I love BFA so far and maybe I am missing something on the criticisms - did you feel the same way and when did the excitement break for you?

So I have been with WoW since Vanilla Beta on my first account and, admittedly, am a huge fan boy. Still, as you have seen in my previous comments, I do not think the game is untouchable from criticism and I have had 3 periods over the game’s span when I took breaks to refresh my excitement.

However, with BFA, the intense amount of negative commentary i saw around it in forums, even compared to past expansions, almost made me decide not to even play it. I am glad I did, however. I loved the opening compaign, Boralus and the whole look, feel and sound of it. Also, I really enjoy the Heart of Azeroth traits and system. I have done a few dungeons and loved those. Have not even tried Island Expeditions or Warfronts.

I get it - RNG and the repetitive grind can make any content seem stale after a while, so I am already pricing that it in because that is any MMO. Beyond this, is there something I am missing compared to past expansions that really makes you not like the expansion (because I am having a ball so far)?. Also, you can rule out flying from criticisms to note, because I totally respect and get that concern from people, but it does not bother me.

Just thought I would ask before getting on the hamster wheel because I was curious what, if anything, turned you off in particular about this one or if you think many people are just being negative Nellies - I honestly expected much, much worse based upon the criticism here.

And to answer my own prompt, I have actually liked every expansion - I found MoP charming, I enjoyed WoD and the Garrisons (although I do agree it was isolating), and I loved Legion and the artifacts and the introduction of WQ and M+. I thought the low point for expansions was Cataclysm, as I missed the loss of the old world quests, although I thought the talent streamlining was good.

Love to hear people’s thoughts on BFA


Excitement broke for me like a month after it came out. Most of my friends already began quitting.


What broke the excitement for you? Traditional hamster wheel burn-out? And what kept your excitement by contrast in other expansions?

For me it’s not about BfA -explicitly-.

It’s about watching Blizzard and how they are approaching things, how things that are broken don’t fixed, how they increasingly seem to just be stalling for time - trying to keep us here before we realize the music has stopped.


You mean like time-gating things and over-simplifying things like classes, professions, etc? Am I barking up the right tree?

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The story and how much abilities have pruned is what is killing me right now.

Sometimes I ask myself. Why am I torturing myself? Blizzard doesn’t care. So why should I?
Especially as Alliance.
The only reason I am posting with VE is because how much I hate this race.

It embodies the lazy attitude Blizzard has in developing content for one faction rather than the other.


I just don’t play BFA. I still collect. Titanforging, some hated the direction pvp was going, but they all pretty much unanimously agree that class design is what makes it so unenjoyable to play. If the game doesn’t play well at the fundamental level, you can’t expand much off it.


Help me fill in the blanks here - why in particular as alliance and what do you think is weaker about the story?

Here is the thing.
As Alliance we have been being cut by a thousand tiny blades since Cataclysm.
Be it racials, Race specific class abilities, whatever it was the Horde always had something over the Alliance player base.

It was incredibly blatant in Cataclysm.
Even now as you fly over Kalimdor or Eastern Kingdoms.

All Horde settelements are completely revamped with new models.
Alliance. No new models. Its All vanilla.
Worgen get 1 tree in darnasus and their story completely stops.
Goblins get a completely new zone, their story continues from Cata, MoP, WoD and now BFA.
The Horde even gets the story continuation of the Worgen!
In Cataclysm, MoP and especially now in BFA the Night Elves have become literaly punching bags to the Horde player base.
Be it leveling a low level in Ashenvale or doing WQs in Darkshore today.
Its just insult to unjury.
Lol the story is so nonsensical that Night Elves give Andiun the middle finger to fight in Darkshore alone and all their battle cries in the Warfront is FOR THE ALLIANCE!
Like really? Not for Elune. Not for Teldrassil. Not for Tyrande or… anything! For the Alliance… REALLY?!
The story is once again all about blaming Sylvanas for literally everything and we have to forgive the Horde like we did in MoP.

Meanwhile Blizzard is happy to remove Alliance content after content just to move the Horde story forward.
The story writers are on record saying they don’t like writing for Alliance.
Well sir. It shows. All Alliance lore has been reduced to humans and Andiun being constantly at the verge of tears.

You talk to Blizzard CMs and all they do is troll you.
If you don’t care about story content then look no further the OP Zandalari with so many customization options that makes your head spin.
Kultirans though? Lmao… Absolute duplicate clones all of them. They are almost as low effort as Void Elves.

Which brings me to Void Elves.
Oh god. Why do you think I am posting as one? One of the most low effort Allied races I have ever seen.
You literally have to grind rep on a bunch of Argus Broken to have enough reputation to ally some shadow elves from Silvermoon.
Wrap your head around that while the Horde has Suramar and Highmountain zones to not only tell these Allied race’s story but also allow you to have some easy rep.

