I love BFA so far and maybe I am missing something on the criticisms - did you feel the same way and when did the excitement break for you?

Nope, that would be the nightbourne and their total of 3, I said THREE, skin tones!

Iā€™m loving the irony, after all those people you berated and chided post after post anytime anyone had an issue with moderation, NOW itā€™s broken. Did it finally happen to you too, did it? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


snowfox ur back!

Specificity, whatā€™s broken? I am in the minority maybe too, because BfA has some bad spots, but itā€™s not as bad as the majority claim.

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Bait thread.

Well said, welcome to the other side of moderation btw.

Sucks huh? When they gang up on you, clearly get away with abusing a system and then trollop off to ruin someone else.

It is part of the reason why this tug boat has got leaks, and is taking on water. The devs keep pushing this thing farther out into the ocean as well, all the while ignorning the leaks.

Player interaction is like trying to talk in cold war era soviet russia, for fear of being assassinated and having your voice taken away.

The moderation is 100% automated, and the recent layoffs only further emphasized that automation process and less on the need for human employees reviewing what is commonly just a copy paste responce to all appeals.

It is one glarring problem this game has, that I can only see getting worse. Not better.


For me, it was when I realized that engaging in current content was actively harming my characters. They got weaker with every level, and the gear available was doing nothing to mitigate that. My horde main only does 63% the damage it did at 110 in current gear. My alliance main is stuck at around 40%, unable to engage in content that rewards better gear. All I can do is hope for titanforges to catch it up, and that character hasnā€™t seen any.

Though even if I do get gear, I often canā€™t use it. With the azerite system, I lose traits and power with every item level upgrade, so itā€™s actually worse. Iā€™m honestly considering scrapping all my azerite gear and replacing it with timewalker gear. At least my character would become stronger out in the world.

Then there are my alts. I play every class on both factions, so I normally have 24 max level characters within weeks of an expansion launch. This time, however, I only have my mains at max. Iā€™ve come to realize that if I want my profession alts to be effective, especially my gatherers, I must avoid leveling them. They wonā€™t be running dungeons or raids, or any catch-up content, so if they hit 120, theyā€™ll be unplayable. Thatā€™s a large chunk of my alts right there. And the rest, Iā€™m not sure itā€™s worth risking leveling them past 110. I risk losing their viability in old content, especially with the incoming buffs to that content. They may become unplayable as well. Iā€™m pretty much just leveling allied race alts for heritage armor at this point.


About two months after release, when I could no longer deny the really transparent ways Blizzard is artificially extending play times just to stretch out what is an incredibly thin amount of content.

Itā€™s not the first time Blizzard has done this, it wonā€™t be the last, but it doesnā€™t make it any less disappointing, especially on the heels of Legion (which was a really well made expansion).

If I didnā€™t have to pay $15/mo Iā€™d continue to log in every now and then but the current state of the game I do not feel merits a sub from me.


The jumble of all white text on top of a light poop brown makes anything not double spaced incredibly hard to read on these forums.

Just press enter twice.

Give the eyes some room to adjust to the next point.

Speaking as someone that played through all of Cataclysm, MoP, WoD, and Legion, but only the first month of expac release, then several months of lapsed sub followed by one month of renewed sub once 8.1 followed yet again by several months of lapsed sub until now when Iā€™m back once more (Apologies, that was a lot going on), the main issue I had / have with the expansion so far is that thereā€™s basically nothing else to do regularly unless you raid or PvP, whether it be by lack of things to do or artificial gating preventing regular access to things.

A couple examples:

  1. Crafting is basically useless unless you raid, because the gear with item levels that matter is locked behind a material that you can only get by raiding (Sanguicell in Uldir, Breath of Bwonsamdi in BFDA). The crafted gear that doesnā€™t require Breath of Bwonsamdi requires Tidalcores, which at most two separate weeks of mythic dungeons (where you may not even need anything other than the Tidalcores) to craft a 385 piece, and the crafted gear that doesnā€™t require Tidalcores is only 340 and doesnā€™t even get you to a spot where you can reasonably do mythic dungeons.

  2. You do only world quests (and I count emissaries as world quests because thatā€™s literally all they are - 4 world quests then a turn-in) to get reputation with a faction, but once youā€™re out of world quests? There are no other ways to get rep. (Side-note, grinding rep is basically useless at this point unless you want mounts or allied races, since the gear you get from the rep vendors is now heroic dungeon item level).

Previous expansions had things that we now do not have, which is odd when you consider that they should be improving each expansion, not getting worse.

Some examples of that:

  1. In Wrath, there was an open-world PvP battleground that provided incentives to do (and was fun at that) that gave access to a mini-raid that you could easily pug and do for the chance at tier. This was repeated in Cataclysm with Tol Barad. Now? We have no open-world battleground, and instead have Warfronts, which go the exact same every time, with no real chance of losing or shaking things up a bit, which results in basically just waiting to win so you can get your loot.

  2. At this point in Cataclysm (4.1), we received two new dungeons with the latest patch. At this point in MoP (5.1) we received the Pandaria Campaign outdoor Krasarang update, as well as the ability to upgrade gearā€™s item level, a new step in the legendary questline of MoP, and the Brawlerā€™s Guild (a completely new feature at that point). At this point in Legion (7.1) we received the Karazhan mega-dungeon, the Trial of Valor raid, and a new chapter in the Suramar campaign. 6.1 was the exception among the past .1 patches back through Wrath, but now we have Patch 8.1 bringing us another Warfront that is basically the exact same gameplay-wise as the last one, a raid that wasnā€™t actually released with the patch and instead was delayed for a month, and a new chapter in the war campaign (though itā€™s release was staggered). We got no new dungeons, no new gameplay features, and we have absolutely no legendaries now (which weā€™ve had without interruption until BFA, dating back to Classic).

