I lost 350+ honor levels with TWW release

Are you that guy who said I was afk in Ashran - where I finished with 249 million damage, and dropped the boss for the win - while the rest of you were ‘‘falling back’’? Dude kept mentioning my Honor Level, too.

Falling back in pre patch Ashran makes no sense - when a great player can solo the boss.

He then said ‘‘I reported you,’’ which lead to nothing… because I’m just good.

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I mean it’s usually all he does in every battleground so kind of hard to not notice.



249 million damage in Ashran - where I won the game by killing the boss.

Followed up by…

175 million damage in WG - with 9 kills (8 on healers) and 0 deaths.

You guys really feel the need to hijack every thread I’m involved in, because you’re jealous of my Honor Level? This person has a serious issue. It’s not about me. Contact @BlizzardCS on Twitter.

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Why would anybody be jealous of having played a million hours without achieving anything

Huh. I wonder how that’d even happen. Don’t think I’ve known anybody affected.


Some people with high HL have achieved things.

I am at 40.1k achieves not quite to you at 46k but getting there. Some of these are just a pita and i cant find anyone to do them with.

I don’t put much emphasis on honor level its naturally gained through doing bgs (which i find really fun) outside queing into premades ofc.

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You ever notice that whenever these people run into somebody with a high Honor Level - they always go to the exact same argument/accusation by claiming they ‘‘afk.’’ :rofl:

After I solod the Ashran boss - the following game - they expected me to carry WG.

I did.

Nobody ever ‘‘sees’’ those games. It’s weird.

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Oh, I doubt that. :dracthyr_heart:

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A little stat - In 2,201 Honor Levels - I’ve been kicked afk a total of 5 times.

It’s impossible to gain 2,201 Honor Levels by afking.

Nobody can do it… nobody.

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yeah but in one boss fight?


So, that was you?

You never did say ‘‘thanks.’’

You complain about me being afk - while mentioning my Honor Level SIX times in the BG - only tells me and everyone that you’re jealous. If it wasn’t for me - you guys would have caused us the game by falling back. You don’t need to fall back when I’m there… and then you ‘‘reported’’ me for leading the game in damage done… LOL

Reported me for what? For not actually being afk?

You guys make no sense… at all.

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the one time i saw you in a game, you afked.


I afk out every single time you see me - because you run in premade groups.

I drop from ALL premade groups.

This person claims that I afk in stealth… which is not true. I finished that game with 249 million damage done, and dropped the boss with 35 resources left. The person then whispers me ‘‘I reported you.’’ They reported me for… not actually being afk. Say… what?

It’s gotten to the point now - where I’m getting harassed in game due to my Honor Level. I don’t mind being harassed on the forums - but leave me be in game.

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i ran into you once, and i thought “wow, i finally get to see how good this guy really is”

what a disappointment.


i honestly thought it was strange someone like you would afk in the base but more strange you did that much damage in one boss fight.

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First of all - you targeted me by asking people to vote kick me - because of who I am, and my Honor Level, which you mentioned several times. That’s harassment.

You made false claims in game and on these forums saying I had 0 damage done - which is obviously a scoreboard error on your part. Try reloading.

Then instead of correcting your false claims on these forums by saying… he actually finished top damage done, and won the game for us with 35 resources left - you mislead people into thinking I afk in stealth. I lead that game in damage done, and killed that boss on a FERAL Druid. Nobody can lead a game in damage done on a Feral Druid (other than me.) I was in stealth because I was making my way to the boss.

Then you whisper me… saying you reported me? Why did you report me? Because I’m good?

Seriously, you people don’t care about Honor Level… right? Why target me in game? Why lie about me on the forums? Just leave me alone.

I won the game for us… I lead the game in damage done - admit it.

I was not ‘‘afking in stealth.’’

I’m off these forums for good, dude… I’m tired of being harassed. Do me a favor - you see me in game - come find out how good I am. I promise you - I won’t be the one who has to rez.

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it wasn’t a reload error. everyone else’s damage was there from fighting all game. you were afk in the base part of the game then watched in stealth while we pushed up to their mage tower. all that damage was from one boss fight.



The 175 million I did in the following game was an error, too.

All on a Feral Druid.

Some of you are hilarious. You reported me because I did something that couldn’t be done by a normal player… that’s all. Guess what? My account is spotless.

That’s why I’m on the first wave alpha list.

Peeeeeace. I’m outta here.

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not good enough for pre-alpha huh?


hardest/funniest part of this story is doing it on a melee class in ashran.

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He used to do the same thing as a rogue. Would “push up” with the team fight but stay in stealth at just close enough a distance to leech honor kills.

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