Meanwhile the LFD and VE reputation was some of the worst repgrinds I have ever experienced.
I should know. I grinded Netherdrake rep.

So you ask why as an Alliance I feel jaded?
That’s why.
As for classes, Others will probably explain it better than I could but my problem is since vanilla I am constantly spamming the same 4 buttons or so.
The gameplay is just so braindead and linear. It bores me.


I have enjoyed it also. But tastes change. I use to be a hard core raider, then casual, then LFR, now I LFR just to see the story. I do more old raids solo at this point. Ive also hit the content cap. I do not care about mythics, so that means there is little for me to do. World quests give me nothing on this character except duplicate gear to use for each spec. So even they have worn out their welcome.

Ill look forward to the new race and then wait the next 2 months for 8.2 and Najatar for new content. Meanwhile, Ill level up my alts and gear them up for soloing old stuff till the next expansion.

Ive never hated an expansion, but understand people saying content is lacking. Not as bad as WoD, but still pretty bad.

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I mean everything, everything, that’s broken and isn’t getting fixed.

WoW increasingly feels like going into one of those old stores that are barely still running, their inventory is 10 years old, some of it so old the package has yellowed and things are falling out of them.

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You mean pruning in terms of class design? Up what expansion did you think class design was good? Are you a pre-WOTLK type of person, a WOTLK person, after WOTLK?

It started in Mists but mists still had amazing class desgin. WOD was the nail in the coffin. Despite backlash, they pruned even more in legion, and now they’re adding like one button back like buffs and say they’re unpruning, lol. Most classes play with just 3-4 biuttons now. CDG change makes everything clunky. There is no longer a disparity between a person who mastered their class and a new person - you can pretty much get close to the same numbers.


So I have heard some people say they don’t raid anymore, but that could have been a problem in any expansion. What content would you have done in a past expansion beyond hard-core raiding that is not available now? Is the issue that you don’t raid anymore or that something specific is different for you now even when taking that into account?

Well, most of the people I use to raid with have long since retired. If anything, I just like the solo life. Go do what I want on my own time. I dont even instance run regular heroics unless a quest requires it. I do blame that on poor design by Blizzard making even dungeons optional. You can get to 120, craft or buy a bunch of 340+ gear and go right into 370+ world quests and warfronts.

Can you give me maybe, in like a sentence or even a bullet, 5 things you think need to be fixed?

Srirachagirl is doing Blizzard’s job :rofl: for them :rofl:

Honestly this will be a big thread 'cause everyone has several different issues and gripes with the expansion.

Saying you thought it would be worse is just a reminder that people should go in themselves if they are interested without really taking what others say too seriously.

Don’t we have enough threads detailing issues with BFA :confused:

i don’t hate the expansion either although i would agree it’s not perfect, i think it’s kind of like legion but not as good

Flying is being used far too much as a carrot, except the carrot is ramrodding timesinks and grinds down our throats.

Mythics are trash. I mean that literally, the bosses don’t even matter. It’s all about trash and that sucks.

Ythisens maybe shouldn’t have been fired right before Blizzard told us they were ‘serious about improving communication’

Moderation is 100% broken - like flat out not working does the opposite of what it should.

… but I guess I’d say that ultimately the worst thing I feel right now about wow - is that if I log in, I’m just grinding pointlessly. I want to have fun. I want that experience - and I just don’t find it in wow right now. It’s not easy to describe why the fun went away in simple clear terms though.


For me personally, you have to have a part time job on the side of raiding just to compete (exclude classic and BC attunements, resist gear, rep grinding). Back then, if you had a fresh character, maybe your guild carried you and you got fed gear, enchant it, gem it, done. Now there’s so many different avenues to be able to compete it has gotten ridiculous.

  1. Unclear BiS list - Titanforging throws everything out the window. Also really no point to push the cutting edge content if you can just do heroic and with a bit of luck, still get mythic level gear. This ties into 5 as well.
  2. Things like AP in legion and neck level - fresh alt that gets 5 rings on their azerite piece? gg
  3. Flasks and pots are still ridiculously overpriced. This isn’t a problem for me, because I still play the game and make money, but there are people who just log on to raid and that’s it.
  4. This can go both ways - mythic has progressively been getting harder, and harder, and harder in terms of complexity because people have been dealing with the same mechanics for over a decade. Perfect example of this is KJ. If you do not play that masochist of a fight absolutely perfectly - wipe.
  5. I like mythic +, and it’s not necessarily a requirement to get into raiding so don’t mistake me, but you’re just handicapping yourself with chances at loot if you don’t do them.

Not saying all of these are a bad thing, but it just feels like you can’t log in anymore to raid - some people don’t have a lot of time to play this game (not saying they deserve a mythic Jaina kill), but with so much that goes into it, most people prob shrug it off or do lower levels of difficulty where the requirements aren’t as high.