I know Servers are down every Tuesday But

those of us who aestivate may get a chance. The log-in queues will probably be a lot shorter after midnight Pacific time.

If you’re going to create characters simply to whine, at least be clever enough to change the wording between posts. Just saying.


Not likely mai tence and extended maintence is factored into the subscription now if this last a week or more thats a different story.

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The ONLY time that this occurred, it was because the servers were down for more than a day due to hardware upgrades being done, and the WotLK release.


Everytime we mention that I think we curse the maintenance to extend.


Thank you for telling us. We all knew this would take a while, but it’s nice to know why.
I know the dev team is working their hardest to get things back up. I appreciate all the work that they do.


Knock off this appreciation nonsense; this is the internet. You’re supposed to be bitter and entitled!

Ok kevin we have some kids selling lemonade on the corner want to yell at them :wink:

Man I just hope either they brought in another team of devs or something. It has been a very long day if not and I can’t imagine trying to frantically fix something so late in the day after already working for 10+hrs.

Get some rest, devs!


Servers are up for me!

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How was the conversion?

Games Live now

Unless they add on more seconds later. Then, when it’s finished, it’s finished. Maybe. Now, I am being optimistic.

You never know how many seconds you need until you don’t need any more. Until you do again.

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