I love BFA so far and maybe I am missing something on the criticisms - did you feel the same way and when did the excitement break for you?

With the enormous amount of whining posts, and playing the victim card, do you blame them? Really, who wants to pander to an endless cry me a river fest? Would you ?

I ignored tantrums as a parent, thus i rarely saw any. If you give an inch, they will attempt a mile, alliance side has not been short changed or shafted, so you are upset you got a purple elf, that happens to be the exact same model as the horde faction’s most played race? How would you feel if the horde players asked for playable humans on horde side ?

Stop playing the victim, both sides have equal numbers of playable elves, its enough, be happy with what you have.


Alliance Players: “Give me content”
Blizzard: “The Horde is there waiting for you”
Alliance Players: “Dude wtf, I pay for this game too”
Blizzard: “You know what? I never wanted to make content for you anyway. You are so ungreatful!”

Thats how stupid your argument is.

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BfA died for me when I saw the cinematic. I mean we go from Sylvanas fighting alongside Varian (Legion) to then becoming some kind of war mongering maniac. Before that in MoP, she didn’t even want to go to war with the Alliance, and now she does because of some rocks the stupid Goblin king discovered? Story makes no sense.

Then after I hit level cap, I realized BfA was nothing but a glorified $50 extension of Legion.


You call any post that disagrees with you stupid. Your attitude is a venom on these boards.

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Yet you keep poking it with a stick, doesn’t make you any better.

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Can’t argue with that.

Because your argument was dumb.

People want to play Naga.
Or as humanoid drakes or murlocs.

It would be cool to play a tentacle slime too but that doesnt mean I should be playing as them.

is a tentacle slime horde or neutral?

If it’s neutral, I’d play it by default.

I wanted neutral playable Ethereals back in TBC.

I have not ever been interested in the so-called “Faction Conflict” and nothing, not Cataclysm, not MoP, not WoD, has changed that. It’s always been a forced (bad) story with way too much irony for the player.

BFA is my most hated expansion. I’ve listed out all my reasons here.

But if you want a TL;DR it would be this.

The new content (Warfronts, Island Expos, Azerite, Warmode ect. ect.) they implemented have no real depth to them

Class Design and gearing feels bad

And the ideas that did work well in Legion like M+ weren’t updated or were flatout forgotten and left behind like the class quests.


I am unsubbed waiting for time to run dry. And its to me the 2nd worst expac of them all.

Not really in the mood to rant over all the details. Right at bfas announcement i facepalmed and felt no excitement at all. But i gave bfa a shot. Its failed and ill go play my many other games.

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:raising_hand_man: Pretty much …

Seems like you and your friends would have quit anyways.

my #1 problem with the game is the terrible class design. i used to really only pvp, during the MoP days. never really been one to enjoy pve nearly as much. (not to mention they made my fav spec a melee spec for hunters…)

the rng system for absolutely everything feels terrible, professions are lackluster, keeping up with necklace is a chore, doing warfronts is a chore.

cosmetics and mounts are boring, having been in the game for quite a while now.

essentially to me, everything in the game currently is a chore to do, other than raiding, and i dont really have a blast with that

titanforging is terrible
M+ arent really fun either (my opinon)

We don’t all have the same tastes in a game. I am glad for you. I do wish I liked this version of WoW. I envy you, really.

I stopped raiding in EQ and don’t do too much dungeoning either. My husband has been since launch so I get to see it before I start farming in later expansions. So I can’t really comment on that end of it. I box and don’t mind the current content, love the art, I like questing and am probably one of the few who liked surumar. We’ve taken several long breaks for kids coming and stuff but the longest was for Warhammer online.

Where they lost me was gating a new race. For some reason gating a new race for nothing but the sake of the /time played metric trying to keep casuals subscribed just made me question everything they do and I have loved their games since Warcraft orcs and humans. I don’t know if I’ll ever trust them or feel the magic from their games again because of this and it makes me sad. I don’t care how you try to rationalize them doing this but it just left a bad taste in my mouth that won’t go away.

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When? At some point during BfA beta. I was following the changes closely, I knew a faction war expansion wasn’t going to be a good idea since the very beginning, then they continue to prune the classes even more and announced a low quality system designed to replace tier sets, legendary items and artifact traits.

But what really destroyed my excitement were the GCD changes. Such changes slowed down the game to the point a lot of specs feel like burning dumpsters, I cannot even feel comfortable playing my hunter anymore, couldn’t get used to the changes. It’s a PvP favored change implemented to affect all aspects of the game.

Most of my friends have been playing this game religiously since classic. We used to sell challenge mode carries for 8-10 hours a day and have fun. We’d do pvp shenanigans at 3am just messing around. BFA was bad enough to deter them away.

I have 0 issues with BFA. WoW vet of 12 years.

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Playable goblins are not the same as Booty Bay/Steamwheedle. goblins.

We kind of don’t have an island anymore because it got blown up so we moved to Azshara and joined the Horde.