I love BFA so far and maybe I am missing something on the criticisms - did you feel the same way and when did the excitement break for you?

Huh, I cant stand dailies and greatly prefer WQ. I really dislike going to an area to pick up the quest then go to the objective, do it, then return to turn in the quest. Rather cut all that out and just go strait to the objective and finish it then and there instead of having to travel from A to B back to A when I can go strait to B then move on to another B. Hell its easier for me to pick out what Quest i want rather than going to a hub to see what would be worth my time.

4 dailies vs 4 WQ take the same amount of travel time to do. but the feeling of having to back track is what bothers me.

Well, aside from the fact that you canā€™t always choose those same quests, the daily hubs were just thatā€“hubs, that usually collected quests together. It felt more streamlined and efficient than running all over foolā€™s creation on the awkwardly-designed ā€œterrain challenge.ā€ Maybe it wasnā€™t, ultimately, but it felt that way. There was a finite endā€“do dailies on char 1, move on to char 2 if I wanted. Etc.


It could be both things, you know. They could combine the better features of world quests with the better features/functionality of dailies/hubs. But thatā€™s not whatā€™s intended. They have actively made decisions and design choices that slow down dailies, slow down world content, and slow down progression as a whole. Thatā€™s fine if you like that. I donā€™t.


Remind me of the better features/functionality of daily/hubs. I did not like dailies for many years so I am unsure of what the benefits of them would be. are you thinking of something along the lines of more incursions?

It doesnā€™t feel like an MMORPG. It feels like an artificial lobby game. Old WoW felt like a living breathing world where each content release didnā€™t feel like its own game that made previous content completely irrelevant. Iā€™m also big on community, and the way this game is kind of goes against fostering community.


But thereā€™s a finite end with WQ as wellā€¦ you do 4 and you can end. Is Blizzard responsible for someoneā€™s lack of self control? They give you the option to do more but itā€™s very clear how inefficient it is so itā€™s for those that want to play more to get more rep. However, anyone can easily just pop 4, move on to the next char if they wanted. Iā€™m not sure why youā€™re criticizing Blizz for allowing options in play style?

No real problems here, although I have gotten literally the same (Ritual Feather of Unng Ak) trinket from the last 3 Tortollan emissaries, which isā€¦peculiar.

In comparison to Vanilla private servers, retail has showed me that the current game provides

  • almost zero emotional investment in character progression from 1-120. this is because: useless professions, butchered loot system, character boosts, 10 items all with the same name but different iLvl, RNG on RNG, no more friends to play with, and no way to make friends in the world.
  • a story which merely retells the past and calls it ā€œfateā€ or ā€œhistory repeating itselfā€ over and over, and fails to live up to the expectations of its fans who cherish the Warcraft mythos dearly and wish for it to succeed as a fantasy. There are regular @$$pulls when there is already plenty in the lore to derive good stories from.
  • combat which requires no preparation and is actually more boring and less nuanced than Vanilla.

Compared to Classic, where your emotional investment in your character is established the moment you hit level 10 and get your first talent, if not before that, when you train your first skills, or journey all the way to a far off city to learn a specific weapon specialization. The feats you accomplish in building your character from zero to hero are what make you want to log in again. And this is replicableā€¦ itā€™s not just nostalgia.

The 1-60 experience should have never been touched, with the majority of simplifications being applied to expansion content, not the core game experience. The complexity of Vanilla WoW dwarfs the current game, because everything had a place, where as now, we are a bloated, candy crush / CoD frankenstein version of WoW with a lot of dead branches from the old game that have yet to be pruned, thus serving as a depressing reminder of the great systems which once made this game great.


I am sorry my dude. That feeling will never return no matter how much we long it to be. Myself included.

My emotional investment is now long I have been playing the game with a particular toon. I despise how warriors play now but I still level her because of how long I have been playing the game.

Exactly this. There is only one thing that matters in this game, and that is the current raid tier. Everything else is a slave to that. Even profession mats come from raids. What ilevel do world quests reward? It depends on whatever is required to do the current raid tier. When players complained about the gank-the-horde quest rewarding 400 ilevel, they agreed that it was too much in the context of the current raidā€™s youth. They lowered it to 385 along with a statement that theyā€™ll probably raise it back to 400 once enough players have cleared the current raid. Any new dungeons coming? No. Instead they tune existing dungeons to match the item level of the current raid. Raiding used to be something that the hardest of the hardcore did once they had exhausted everything else there was to do in the game. Now, all there is to do in the game is raid the latest tier. Raiding the previous tier isnā€™t even worthwhile now.

