I lost 350+ honor levels with TWW release

Is that a known commonality Çharming? Or just a guess?

That would be pretty hardcore of Blizz if so. I don’t see 'em addressing it that way.

Edit: A random, hard to nail down bug seems far more likely.

Yeah honestly not sure Lorethon, I’ve never even done premades for random bgs so its probably just a result of warbands and some bug they can’t figure out

Have you put in a ticket and stayed on it through responses until u get a solid answer?

Haven’t received a substantial response yet but will update once I have and keep pushing the issue through tickets. I saw on another thread a CS rep commented and said that its a bug that they’re aware of, but they don’t know if/when it will be fixed and aren’t sure if they will be able to restore the honor levels - which is an absolute joke.

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Yah I saw that one as well. You probably have the achievements (I have not looked), so that would a strong case even if they cannot verify things through logs or however they go about it. Do stay on it and let us know.

had this problem since TWW prepatch and the tickets I’ve got were all ai prompts

All the big companies use templates for customer support. Those can look like AI responces. Keep responding until you get a solid answer as to what is happening and what can be done. Then do let us know.


Blizzard did not remove Honor Levels due to playing in premade groups.

It’s a bug - and it’s being worked on.

Yep I agree. Was curious if Charming had any evidence for the post.

Here’s the twist… and people won’t be happy about it.

While they are working on a fix - there’s no certainty that Honor levels will be added back.

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Well, they have the achieves and I’m a glass half full type. Hope it gets fixed quickly.

i put in several tickets, most were bot responses till eventually i got the “its a known bug and we cant do anything about it” thats all i know im still down my 350 honor levels


I keep wondering if there is a similarity between the people that are losing there honor levels because everyone I know hasn’t lost any at all.

There was a weird bug I’d see in a Customer Support post now and then where someone would delete a low level character and the character at the top of their list (usually the main) would be the one deleted. That bug appeared randomly, rarely, but enough to affect a few, and was probably difficult to ID and fix. That would be a hard one to get hit with, as no character restore and the GMs were not always able to manually restore, so gotta wait until the whole restore deleted toons gets re-enabled. Whenever that happens. My guess is this one is just as bad/difficult to hunt down and fix.

At least with this bug, you still have achieves, so hopeful for fix, and can play the toon. Though it does suck.

Anyway, I do hope y’all get he Honor Levels back.

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I got a ticket back saying the wow team is working on it fingers crossed hooe thats true

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Guys how many times do I gotta tell you.

You got your HL from running premades around the clock and got rolled back.

I’m a solo casual player and don’t run premades. I just sit in my chair at the end of the day to play a few random games. Somehow, I lost around 500 honor levels. Please stop spreading misinformation.

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im still down 600 honor levels myself

This is all very good.

Maybe it’ll teach you about premades.

Another day of not having my honor levels i did get this reply from a ticket tho…" *I have searched and found out that there is a bug that is causing the issue and this is not just happening to you and other players have the same issue. We truly apologize for that. I would like to assure you that we have already escalated this issue to our Game Devs to solve it. We kindly ask you to bug report so it may reach the dev" SO EVERYONE SPAM THE IN GAME BUG REPORT TOOL TY