I Just Received Warlords Deathwheel

They can’t really do that, I don’t think. The whole point was a competition and the winning faction got theirs free. It’d be kind of eh if Blizz went back on that and let alliance just have it after all these years of Hordies being unable to get their mount if they missed the event, while alliance could always buy theirs.

I’ve said it before, lowkey feels like Horde got punished for winning.

Horde won by a crazy amount. But alliance players were upset, so the devs put their bike in for gold. :3

It’s been 10 years, I don’t think most of us care anymore who won. I do agree, Horde “won” but really, it was the Alliance who did because we’ve had it available for the past decade.

It was a poorly implemented reward system.


to the players who can get it i hate you :wink: not really but yea. if you get to keep it nice if not enjoy it while it lasted


From what I understand, blizzard wants to add the bike back, but the reason they haven’t is because of some issue with the people who designed the bike. I don’t know more details beyond that though.

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its occ and its legal contract terms
idk why they did not remove both bikes after the contest though

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I think this should be reported, but not sure where…

I don’t care, no. But it would still be kind of crappy if for 10 years hordies were unable to obtain a mount, while alliance got to buy theirs, only for Blizz to make the alliance one free too. There might also be legal reasons they can’t do it, though. I know wording really matters, so they actually might not be allowed to just release it for free without violating something? I could be wrong/misunderstanding something though.

They knew going into it that one faction would win and the other would scream and cry like babies. If alliance won, horde would have been crying about it too. They should know their player base, haha. But yeah the whole thing wasn’t done great.

Honestly what I think would be a good solution would just be to make it so the mount is interchangeable. If you have one, you have the other on alliance side. This would make it possible for hordies to still obtain, while giving alliance a chance to have the deathwheel if they make horde characters.


I played WoD and didn’t get it :confused:

Just checked. Didn’t get it.

I’m telling Mom!!!


Wondering if this has something to do with certain achievements turning into account wide. I’m guessing accounts are catching up to account wide changes; almost daily when I log in I see new warband qualified achievements pop up or random appearances learned. Maybe your account was flagged to have been able to receive it when it was current but for whatever reason you never got it?


I’ve been getting a lot of random achievements since the pre patch.

I got one for exploring all of shadowlands on my mop remix toon yesterday.


How much for the Alliance Chopper?

Horde Chopper was added to the game with patch 6.0.2 and was given for free to players who logged in between July 24 and September 30, 2014.

We looked into this and yes,

The reason was something like a bug or crash that was invoked the instant that the mount was initially supposed to be awarded, and then a fix for that as a result of a recent update.

And there may be other achievements that a very small number of players have been missing, until now.


Wasn’t it supposed to be awarded over a decade ago? I am certain I never participated in the event to get the mount, and I recieved it the other day as well. Weird but cool thanks.

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From what I recall, everyone who was playing at the time was eligible to receive the rewards from the competition. There wasn’t anything that you had to participate in to receive it other than to be playing the game at the time. Maybe you needed an active sub and/or to have purchased WoD? But there wasn’t any in-game event for it.


Yeah, it was anyone who logged in to the game at that time. I assume an active sub was needed as well, but that was all you needed to do.

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No I mean I was homeless at the time, inactive sub since like 2013ish… I ressubbed back in february 2016 i think that time

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This is a weird enough occurrence to be happening out of the blue as it is, so it could just be a fluke but since everyone in the game didn’t suddenly receive it there’s likely something in your account that triggered it.

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I wiah I knew what triggered the title achievement for Iron Vanguard was .

Looked and saw the feat if strength for it but, I have only played WoD first when BFA was out.

Outside of that only through Chromue Time.

Not seeing mount but Im just surprised by the feat as it is.

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What is the criteria for the achievement and how would we know if we were supposed to obtain it? I played during Draenor, but not at the very start. My husband didn’t play during Draenor at all that he can remember (or that he can find transactions for) but then he got the achievement (and mount) with a date marked in 2018.

If the mount was added to the expansion, and I played during the expansion, shouldn’t I be eligible?