I love BFA so far and maybe I am missing something on the criticisms - did you feel the same way and when did the excitement break for you?

If you were capable of reading maybe you would have understood I said the Kultiran’s size is higher than Night Elves which is about 8 to 9 feet and the Tauren which is about 10 feet.

Maybe I underestimated how tall an actual Vrykul is and depending on which ones as the one in Boralus is pretty small compared to the absolute giants in Warrior orderhall.
Buut. My point stands.

I swear, the only people I’ve seen actually give a damn about Kul’Tiran’s height are people obsessed with Draenei and Elves.

Prove me wrong. Because honestly, your point is something no one cares about.

Because we are comparing humans to giant freakish fantasy races.
Humans are not normally 10 feet tall.

What is wrong with you?

Guess I was right :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Well… yeah. What else are we suppose to compare them to? Wagons? Other humans?

Alright. Kultirans are about 3 or 4 heads taller than normal humans in wow.

I have a better comment.

Who cares.

I have a better argument.

I do.
Why does one side get subpar content compared to the other one?
Is this a calculated move to just remove the dual factions?

And as people have already pointed out numerous times previous, there are justifiable lore reasons for their height.

You simply don’t like them. They have Vrykul blood for crying out loud? Anyone who is big into fantasy can simply accept that and move on, but for some reason you can’t. It upsets you a race is tall as an elf.

Let it go.

There are head canons about it.
Not a single official line of text confirming it.

Otherwise why isn’t Jaina 10 feet tall? She should have been 3 or 4 heads taller than Arthas.

Again, going back to what I said before. This is such a silly thing to get worked up over.

Go play your fantasy game and stop thinking a fantasy world needs to be as consistent as Algebra.

TBH it was revealed in the book published by one of the Vanilla developers that the two-faction idea was introduced and shoehorned into the game very late in development. Which says a lot.

I, for one, wish they hadn’t done it. And with every passing expansion I’ve seen more and more reason for the factions to dissolve, and less and less reason to keep buying into the “story” that keeps forcing everyone to do utterly illogical and/or even-emotionally-inconsistent things in the name of some sort of nebulous concept like “Honor”

I care because these freaks of nature are going to be running around everywhere for literally no reason.
We already have VEs and LFDs running around in Stormwind with seemingly zero problem.

This game is making less and less sense with every update. And each update includes more and more subpar content on the blue side.

I play the game how I want.
The thread asks what my problems are and I answer.
I don’t care about azerite. I dont care about RNG. I dont care about mythic raiding but I care about playing a game that has a consistent world building and makes sense.

Well BFA is making less sense by the minute.
This is the worst the game story has been since Knaak gave us Medan. Yeah I frigging went there.

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imma faint

I’m sorry, I really am. Imagine caring over another race because they exist. What about those of us who are excited to play one?

Hate to break it to you, but the game has always made zero sense the second the lore team decided to retcon a Demon race to join the Alliance.

My advice is stop worrying about these things, and maybe you will have more fun.

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Lol he was so bad they completely retconned him in BFA.
Pretty much like spiderman in infinity war he desolved into nothing.

What a dumb post.

Wait hold up they did? Was it in-game or just with the snarky/side comments and tweets? I totally missed that.

I remember some social media stuff where everybody was “pretending” that Me’dan never happened

No he just ceased to exist. Otherwise he should have been your boss in the mage orderhall.

Havent logged in to wow in almost a month sub should run out soon, fist time taking a break since Mop (i had to work away for 6months).

The game offers no enjoyment for me, even the new raid which is pretty decent, i raided the first 3 weeks of and thought to myself why play a game when all i do is raid log for 6 hours a week. hopefully next expansion is something amazing.

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Oh look a Blizzard plant.

The rep grinds are what are absolutely killing it for me.

I don’t want to do them. They aren’t engaging. They aren’t fun in anyway. Any enjoyability I might have gotten out of WQ’s has been lost due to the fact they’re practically mandatory to advance anything meaningful. I would much rather explore the open world in any pre-BfA zone (barring very occasionally Legion zones) simply because I don’t have NPC’s telling me what to do at every turn, and the exploration of the world is entirely optional.