I love BFA so far and maybe I am missing something on the criticisms - did you feel the same way and when did the excitement break for you?

Because I have not liked them all equally and I always believe there are reasons to improve. I can be convinced of many faults in the game while still having fun. I seek out others criticism because I know I am not as critical as others

BFA is garbage, thatā€™s why people hate it, its common sense, bad game get bad rep.


Kulle story bro

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For me, Class design is really where I am starting to be bothered by the game. Only real reason I stick around is because my guild is alive and active. I we had several alt aholics that would be willing to play all classes and multiple roles. Now its the general feeling that our main is the only class we are even willing to touch.

Enviornment means every little if the classes people play are just not fun.
Rewards will not mean as much when classes are just not as enjoyable.

Class design really does need to be addressed. It becomes a challenge to care about other aspects of the game when the character itself is just not as fun to play as it was years ago. but i suppose its the flow of things because this is how I felt over the years.

Classic - Druid healing was awesome for me.
BC - Druid healing was ok but warrior tanking was great!
Wrath through MOP - Arms warrior was my main.
WoD - Didnt really like any classes to much this xpac.
Legion - Monk was my heaven and earth.
BfA - Monk is still the number 1 simply because it has not changed that much from legion but loosing Artifact weapon traits really really hurt. 40 extra energy? you feel it in the rotation. Emperors compactor? such a fun legendary to use for an ability that is now useless. Strike of the wind lord vs Fists of the white tiger. same ability but one hits like a truckā€¦ the other like a wet noodle. all for the loss of a talent.

This is mainly why BfA is just going to feel like a filler expansion for me.

Itā€™s not bad, IMO - I like it better than Legion and I liked WoD and all previous expansions better than both Legion/BfA - Mainly b/c original systems were still in place; No Azerite/Artifact stuff

So letā€™s talk about class design - to anybody: pick one class you know best and explain 3-5 discrete things you would change to ā€œfix itā€

The thesis of if an employer does not respect the time of their employees they tend to have higher rates of turnover seems to work for MMOs as well.

Thatā€™s because you have not yet obtained a piece of loot thatā€™s five item levels lower than it should be and wonā€™t be at full power for a couple more weeks yet. You have not yet realized that 80% of the azerite powers suck and that your odds of hitting one of the good traits for all four rings at once are about 0.32%.

That is any MMO, but not to the level of BFA. The first week of World Questing for loot is fun. By the second week, youā€™ve hit around 385 ilevel, and then there are no more loot drops. Instead, youā€™re World Questing for rep. By the fourth week you come to the realization that this is all there is for you, unless you want to progress through four levels of raid difficulty for gear that isnā€™t even as good as what you already have. By the sixth week youā€™ve maxed all of your reps with the exception of the Tortollan Seekers, and you vow that no turtle will ever make it to the water again once your rep grind is done. Youā€™re only in it for the cooking recipes at this point. Thatā€™s when you realize what a waste ā€œthe opening compaign, Boralus and the whole look, feel and sound of itā€ was.


This quote should be on the landing page advertising the game

But seriously, good points and helpful feedback.


This. I really wish I understood the thinking they had, when removing everything that made this game great to play. Every time i log on an alt, I go hey Iā€™d love to - -oh, they removed it.

The only real criticism of BfA is that itā€™s not as good as Legion. The majority of the common criticism is just BS or people simply being burnt out.

  • Scaling is not a real issue. I just leveled a Mage to 120 on Saturday and heā€™s ilvl 340 today and doing just fine.
  • Story is personal preference. Personally Iā€™m really enjoying the story even if I wish certain outcomes were different.
  • Azerite system is pretty bleh but it ultimately doesnā€™t take away from the gameā€¦ just doesnā€™t add to the game especially when compared to our Artifact weapon system from Legion
  • Time gating has always existed. Maybe not as obvious or blatant as now but it has always been a big part of the game.
  • Lack of flying is personal preference. Iā€™m not bothered by it.
  • New features are bleh is a personal preference but also doesnā€™t take away from the game. Not liking IE doesnā€™t make the game any worse, it just doesnā€™t make the game any better.
  • RNG has always existed. I find it ridiculous that so many people complain about RNG and how it effects your gear and BiS when so very few are actually in a position to care about whether or not they have BiS. We have more opportunities at gear upgrades than weā€™ve ever had and people forget that waiting months for an upgrade was the standard.
  • GCD might be a real criticism but Iā€™m personally not really noticing the changes all that much. Iā€™m assuming itā€™s the people that rely on macroing all their buffs to a single button hate it but I never did that.
  • Nothing to do just means youā€™re burnt out on WoW. BfA has everything every other expansion had and then some. Thereā€™s still instances, thereā€™s still raids and thereā€™s still PvP. If you donā€™t enjoy doing any of those or donā€™t enjoy the open world content then youā€™ve simply burned out on WoW.
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Ill start with monk. And this is from a PVE perspective as I do not PVP so things like FOF stun is not necessary for me. it would be awesome to have but not necessary.

  • The return of some of our legendary items in Legion to be azerite traits.
  • The return of class buffs across the spectrum not just some classes
  • For monks I want power strikes back as a talent instead of Fists of the white tiger. While Strike of the Windlord to be in place of spiritual focus.
  • Combo breaker should have remained in place of hit combo.
  • Good Karma needs to be move to where inner strength is and something new for better utility for monks to use in M+ and raids that makes them closer to DH and rogues.
  • Touch of death should have gone back to the Execute style play and beef up our single target to compensate the burst.

This is just a few things :smiley:

While I think your bullet points were well-stated and valid opinions, they are just thatā€“opinions. Stating that any criticism you donā€™t agree with isnā€™t valid doesnā€™t make that statement true, and dismissing criticism as ā€œjust bsā€ or ā€œpeople being burnt outā€ takes away from your argument.

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Everything in gaming boils down to personal preference. The problem is when your personal preference changes despite that specific feature always existing (such as time gating or RNG). Then Iā€™d argue that itā€™s more the player than the game. The player is just done with playing the same game over and over rather than the game being any better or worse than it was previously.

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Well, better or worse being subjective, of courseā€¦

When people complain about the state of classes/abilities/etc., they are complaining about something that has changed, despite always existing. That has nothing to do with it being ā€œthe same game over and over.ā€

I could go through most of your bullet points and repeat that, but you get the idea. :smiley:

Sure, class changes specifically is a huge departure.

However, looking at timegating. Tell me what the difference is between waiting a week to get the next installment of a story vs. doing 5 dailies per day for a total of 750 reputation requiring that you reach the next level of reputation (which may take anywhere from 1-2 weeks if you did the dailies every single day) before you get the next installment of a story? Either way, your gated on time.

I agree with you, I donā€™t have any problem with BFA and am having fun so far. Same was true with Legion for me.

People will find fault in things, but to each their own.

Uuug, these comments make my eye twitch.

  1. I prefer Void elves over other Allied races, opinions mate.

  2. Is everyone going to ignore the fact that Kulā€™Tiranā€™s were created from the ground up? Zandalari are reskins. Itā€™s objectively proven Blizzard has put more time and effort into Alliance Allied races at this point.

Okay, so in that example, one way youā€™re suggesting they just unlock the quests automatically after a week or two, versus the other way you have to do content to unlock them in the same timeframe? Iā€™m not sure what your point is.

Comparing dailies with world quests (which is what I did above) is a better example of two things that basically achieve the same ā€œgoalā€ but through different paths, and one is likely far longer, with the ā€˜disguiseā€™ of being random/fresh. But at the end of the day, to get exalted with Champions of Azeroth, I always chose the same quests that were available because 1) they were limited and 2) I knew which ones were faster, despite having travel times that were obnoxious, etc. Killing one mob is way faster, even with respawn, than chasing down the azerite bar solo. Etc.

I donā€™t like world quests. I preferred dailies. Thatā€™s not burn-out or ā€œitā€™s the same thing,ā€ itā€™s literally two different styles of play that have real-time differences.

But again, unsure what your point was with that example.

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The purpose was for people complaining about time gating, not a direct reply to your previous post (which I havenā€™t actually read if it was further up in the topic).

But regardless, whatā€™s the difference between having an option of 6 quests and always choosing the same 4 quests vs. Being forced to do the same 4 quests every day?