I love the new Great worm from beyond

Great point. One would guess they don’t even bother to get flying and only/always use ground mounts/boats/zeps to get everywhere… :thinking:

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I just wish someone…anyone could tell me how a stacking slow is in any way dangerous or compelling. It’s literally just something to slow us down.


This “feature” comes across as little more than a passive-aggressive shot at all the criticism that Pathfinder deservedly receives.


I mean, sure if you wanna play a re-skinned wow, with a class system that makes zero sense and a crafting system that’s just stupid and tedious.

I don’t see how FF14 is remotely as popular as it is. Still regret spending money on that game.

The only “danger” these worms pose are to player’s time and wallets.


It’s a much better game that wow has been all through BFA. My only regret is I didn’t drop wow sooner.


I couldn’t even finish leveling in FF14. :woman_shrugging:

Everything about it was bloated, tedious non-sense to me.

especially the crafting, the stupid “Mini-game” you have to play to do -anything- rapidly loses any sense of interest by the 3rd time you’re forced to do it.

It’s becoming a more popular game than wow thanks to these devs making wow a subscription based game with F2P mobile time gate tactics and grinds.


It can get as popular as it wants, doesn’t change the fact the story’s awful, the MC is a Mary sue/stu that can literally be everything, the class systems ridiculously stupid, and the crafting systems a chore.

People complain about having to do world quests in WoW, but that MSQ from A realm reborn? snorts Yeah sure.

It’s such a bad game story wise I cannot take it seriously.

And this is coming from someone who -hates- BFA.

If you think about it, that’s more like a safeguard. They’re giving us back the time we used to spend playing WoW and freeing up cash for other more enjoyable pastimes.

It’s like the couple of obnoxious DMs at my local RPG store. By acting like jerks they drive normal self-respecting people to more enjoyable campaigns, while concentrating people like themselves in their own games.

When you look at it like that it’s a win for everyone! Thanks, Blizzard!

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Eh I’m having a great time with it, I think the story is leagues ahead of wow (especially the downright offensively awful BFA story) and will gladly stick with it over wow for the foreseeable future.


You do you then.

You couldn’t pay me to play FF14.

I can’t think of a current popular mmo that I dislike more than FF14.

You really do have to get the last word don’t you?


Says the guy that keeps replying. :woman_shrugging:

I literally was just responding to your post. If you have a problem with people responding to your posts, maybe you shouldn’t post on the forums.

That is exactly how they should design with the game with flight in mind. Cool stuff like that and some clever ways to avoid it. And especially on pvp realms ways to may combat relevant if flying is added.

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I have not played a rogue in a long time but there used to be an ability that let you back stab from far away. I would get flyers and sacrfice my own life to do it. With the gobblin glider you would not have to now lol.

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Yup gotta have the last word and a passive aggressive edit. I was going to drop it but I’ll keep replying…


Then drop it?

You’re the one getting passive aggressive to start with, literally was just talking back and forth and you randomly bring up “Oh, you just gotta have the last word.” :roll_eyes:

Spare me your hypocrisy.

Dude, just stop it. This character you’re posting on has achievements that are a month old so you’re clearly still playing. Look at your post history, dude. Complaining about WoW and picking the same exact arguments with random internet strangers over and over again. You’re practically bashing the F5 button waiting for Nyaria to reply to you right now aren’t you?

I’m sorry if I’ve upset you. :cry:

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