I lost 350+ honor levels with TWW release

Hi, i went from 700+ honor level to 352 with the launch of the war within. i was so excited for the new expac, but seeing literally years of progress gone is so heartbreaking. please blizzard fix this. if this happened to you, please speak up about it.


Bigherosixx. Please make a ticket under the appropriate category. If you a question which category is best, make a post in Customer Support and ask there. They should have someone there with the best category and even a link, though you can create tickets in game as well.

Do this sooner rather than later (as in now), so the data on Blizz’ end is fresh (ie when they review their logs and all that, etc).

Sounds like a bug, not the first we’ve seen re: lost honor levels recently. Good luck.

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appreciate the response, i did open a ticket. in my experience i always just get bot responses from blizzard. hopefully they will come through this time. i dont have my hopes up. also i do still have my achievements showing i got to 500 honor level(the last honor acheive) if that adds any credibility.


Those are templates. All the big companies use 'em.

In times of high traffic, like at a launch they send those out like candy. Category can be important, too.

Anyway, keep reopening the ticket until you get it to the right person.

If it gets closed reopen a new one referencing the first.

If this is a known bug with no solution yet, you will have to be patient until devs solve it, but don’t give up.

Keep pinging about it (but not too much, ya know). You have the achieve, just get the process started, which you said you did.

Also, keep the tone calm and just on the facts. Rants and emotions and off topics walls of text don’t help at all.

I’d bet gold this is a bug. It is known. And it will get fixed.

Edit: was healing a dungeon so hope that makes sense.


iirc Nomadic had this happen to him as well, afaik blizzard didn’t do :poop:


at least you didn’t lose 600 like me im hoping it gets fixed but i doubt it will… check your reps as well i lost 3 fully maxed reps as well

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really dumb


Welcome to the club, lol :chart_with_downwards_trend:

You might try posting in this thread since it’s in the bugs forum:

Something similar happened to me end of July. While it’s annoying, at least I already got all the goodies and achievements associated with the honor stuff - but STILL, it’s the principle of the thing, like you say (losing years of progress for no reason)

Since we’re on the topic of losing progress, my bugged reputations are still (incorrectly) Neutral after prepatch… and those sting in particular since I never got the goodies/mounts associated with Exalted - I figured I’m “done” once I reached exalted so I can just chill and buy said mounts whenever, doh! :weary:

Honestly the prepatch-caused bugs/glitches have been a real buzzkill, I really feel like all the broken/bugged/glitched stuff has noticably reduced my enthusiasm for the expansion


This is what you get from gaining them in premades.


From what I understand this is a visual bug and you didn’t actually lose levels. Hopefully they fix it soon.

It’s hard to tell, i’ve read reports from people who went into BGs and checked the scoreboard… it listed them under the new/lower number on the list.

For example if player A was previously 300 and they’re suddenly like 50 due to the bug the BG scoreboard is showing as follows:

Before prepatch:

After prepatch:

If it was just a visual bug, it would list them further up the list of players on the BG scoreboard

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Lmaooo rolled back characters. Feels bad.

But at the same time it feels so good cause all those were gained in premades.


maybe they are in your other pants? always check pockets before laundry day.

Losing Honor Levels is no joke - I can appreciate that.

I’m Honor Level 2,201 - and while you’ll never be one of the 21 ranked players in the ENTIRE world in Honor Level (like I am) - losing ANY number can really ruin your week. I’d contact @BlizzardCS on Twitter.

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Is this a bit


It’s called stating facts - and trying to assist a player in need.

You have a problem?

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How does afking bgs in prowl help them though


If you read my response - I included a place where he can get help within minutes. The people on Twitter are friendly, and helpful. It’s much better than waiting 9 hours for a ticket.

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Since 07/27/2024, My honor was 304 and dropped to 66, while I was playing bg until now there is no fix for this bug, it is quite discouraging, I have already opened a topic, sent a ticket and they still haven’t fixed the bug.

you saw it too huh lol.

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