I Just Received Warlords Deathwheel

just made a horde character on remix and I got it, hope it stays unlocked.

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Good info then! I like to narrow down the details so we can figure out what’s going on. :slight_smile:

Grats! Is a great mount and all alliance have been pretty jealous since it’s debut as the indisputably better bike.


Interesting information because I also have a horde character on remix. So I wonder if its related to that?

no idea, I just saw the post and made a character to see if it would/was unlocked and it was there in my mount list.

Boo. I just created a horde remix toon and it didn’t give me the death wheel. Sad gnome noises.


Man. I am testing this soon as I get a chance.

so far i did
what op did nothing
gear boost 3 toons nothing
make a new horde remix nothing

Logged in on my remix toon and nothing.

The horde toon that was present during the voting event for the 2 mounts might have gotten the special ‘freebie’ flag for it to show up. You must have forgot of the toon long ago & somehow you logged onto that toon with the ‘freebie’ flag.

I can confirm its not that. I have a character that I played during that time, logging on to them has done nothing.

Very interesting and selective bug.

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My character has been around since Vanilla. I had taken a break during the events window in WoD which is why I didn’t already have it, WoD sucked too much. I didnt even know it was a thing at the time until way too late.

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Unless the horde toon dumped the 105k gold for it, this is a very odd case indeed.

Which zone was your character in when it popped?

OK going to try and answer all the questions:

Definitely not this - I dont play alts and have no alts, much less one I would have played during that time when I was taking a break due to WoD being awful. Ive also logged onto this toon constantly for years after WoD. I even went through all my achieves and nothing during that date range, I have some stuff from not long after and some stuff from before but nothing during that time.

I mean as in a MoP Timerunner event character, I only have the one. The only toon I played in actual MoP was this toon, Wrathlon - a fact that remains true to today, no alts other than bank alts and a Dracthyr alt I rolled for the mog from their starter quest. Im Horde but my toon was ORIGINALLY Alliance, I swapped to Horde when I came back to play with friends in Legion.

100% Sure because in a coincidence I was actually reading up on it and discussing it with guild mates about 2 weeks ago as someone saw someone with one and we were all lamenting it was impossible to achieve due to the competition and laws surrounding it.

My remix toon is Alliance, specifically a space goat female.

Where I logged off at the flight path south of the Ohnara Suffusion Camp.


I have characters from launch until 2011 and characters I made when I came back month before Shadowlands 2020. Even checked my re-mix and made a new re-mix and wasn’t awarded the Warlord Death wheeler. Wonder if you had the Alliance version it auto gave the Horde version? Not sure as I don’t typically waste more then 50k gold on things.

No I dont have the Alliance version either - though you can get it at the vendor still because ironically they were the real winners of the competition.

Indeed, I cannot reproduce

I actually played all of WoD and had no idea it existed during WoD