I love the new Great worm from beyond

Sure, if RP walking in the air is your idea of depth, you go with that.


Now they’ll be the only real skip button since flight will have added dangers, the hype is real. This is what players have been asking for, danger in the skies, a real reason to fly.

How is being slowed down dangerous?


Choices are great in an RPG, now you have to weight the risk vs. reward for flight and ground travel.

We don’t know what other dangers Blizzard might come up with. Shadowlands is looking better every day.

Truer words were never spoken.

No, FFXIV is looking better everyday.


We’re talking about the slow effect. What is known in 8.3.

I’ll ask again. How is being slowed dangerous?


I hope you enjoy your time over there and find what you’re looking for.

Oh, man, even better.

its better then the " you just cant fly lel "

i enjoy they are creativly telling us " the skies are not safe "
like lets have then attack us, make them heavy elietes.
Anti air missles? The common cannon in TBC gave me shivers.

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Good one.


It isn’t but it is annoying.

This will play very well.

Maybe even as well as May 2015, possibly better.


Why won’t you answer my question?

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You know, I like the net launcher in theory but my problem is that it keeps you in combat so long that anyone who is paying attention can get enough distance between the two of you to be gone before you ever reach them :confused:

There are a lot of times where I will succeed at getting the net launcher fired but not reach the person in time to actually attack them before they are gone.

Its super strong against people not paying attention or afk though.

they really need a net option with heavy weight. just to make them drop where they where.

i will say… fall damage hurts q-q

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I like to stand on one of the rocky outcrops in Naz and just snipe people out of the sky and watch them splat.

Evil, maaaayyyybeee, but I also play a rogue, if I wanted to get there before they escaped I could :smiley:

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This can go either way.

This is an indication that PF is going away or this means that they really don’t like flying.

Or it means they are finally giving the players something more that we asked for, a danger in the skies. This is probably going to turn out amazing.

My webster dictionary describes danger in a different way. Nice try! :rofl: :joy: :sweat_smile: