’t really in game atm. Tauren exist but they’re cows - not conan/red sonja eight feet tall types (which would, I suspect, be crazy popular).

I’d probably have made the Arathi that race. A massive human variant covered in holy light tattoos (or whatever).


Midnight is gonna be forest trolls, not high elves.

Dwarves are the secondary Alliance race, trolls are the secondary Horde race.

Besides, they already think we got high elves with the Void elf customizations.

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An expansion about uniting Elven Tribes having Forest Trolls and not High Elves?

Interesting logic. Explain.


Yeah the natural hair really ruins them.


They should add more customization to existing races than wasting development time on an allied race no one wants.