is hilarious. Just great.
is hilarious. Just great.
I don’t. Bet it’s gonna be as annoying as daze.
Worse. Gonna slow you down to 50% movement speed at 11 stacks.
Its just…so great against all the people crying about pathfinder. It is beautiful.
I thought they’d just eat you if got to close, but this is somehow better. Just mildly annoying enough to bring on the salt. Wonder how many of them there will be.
God i hope hundreds. Saturate the sky so no one can fly!
They should. and have bones fall out of the sky to mark your corpse location. That’ll teach you to AFK in the sky.
They should just get rid of flying for assaults they clearly don’t want it.
What’s so hilarious about it?
This is what any anti-pathfinder player should expect if flying was ever baseline, a world designed AROUND flying instead of it being an afterthought. You shouldn’t just be able to fly about all willy nilly with no threats, you should have to pay attention. Its on you if you choose not to pay attention or adjust your flight accordingly.
But then people would complain flying was taken away. This way, they can say they didn’t take it out, and you just have to learn to avoid the worm instead of just fly in a straight line point to point
Sounds like good and compelling game design. The sky has danger, just like the ground and water. Seems like it should.
That at a time there is a daily post about pathfinder, and people crying about it, blizz decides to NOT remove it in new content in old content, but make it absolutely frustrating to the point I see people QQing here once implemented ad infinitum. I think this is just an awesome feature from blizz, and makes people think
I’m not an anti pathfinder, I just think it ought requirements to achieve flight ought to be relaxed. I also don’t mind having threats in the sky, just fly around them if need be.
Hope they black out the sun with their numbers.
Indeed, its how it use to be in TBC.
Nothing like getting insta-killed by a dragon for flying too high, shot out of the air by a legion cannon, or dazed and dismounted by a bird/other flying enemy.
Its good design with flight in mind and its good its coming back. Flight should be dangerous and not mindless, areas should be designed around it more often. I agree. You should have to pay attention to where you are flying in WoW once again.
Why should it be restricted more, when honestly all it takes is playing the game? It took me a week and a half, while avoiding Nazjatar for 4 days, to get flying part 2…
It probably won’t be much different than mechagon, when the flying thing targets me.
I just have learned to avoid it and fly low.
Hey, maybe I’ll get more use out of that Mount Equipment Parachute finally! (Only valid choice I saw, really, as a DK, my hunter and priest have the water walk one.)
Or flying over an opposite faction town/base and aggroing flying guards.
I am pro-pathfinder (just wish the time gate would be dropped) but only because Blizzard has not developed the game with flight in mind, if Flight was a “choose your poison” for threats, then I’d want it from the get go.
You misunderstand, what I meant by relaxed is that you don’t wait for a part 2 at the end of the expansion. You complete part 1 you have access to flying in that patches zones and when new zones are introduced later on they get their own pathfinders to achieve flying.
The real question is: why is it a Worm?
A flying Octopus would have been better and would not at all remind me of the Reapers from Mass Effect.