It won’t. It’s just a slow. A boring slow that doesn’t add danger. It just adds more tedium to what looks to be one of the most tedious patches in wow history.
It’s not even here yet and you’re already complaining about it. Like I’ve said four dozen times, it doesn’t matter what Blizzard does, doesn’t do, says, or doesn’t say players will moan and complain about it.
It’s that PF is not going away and they really don’t like flying so they will make it as unpleasant as possible.
Ion is in love with Pathfinder. It’s not going anywhere, anytime soon. But these idiots will certainly add as much frustration, tedium and irritation as much as possible, coupled with removing as much FUN as possible.
Blizzard: Adds danger to flying.
Me: Hasn’t considered flying in prohibited content since WoD broke the old system.
Swing and a miss!
Well as far as I’m concerned, this is their third strike.
PS loved your post but my ration is used for the day.
Outdated sports references ftw!
Blizzard hasn’t given us a reason to trust them all expansion. One CM even called the community a term that if used here I’d get an instant ban. Yet you constantly defend them.
They should just have the balls to stick to what they pushed before, take flying out, stop tip toeing around it. I’d obviously quit the game but I have more respect for people who stand by what they believe…even if they’re wrong.
I’d rather hold them to a higher standard of creativity than covering most of the airspace in a zone with a stacking slow. Like, say, randomly appearing rifts in the sky that can “lightning strike” you with an old god tentacle. Thematic, avoidable, and not a long-term inconvenience like a 3-minute stacking, refreshing debuff from mobs that might be too far away to see.
But I suppose that creativity and effort is asking a lot from this team.
That’s exactly why they won’t do it. That and they sell flying mounts and would have a hard time selling flying mounts if you couldn’t fly at all from WoD to current content.
This is how you design zones with flying in mind. You give a little and take a little.
Now we just need some stuff to collect / kill in the sky itself.
He did not call the community that, he called the people who constantly harass them that. I’m sure you’ve thought worse about posters on this forum.
will just hug the terrain unless the worm can go low
Would be interesting to see the drop off rate of people who level in WoD - BFA zones once 9.0 hits. You know since we’ll be able to chose any zone at any level.
I mean if the raid gear this expac is anything to judge by…
god only knows how much money this has cost them in subs alone.
blizz has a new ceo though. he just got done forcing the lazy PoS working on diablo who couldnt figure out how to get D4 past step 1. hopefully soon he will turn his sights to WoW and ask why ion thinks its good for Blizzs bottom line to bend over the paying customers.
JAB likes mobile games so the push of WoW from MMORPG isn’t a good sign. But JAB was also the one that pushed for the revamp of the old world to allow flying. So it is a mixed bag bu I agree that JAB may be the one to force major changes to WoW retail. WoW retail feels like it is in an apathetic slumber at the moment.
I wonder how these work when multiple players are around. Likely I won’t have to ourun the worm, I’ll only have to be faster than others.
Yesuna has been in complete defense of anything and everything Blizzard does that players generally dislike. I’m not sure if they’re trolling or genuinely enjoy these things, but I’ve actually stopped reading their posts. Most of their arguments in Blizzard’s defense are about as strong as you’d expect them to be.
As for the topic at hand, I expect this zone to be like Argus - get in, hurriedly finish whatever you’re trying to do, get out. The threat would be fine if the radius were smaller, but at that size it’s more obnoxious to use it than not. I have my barding, I’ll still skip everything I don’t need if I end up grounded, save giant chasms and mountains with their false paths and crap.
Personally I would be more fond if they did a langoliers approach. We pass through an invisible event horizon and then get teleported across the zone and into a shard/phase that isn’t preferential.