Iā€™ve played Classic recently, and I can confirm that once my toon is level 10ish, thereā€™s no way Iā€™m deleting that guy. I am locked in and attached. Compare that to retail where Iā€™ve literally deleted boosted toons because itā€™s not fun playing a character you havenā€™t earned anything on. Iā€™m telling you, it is replicable. Maybe not for some people, but for me and many others we play Classic itā€™s like ā€œOh, this is what WoW should be.ā€

Emotional investment in a character comes from playing on it, meeting new people and achieving thingsā€¦ As of right now, the only shred of achievement I feel is when I get a new transmog, and transmogs are saved even if you delete the toon. Blizzard wants you to delete your toon and start over with an Allied Race. There is no pressure to meet people and establish a good reputation on the server.

I supose its just harder for me to understand because I played classic right off the heels of competitive WC3. I was there for Story, Art, music, environments. I stayed because of the community and friends I made.

but the flip side I really hated that playing a balance or feral druid or other classes and specs was looked down upon. you had to fit into a particular mold play style or else no one would invite you (druid, priests, paladins only heal and nothing else, only tank worth while was a warrior. dps was laughable in survival or BM for hunters) in order to raid you absolutely needed to have a cookie cutter spcific build or you wouldnā€™t have been invited even if you had a really awesome spell to spec intoā€¦ I donā€™t miss any of that.

I may be fortunate but I have a great group of friends that I raid and do M+ with so my sense of community is still with me in todayā€™s game.

It actually isnā€™t I was making a reference to the total and complete lack of Void Elves having any lore whatsoever as an Allied race before Alleria took us on that little Recruitment quest.

Why? Because you and I were stuck doing reputation grind for Argus Broken which are completely unrelated to the Void Elves.

My or your prefences on tentacle blue berry elves is not even a factor.

Oh and lmao on defending the Kultiran model with its 3 customization options and its stretched armor textures.
Kultirans are by far the most visually limited races in WoW.
Even from a story point of view they are an atrocity. HOW ARE THEY SO TALL?!
These humans are bigger than Trolls, Night Elves and even Tauren.
TAUREN! Tauren are 10 feet tall. TEN!

Kultirans are the same size as full blooded Vrykul.


Now I know you are delusional.

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Posting on a recently boosted character who hasnā€™t reached max yet? Just keep going and then youā€™ll understand why so many are frustrated with the state of the game.

You answered your question.

I supose its just harder for me to understand because I played classic right off the heels of competitive WC3. I was there for Story, Art, music, environments. I stayed because of the community and friends I made.

I recognize weā€™re all different and approach the game differently, so I merely speak for myself and whoever else sees classic as a kind of timeless thing that was perfect in its own way. It was a game that didnā€™t cater to the player, but rather forced players to work together to overcome it, and you actually made real friends. After doing Wailing Caverns for 4 hours, the tank asked me if I wanted to go fishing for deviate delight and raise my fishing skill. I obliged and we would do dungeons all the way to level 40 before I fell off due to work reasons.

One minor thing that I totally forgot about before replaying Classic was how low levels depend so heavily on buff-sharing to get through the early questing. You were almost required to trade buffs and when you died, it was extra punishing since you lost your prayer of fortitude, arcane intellect, or mark of the wild. Having buffs to give meant you could ask for other peoplesā€™ buffs in return. And it was beneficial to help that priest that was getting ganged up on by 3 spiders because he could give you an extra 10% HP if he liked you, plus you could possibly have your pocket healer for Shadowfang Keep.

but the flip side I really hated that playing a balance or feral druid or other classes and specs was looked down upon. you had to fit into a particular mold or else no one would invite you. in order to raid you absolutely needed to have a cookie cutter spcific build or you wouldnā€™t have been invited even if you had a really awesome spell to spec intoā€¦ I donā€™t miss any of that.

Many specs had some major flaws, such as Balance and Elemental being complete mana hogs on non meta in almost every form. Even still, they had their niche. Clear-casting balance druid with Insect Swarm played really well with warlock, and ele shamans went OOM for sure, but had some crazy upfront burst. They were one-tricks for sure.

The good thing about the vanilla classes, however, was that even if you were one particular spec, you were you class first, and spec second. And retained much of the class flavor no matter which spec you chose.

Except Kul Tirans are not Vrykul.

Theyā€™re half-vrykul. The Drust integrated themselves into Human society.

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the playable kul tirans are half-vrykul. they use the same skeleton as Rexxar who is a half-ogre. If we get ogres and vrykul proper, Iā€™ll reignite the sub

Skeleton* Two VERY different things. Just telling you this to avoid future confusion.

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All humans descended from Vrykul.
There is no special reason why the Drust descendents are so different.

In fact the Drust size excuse is purely headcanon.