  3. Weā€™ve lost basically all control over what get we get when, where, and how. There is no more master loot system, personal loot is forced in literally every situation, RNG determines what gear is even available to receive from world quests and emissaries (if any gear is even available). You get a piece you donā€™t need from a dungeon? Well, youā€™re out of luck, youā€™re not likely to get another drop because of how the personal loot system works. Same goes to a slightly lesser degree for raids.

This is getting a bit long (which I apologize for) but Iā€™ll end on a note that, in my opinion, is one of the biggest things about not only this expansion, but Blizzardā€™s handling of WoW in general.

They tell us theyā€™re dedicated to improving communication (which theyā€™ve said for some time but we never truly see), and then right after they say that they fire a significant amount of their communication staff while still trying to say they care about it and are determined to improve.

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Legion was a huge success in many areas. They didnt build off and made really bad decisions. Thereā€™s too many to list. The one that made me throw in the towel was the 400 gear quest to alliance only instead of both factions. Use some logic blizzard, not socialism. Iā€™ll be back for azshara raid but not before then.

Didnā€™t take long for me in BfA actually.

  • Getting grounded again for no real reason other than a new expac. You fly, then you donā€™t, you fly, then you donā€™t. Itā€™s stupid at this point.

  • The minute I realized Azerite gear was NOT going to replace legendaries and tier sets and that it was all passives/nothing actually impacting gameplay.

  • The first time I got a piece of Azerite gear that I couldnā€™t unlock any traits because my HoA wasnā€™t at a level high enough yet (why am I getting gear that is beyond my HoA level?)

  • The minute I realized I was burnt out from Legion and there was NO WAY i was getting sucked into another AP grind.

  • The first time I did an Island Expedition, realized it didnā€™t award anything useful, was a mindless slog and the same experience each time, and stopped doing them.

  • The minute my alt that I had only been playing for a month almost caught up to the ilvl of my main that iā€™d been playing for 3-4 months cause RNGesus likes my alt more than my main.

  • The minute my Alliance guild fell apart due to unsubs (including the GM who founded the guild).

  • The minute I realized there is no real story to this expac.

Those are just a few ā€¦ I could continue.


Yeah pretty much. To be clear Iā€™ve been calling out the problems with moderation for well over a year, predating the forums.

Iā€™m just no longer holding back at all on it.

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Hate time gated flying, Gutted classes, Azzerite armor that does not replace the gutting of classes. Horrible RNG, no real over all gear vendor, Horrible crafting. We have a lot of content, but it all really seems like the same, so boring.

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The biggest issue I have with BFA is the azerite system. Itā€™s pretty much a failure in my eyes in almost every aspect, and it is worrying that it made it into the expansion release at all.

I feel like they tried to re-invent the wheel for BFA and in the process kept in the weaker parts of Legion while removing the better aspects.

I donā€™t see why every expansion needs to completely scrap working systems and start over, and I think BFA is the most glaring example of this just not working.

That said, Iā€™m enjoying 8.1 and the new raid. Since the current azerite system is going away in 8.2 Iā€™m also not putting much work into ap anymore, so that feels good personally, but I feel a game should have me wanting to take part in its systems rather than just hitting a bare minimum checklist each week and playing something else.

The charm is wearing off for me, but I think itā€™s in large part because Iā€™ve played continually since Lich King without a break. I donā€™t think BfA has been epically bad like most people on the forums, but my biggest issue has been dungeons. For the first time ever, I really hate running dungeons. I have an odd schedule, so I canā€™t join my guild group, and have to PuG. As a healer, the mythic+ system combined with very punishing dungeon mechanics has made it so I dread doing my weekly key, and I only do that key for the chest, not because itā€™s a fun challenge. Every affix is a healer affix with PuGs, and low keys are perversely just as painful as high keys. The timer means any kind of socializing is actively punished. I canā€™t put my finger on exactly whatā€™s changed, but the dungeons this expansion seem to be even harder than Legion keys, with trash WAY more difficult than bosses and mechanics that make even low keys severely punishing if missed. All in all, dungeons used to be a sometimes relaxing diversion, sometimes fun challenge, but now they just feel aggravatingly painful most of the time.


This is what Blizzard doesnā€™t seem to get. I like hard dungeons. I donā€™t like timed dungeons. All the good gear is gated behind three types of activities, none of which are social:

  1. Raids and Warfronts with 15-25 people in them are not social. Permitting socialization in one of those quickly devolves into chaos because 25 people chatting at once doesnā€™t leave any time for actual fighting.
  2. World Quests are not social. They are solo content.
  3. Mythic Dungeons are not social because theyā€™re timed. As you so correctly pointed out, timed content inherently punishes socialization.

Blizzard seems to have forgotten that the social aspect of the MMO was the biggest contributor to its popularity. Completing hard content was fun with a group of friends with whom you socialized. Completing hard content with a group of professionals who are looking to clear content as soon as possible so they can move on to their next task ASAP just isnā€™t fun. Itā€™s work.

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Welcome to the resistance.

The Horde story is garbageā€¦ letā€™s be real. Nothing we do mattersā€¦ AT ALL!

Yea this expansion feels empty.

Class design is actually the worst. Between gcd and lack of buttons (bring back mop).

Iā€™ve never seen my friends list so empty either which doesnā€™t help my feelings about the game.

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