like we didn’t see this coming. how come virtually all content is designed to annoy you, and slow you down. tedium and frustration is all ion knows. he’s a one trick pony. when will someone realize the annoyance is not fun, it’s annoying.
Making the skies dangerous in lieu of pathfinder (or maybe pathfinder later reduces the danger) is what Blizz should have done. It looks like Mecha was a small test and this is a bigger one. I hope it works out and they do away with Pathfinder to get flight and instead make the skies dangerous till we earn Pathfinder.
Most people who don’t like having the flight restricted after all the time they spent on Pathfinder will not complain. They’ll just quit.
If you see a huge number of complaints, that’s the tip of the iceberg. Say byebye forever to the ones who are gone and will never return.
Interesting you are using this “fly in a straight line from point to point” talking point that others are suddenly using as well. Very odd. Is that one of your new talking points?
Most people who fly actually don’t fly “in a straight line from point to point”, while those who use flight paths do. So design a mechanic to affect people using flight paths?
Making travel difficult to impossible AFTER players have already earned pathfinder is a great way to make a game that is a shadow of its former self into one that no longer has enough subscribers to stay profitable.
And you’re trying to convince us that pathfinder might go away after they already changed the game to screw over those who earned it?
Hate? Maybe. They think we’re stupid and gullible?
What is this “mindless afk flying” garbage you are making up? Is that how YOU play the game, setting autorun and coming back later finding yourself dead?
Or are you trying to convince us that our own mounts fly us to our destination without any input on our part, while you are fully engaged on a flight path while ordering a pizza and taking a liquor delivery?
I wonder if the people that hate flying use flight paths, portals, hearthstones and the flight master whistle. Talk about “skipping content”, those are made for it.
No. They sit in their cities and queue, waiting for someone else to go to the destination to summon them. They never leave their own little Lobby of Warcraft.
They don’t actually like very much of the game and think that people who play a variety of content are doing it wrong and should be stopped.
but they didn’t. we have parts 1 & 2, a 10½ month wait, AND “dangerous” skies. we got the trifecta all in one expansion. if this doesn’t prove to the naysayers that pathfinder is a vindictive punishment, then someone is pretty dense.
Depth would be genuinely dangerous mobs that even players with low draw distance would be able to see and avoid, not a stacking slow at such range that players might not even be able to see what’s affecting them.