I loved the resounding silence at Earthen Allied race

I don’t care if they do Kul’tiran again. The elves just suck. They are boring, bland, annoying and have literally zero substance. Good night.

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Funny isnt it? At the con they kept saying “we heard you” “were listening” “go to the forums and tell us” they dont read sh*t, we are always getting things we didnt ask for and if they do anything its a small crumb


Well you’ll have to deal with it. They’ve focused plenty on other races. Except regular Gnomes. Their time is really due.

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It’s rather about giving the Alliance another clone race than anything else. They are fine for the Horde, but they are not acceptable for the Alliance.


Thanks! I’m reading the disappointment with earthen dwarves (I like dwarves so I’m fine with it) but then a few people write they still want high elves. Huh? How are some so bent out of shape over a “lazy reskin and a third dwarf “ but high elves would be cool still? Lol

Some have wacky logic. It’s hard to figure out the outrage on here sometimes.


You make no sense, when I came to retail back in 2013-2014 faction imbalance already existed. Faction imbalance EXISTS IN CLASSIC LOL. Racials may have had a part in that but its just people want the easy thing and being in a faction dominated realm made life easier. Lmao

This new dwarf isnt the dwarf you even want to be, no stoneform xD

Deff wont break the expansion for me. Small thing I can hopefully ignore and not need to grind out. ( we all know itll prob be a grind to unlock )

I just want Pandaren customization options.

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Um … have you seen dwarves? lol. And now female stone dwarves with beards? I think if you google “stupid and ugly” you’ll find a female stone dwarf with a beard LOL.


Nothing makes sense here. They also want races we have never had any connection to like saberon lol. GD is a meme and should never be taken seriously

Who should be listened to then?

Wth u on about lol. I never argued about faction imbalance not existing in classic lol btw there are servers that are 50-50 ,whitemane on era and grobb on wotlkc.
My argument is simply that they ruined faction identity to fix a problem they sat on from tbc onwards untill it was glaringly obvious and irreversible 10 years later, but even tho mechanicly xfaction inatanced gameplay could be a thing but also faction identity could remain instead of this diluting we see more and more.

Or I can skip it. Just like BC

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The forums are only useful to give class or gameplay specific feedback ie talents balance.

Besides that, they should go by their own will and not pay attention to anything here.

Well no one is asking you to take part in any faction diluding activities like cross faction guilds. I dont.

I do my bgs and I face red and kill red. I go in the open world and red is the enemy. I agree that DF has no faction representation whatsoever but that can be changed fir next expansion.

Since bfa theres been none. And the cinematic today is more like these 2 are buddies. Its over in retail when it comes to factions. Thats clear.

Female dwarves should have beard options. Hell, every mammalian female should have at least some stubble options.

Mammals are hairy.


Lol"its over"

I get from where you are coming, but it’s more of a correction issue than the actual request. People want to undo the damage done to the Alliance by giving them the required player numbers by actual beloved races they want to play.


They’re constructs no different than the Keepers. Keepers have hair. Earthen have had hair in this game since Vanilla.

It’s an Allied Race.

35% isn’t the majority.

Math is hard