I looked at ironforge.pro and noticed the population is already shifting more in Horde's favor

Strawman Fallacy.

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too obvious u are already trying to get it nerfed

me no being able(or taking too long) to find groups is the same as u ‘‘waiting’’ to play the game, in that case play bgs.

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Ahh… a troll, shocker. Lol. Goodbye little buddy.

Nope that comparison is literally a strawman fallacy.

Ahh… a troll, shocker. Lol. Goodbye little buddy.

Hey, if someone calling you out on the illegitimacy of your argument makes them a troll, then I am happy to be one.

thats a strawman fallacy

They’ll institute an exp buff that’ll favor any outnumbered faction if it’s more than a 25% swing to bring it more in line with a more balanced server pop.

I actually used a boost to roll Alliance, lol. Had 6 capped Horde.

Indeed. Cutting off their nose to spite their face.

So you don’t think some are quitting (completely) and some are switching? has to be all or nothing or it’s not true? lol.

Exactly. Some are just quitting.

Look at my avatar. I am the PvP lovers you are talking about. If you rolled ally for the main reason of Qs you messed up because its not a faction perk. Its a Q system, one ally abused for awhile in vanilla classic.

Enjoy seeing our premades during the next test.

I don’t know man. Whitemane shifted heavily in Horde’s favor when TBC launched, but the Alliance population is actually starting to increase. And personally, what my character looks like has always been more important to me in an RPG than doing 50 extra dps or w/e, and that’s why I chose Alliance. I’m sure there are tons of players that think the same way.

I think the damage has been done. Alliance players have spent literally tens of thousands of dollars to transfer. It was a mistake to do HvH without at least trying to assuage Alliance players concerns. But it’s done now, I doubt Blizzard can unring that bell.

Alot of doomcrying is all I’m seeing.

The same doomcryin that’s been happening since the original TBC for 12+ years, yet the alliance still manages to somehow not be dead.

You cannot force people to PvP if they do not want to PvP, and you cannot force people to play a faction they don’t have any interest in playing.

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Wdym the alliance is somehow not dead? The Alliance is a DEAD faction on retail, compare the LFG tool for mythic/arenas between Ally/horde


It’s not dead, just because it’s not the dominant faction doesn’t mean it’s dead. :roll_eyes:

If they have still their boost, that’s one avenue. They can also transfer to Alliance dominated realms, like they’re currently doing, or go PvE. I doubt many people will have to reroll, but I think this will be the nail in the coffin for faction balance.