I lost 350+ honor levels with TWW release

I believe the words exactly as I say them, otherwise I wouldn’t be saying them. Not sure why you’d think to interpret what I have said negative, I never thought “low” of you. I just simply stated that time played and honor level are the same thing.

Only reason I shared my opinion in the first place was because you felt the need to share something that was irrelevant to the post. I wouldn’t have even known about your honor level, or felt the desire to comment otherwise.

I told the people who are having an issue where to go.

They will get no response here.

I also added that some people aren’t having the issue.

It’s not my problem that some of you get triggered by me being ranked 21st in the ENTIRE world. If anything, if you read this thread - I am the only person who offered assistance.

Now, Blizzard is aware of the issue.

If you wanted to play a game where time played is literally the only thing that matters and decides who wins you can just play classic wow lul.

Quinn the YouTuber should be told that tbh. His problem was he couldn’t just farm gear and then 2 or 3v1 because of gear.

Who are you to tell me what to play, and when to play?

You have an issue with me - find me in game… and get beat.

I’m still waiting for one of you to ‘‘delete me’’ from the game.

Dude watches Quinn videos - and Quinn is the one who is wasting his time. LOL.

Not a single person is “triggered” by you being ranked 21st in time played bud lol the delusion is wild.

What? You won’t even duel people. I don’t think talking big is the smartest thing to do with you hide in the backlines of bgs lol

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You act like there’s somebody on here worth dueling. Smexxin is worth dueling. Baj is worth dueling (I did.) Swifty in his prime was worth dueling (I did.) Vanguards is worth dueling.

Who do you want me to duel? Charming? The guy will probably accept a BG queue when he’s about to lose. He offers me nothing. None of you do. Fatfreddy hasn’t even be on in 6 months.

Now, IF anyone is missing Honor Levels - BlizzardCS (Twitter.)

But they are aware of the issue. Now, I’m going to go enjoy TWW.

If you are so good, why not duel people? If you are as good as you claim you should be happy to duel people and prove how good you are. But you are just hiding behind excuses. Are you just Hirav on an alt account? You two love excuses.

Ya you always run off when called out I have noticed. All bark no bite.


That’s like asking Jimi Hendrix (when he was living)…

If you’re so great - why don’t you duel mediocre guitar players?

You sure have an ego. Too bad you can’t back it up. Also comparing your playing a game to Jimi Hendrix is pure delusion. Seek help dude.


You’re right - Jimi Hendrix could never do what I do.


Sit and play game? Sure, he could, anyone could. You have this insane delusion that having a high honor level means you are good at the game. It doesn’t. It takes no skill at all to get that. All you have to do is play the game a lot.

Jimi and I were actually good friends back in the day… we both backed up Little Richard. I retired from music a few years later… I went on to bigger and better things… Honor Level 2,204.

Jimi had an okay career, I guess, I’m not really all that impressed.

But yeah - I’m going back to TWW.

Trolling is kind of childish and sad man. Hope you grow up some day.

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A good friend of mine once said that growing up leads to growing old… and then to dying - and dying, to me, don’t sound like all that much fun. He’s a great, and a very wise man.

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Same happened to me, lost lots of honor level +300, no solution from service support.

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Just giving this a friendly bump, hope to hear something soon! Sorry to hear that this is happening to more people.

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Any news on this? I was 780 last night, level 6 when I logged in this morning.


BlizZard has cut people’s honor levels before but I think this is a bug time time around.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Has anyone put in the tickets far enough to get a solid responsce re: this? I’d be curious to hear what the GMs are relaying. There seem to be enough of these that they have to be aware. But maybe the problem is not so easy to id/fix/solve?

People who gained them in premades.