I loved the resounding silence at Earthen Allied race

says the iguana, just kidding…anyway, we have enough ugly races. People want sex appeal, thats why I chose Kul tiran, anyway I think a Dyad would be good.

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OP, i can’t agree more with your statement. the earthen feel like a joke.

the old ‘charlie brown getting a rock for halloween’ kind of joke.

so many interesting races they could add, and instead they add a race of rock-people i’ve literally never heard anyone say they want to play. it just… it makes me depressed thinkin about it (granted, i already have depression, but it certainly does help, and does’nt give me hope for WoW’s future).

I want to see this, does anyone know what segment this would be under? Like what panel? I want to see the transition from Earthen to Dynamic Flying :dracthyr_hehe_animated:



Im pretty sure ppl were asking for rogue tanks and mage healers this entire time on era and cata on thr classic forums as well as stone dwarfs in retail. It was getting quite ridiculous how many threads popped up on these topics. And Blizzard heard them loud and clear and finally, all these things are happening. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Yeah, no, this has literally never happened.

Sure, there might be 2 or 3 threads asking for actual Earthen (you know, the ones in Northrend), not stone dwarves with facial hair. And definitely it was never a popular demand. Dark Iron Dwarves for Horde was a popular demand, though.


I thought my sarcasm was felt throughout that post. I clearly have failed.

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Ohh no no, I am sorry, I am just terrible with sarcasm in general :sweat_smile:

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I’m pretty sure there have been at least several posts a year asking for beards on dwarf ladies. Not threads, posts.

The fact that after 2 expansions without allied races they have decided to bring them back suggests to me that the new micro-expansions are going to be short on real content.


That dorf announcement was bad. The crowd wasn’t interested and there was awkwardness. Reminded me immediately of the “ don’t you all have phones” debacle


“Everybody loves dwarves”…really? Do they really? Why are they one of the least played races then? :thinking:


Still want to see the dev room when they decided those had to be playable.

How are people still asking for High Elves? They’re literally just Blood Elves on the Alliance.


Coming from someone who never really found interest in high elves, I have made friends with many helf fans and came to understand why they love them so much. It’s really about the lore behind them, the way they stood up against their nation’s leadership when they allied with the Horde or when they forced them to siphon the life essence from living beings in order to survive (when it wasn’t actually necessary), all the while being loyal to the original alliance they had.

It’s cool, it’s like the rebels against a fascist regime (in their minds). I like that notion, it actually represents many parts our social divide problems in the real world.


Yes and No. They have the playable subrace for it but they didn’t get the same treatment as the Man’aari Draenei, with changed racial effects.

You can also extend this issue to the Wildhammers, where they also have additional wrong racials.


It just certainly took the wind out of the announcement.

Not surprising though. The dev team will continually prove how out of touch they are with the playerbase. That they would make a dwarven subrace when all they had to do was look and see that dwarves are hardly played is just typical of how oblivious they can be.

Do rock dwarves fit the story? Guess they do. Would people with 2 options for dwarven races already be all excited about a new dwarf race you reskinned from Dark Iron’s, threw some jewels and lady beards on? Unlikely.


A (slightly) Norse themed stone dwarf that is 20-25% bigger than standard dwarves, capable of being played on the horde. I’m ok with that, I’ll play one. Just don’t know what class yet. I’m a MW monk main but I don’t think that quite fits, maybe dabble with resto shaman some more. Plus, beards.

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Horde side Warlock bearded lady stone dwarf for meeeee!


She loves warcraft that’s the worst part, whoever chose earthen out of all the options really did her dirty.

I loved her Alexstraza dress, it wasn’t her fault she was trying to build hype

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Thank you for pointing this out, I feel like there is a huge difference between people who are high elf fans and people who are just still upset at blood elves being horde. If people want the narrative of Quel’thalas specifically then they should utilize the high elf options on blood elves, and if they prefer the alliance narrative the high elf options on void elves. I would like Midnight to bring the racial tag system to both just to let that convo be done w finally but the story of Quel’thalas should remain Horde.

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