I Just Received Warlords Deathwheel

i think horde got that for free and ally had to buy it was it not a promotional?

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Iā€™m aware of that. Iā€™m asking what the OP was doing that they got awarded the mount now, years after the promotion.

I think OP just logged in on the oldest character that probably was flagged to receive the award, after he logged on remix.

I got many achievements on many characters well, I think the warbands script activated that.

I wonā€™t look a gift horse in the mouth.


I got it too randomly on an account that im pretty sure didnt even exist in mop.

It is WoD.
This mount was an achievement for players logged in during a period of time during WoD:

Only for horde players, and Blizzard never revisited this again to make it available to other players.

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You guys need to get the rights back to the Warlords Deathwheel.

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if they recolor it and add a few spikes here and there they can just slap it on the trading post
after all, itā€™s a different bike isnā€™t it?


I mean, itā€™s Horde theme so recoloring kind of kill the point.

itā€™s also a unique model though

How does one put an artifact in game that they donā€™t own the rights to it.

Crazy ainā€™t it

Itā€™s not that they donā€™t have any rights to it per se, but rather legal rules regarding prizes and sweepstakes.

So congrats to OP on the mount.  :slight_smile:

This kind of gives me hope.

Any chance checking on Breaker of the Black Harvest and it bugging out on WoD Pre-patch launch? Still feels really bad that I worked my butt off back in 2014 to get it only for the pre-patch to bug out and lose the FoS and title.

That ā€œperiod of time during WoDā€ was actually the end of MoP. The mount was rewarded after WoD pre-patch to people who logged in at the end of MoP. Wowhead comments say it was anyone who logged in between July 24 and September 30, 2014. WoD pre-patch was October 14 and the actual release of WoD was November 13, 2014.


I have a problem with the concept of it being tied specifically to characters that logged in. What if people deleted old characters that they didnā€™t like? I started with a paladin during Draenor, disliked the class, and after trying a few others eventually switched to warlock by the time Legion started. After the level-squashes, a lot of my characters were really low level and I deleted them because there didnā€™t seem to be a point in keeping them.

Itā€™s not tied to characters, it was granted to your account if you were eligible.

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Iā€™ve been theorizing for a while now if some statute of limitation would expire at the 10 year mark.

People were saying stuff about logging into their oldest characters, so I wasnā€™t sure.

Still tho, I played during Draenor. :frowning: Seems like I would have qualified.

Rough luck?

It isnt a common occurrence. Ive a bugged character that has zero argent tournament progression yet has all the mounts from it from a error during a realm transfer.

Its extremely uncommon to have it both occur and be resolved

Canā€™t wait until whatever legal crap thatā€™s blocking its release expires.