how many of you all poked at the whale shark back in Vash’jir
Sure. “Players” have been asking for danger in the sky.
they can make all the mobile games they want. i honestly dont care, as long as they still make games for PC.
the last guy let the diablo team do nothing for PC and consol for YEARS, new guy gets D4 on the right track for announcement in under a year.
he inherited a mess. hearthstone was way down and lost brode. OW posted way less profit than budgeted for and so did OWL. Diablo team arguing about what type of game D4 should be for 2 ish years while re skinning a phone game.
at the end of the day obviously poor decisions are costing them money. other IP’s may be worse off and require more immediate attention but i have hope they will get here eventually.
When the worms target you with their debuff they don’t put you in combat. It works how a Pally Crusader Aura worked back in the day. When you get within a certain distance of them they will target you with the aura. There are a set of Worms that fly over Ramkahen when the assault is in that section of Uldum and their aura targets everyone at the same time.
It is only in the Vale and the Uldum assaults and only when the assaults are active. Sounds like a great big deal over nothing.
And the radii is how large, 100, 200 yards? Also I’ve seen videos of them chasing down players, is that based upon first detection or do tanks passively take more threat?
Just trying to think of ways to “introduce” the wormi bois to some friends.
oh nos. They actually added a little danger to make you actually pay attention just like everyone wanted but now complain about because it’s inconvenient.
I love it.
I feel like the Radius has been tuned down a little bit compared to where they were but it could just be my imagination. They won’t actually chase down a player unless you are right on top of them. I don’t know about tanks, but I have played with them on multiple DPS classes and the only time they have actually engaged me was when I right next to them. Don’t bother fighting them as they have 151M hp and hit for around 800k-1.1M.
Hardly the type of behavior fitting of a “professional”. I may have thought worse but you know, I’m tactful enough not to say certain things.
How is a slowing effect dangerous?
Hmm, interested to see if one could be killable if enough people can pump heals fast enough into one person, to counter the smaller batches of retail. Or at the very least cycle through a few tanks.
everyone? probably just the few white knights, and neckbeards that enjoy being frustrated and annoyed.
The hype is real! This is a great addition and I look forward to this design carrying over to next expansion. It’s about time they gave us something to worry about in the sky!
Well, you effectively can’t fly from WoD to current content without enduring the odious Pathfinger. It’s a turnoff to new players, who become very used to flying well before they ever touch Draenor. And what a rude awakening it is.
And now, this.
I predict another mass exodus.
The plan is still to get rid of flight.
Each worm has 150M HP and their stacking debuff is AOE 100 yards. Good luck with that.
Like clockwork, I come back from vacation and see many of the same doomsayers singing the same old song. Some things never change.
This will be a welcome change of pace for many players. I don’t see why so many players are already mad about something this small.
Its because unless Blizzard catered to them 100% totally they would never be happy, and even then I doubt they would be. They would find something else to point to and say this is the reason they stay unsubbed. The forums need to go back to if your not actively subbed you can not post. It would shut up most the people whom are either liars about not being subbed or have no real clue what is going on in the game because simply they have not played it in a very long time. They only hear what people say about the game and have no real 1st hand experience in the game anymore.
They need to stop messing players about with flight. No other game puts players through this much hassle just to travel. It’s ridiculous.
And if you haven’t tried this out on the PTR you really should before you extol its virtues. You may not like it as much as you think you will.
Goodness, wouldn’t it be convenient if they could keep players from becoming used to flying in older content. By some sort of, I don’t know, change to the existing level progression…
I mean, I’m hoping they won’t do players dirty like that, but I don’t trust them, especially not when they’re claiming they “don’t know” how it’s going to work. Just like they “didn’t know” exactly how/when we’d get flying in WoD, but they “intended” for it to unlock in the first major content patch.
How do you figure? If folks have flying why are they “crying about pathfinder”?