I just lost my job

Did you learn any oddly specific trade skills growing up? Drafting, Welding , Computer programming, Carpentry, Electrical, or Plumping. I know it sounds dumb but I live in the US in a small town in Georgia and a lot of these trade skill jobs are currently starting to pay more then jobs with fancy degree requirements. I went to a trade school college for 2 years when I got out of high school and got a degree in Drafting and CNC programming while working full time at a minimum wage job at the time. (5.15-7.25 an hour at the time)

It may not sound like much but I am now making 26$ an hour as a Drafter at a Engineering company.(Around 60k a year after bonuses we get) Two of the other Drafters I work with does not have a degree either and are making the same amount. My cousin is making 24$ an hour for a Electrician fresh out of high school and does not have a degree. In the little town that I live in my income is fairly high compared to others in the area.

There are so many people where I live that have huge degrees that put them 100s of thousands of dollars into student loan debts that takes them a decade or more to pay off if they can even find a stable job in their field. The cost of education at colleges is becoming so great it may not even be worth it in certain fields.

filing for bank wont get rid of them student loans GL.

Join the air force or navy ( if you want to actually deploy)

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Make sure that student debt would be covered before doing anything drastic.

Are there work at home jobs available perhaps? Or something in a hospital or private doctorā€™s office?

Rat Race Rebellion has some things listed. Maybe one could be filler until you find something permanent. Good luck!


really try to avoid this if you canā€¦

Losing your job will reduce your taxable income this financial year, it may even make it so that you get a higher than normal refund. Because you will have been taxed in a higher bracket but only earned 3/4 of the wage (9 months).
Something to consider in July when tax time comes around.

Bankruptcy is really drastic. It leaves a black mark on your history so that down the track things like loan applications have an extra level of scrutiny attached to them.
Iā€™d suggest to exhaust all your options before you take that step.

Ignorance is my second name, but check out Canada and see if your skill set is in need up here. Pack your bags and hop the border, get said job and either pay debts off or say by to them and equifax can stuff it. Evil companies but you will have to suffer the your naughty even though they never got a slap on wrist and a bad boy bit when they had the data breach and biggies buggered off before the news was released.

Yeah college is a scam. Considering your in Australia I donā€™t know what the best college degree jobs are but over here in the U.S.A. I would say degrees fields to get that are actually worth it are lawyers, doctors, accounting, nurses, teachers. There might be some others but these are the only ones I can think of right now. I say these ones only because your required to get a degree/license through college for those jobs. So basically only go to college if your job or you job you want to have actually requires a degree and licensing by law, if not college isnā€™t worth it. Itā€™s too much time and money to waste if you donā€™t actually need college.

Thatā€™sā€¦ both incredibly depressing and disturbing. Considering that quite recent scandal going on with Ivy League admissionsā€¦ it almost appears as if US has become unbelievably corrupt compared to the rest of the (non-authoritarian) world.

Actually read an interesting article earlier today, though it did point out one VERY interesting detail (one of the subtle differences between Canada and the US):

In the US, WHERE you go is more important than what you study.
In Canada, itā€™s inverted; WHAT you study is more important than where.

Part of this is because the education system in Canada generally has systems to ensure the quality of the education in question; or at least, Engineering does through an accreditation authority. In the end, it comes down to saying ā€œanyone who completes this degree is able to move onto working on their professional licenseā€ (still need a few years experience before getting that). The US has the ā€œFundamentals of Engineeringā€ (FE) exam for essentially the same requirementā€¦ which comprised of largely 1st and 2nd year education from my 4-year engineering degree (Canadian students also had a higher pass rate than American ones for some reason).

Another part is that most education, including post-secondary, is publicly fundedā€¦ which generally means a lot less of people giving huge donations to get themselves or their kids into certain schools, thereā€™s far less ā€œfinancial interestā€ for the institutions themselves and a higher level of scrutiny to ensure these sorts of things donā€™t happen. Private schools do exist, but they are not the norm.

I wonā€™t say our education system is perfect by any meansā€¦ but itā€™s NOWHERE near as screwed up as the US education system as it appears right now.

Link to the aforementioned article:

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Crappy situation OP. Iā€™m sorry to hear it. I graduated with my BS last June and itā€™s been rough finding a career oriented job, I feel your pain. I canā€™t imagine having so much debt and then being canned like this though.

Iā€™d consider seeking employment overseas, as ohgodmyeyez said. A medical degree can get you a long way, depending on how/where you use it. Keep your chin up and focus on your life. WoW will be here when things are squared away. No point in using it as a crutch, itā€™ll only drag you down.

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Sorry to hear that op, I hope you find something soon, it does look like people have been giving you better advice than I can on your situation. Iā€™ve been jobless before, and it does suck.

I canā€™t see how you CANā€™T get SOME KIND of job, if you graduated from Medical School? I thought they needed people in that field?

Also, Iā€™d not file for Bankruptcy until all other avenues were closed. For example, I was divorced a few years back and was $25,000 in credit debt, plus they took the house.

What I found out was, the two $5,000 credit cards never even came after me. So Iā€™m not sure if they had a lean against the ā€œrepossessedā€ house, or what. But that just seems to be gone. The smaller ones came after me, so I did pay off ones that were $300, and so forth.

I let the ones who were between $500 and $2000 REALLY come after me, not doing anything until I was actually served to be in court. Then I still did nothing with a couple, which came after me at different times, then they just garnished my wages (for a small amount, really, there is evidently a ā€œcapā€ based on what you earn, while I am poor.) for a period of a couple of months.

But that was probably better than declaring Bankruptcy.

Unlike my mistakes, though, I would CALL them RIGHT AWAY, tell them what happened and ask if they can stop charging more interest on the debt/reduce the payments/defer them until you have a job, etc. Since these people WANT to give you a way to pay, they may work with you.

I would also not go to these credit ā€œadvisorā€ places, since all those places do is charge you a fee for doing what you could do yourself.

I have no experience with the military myself, but Iā€™m sure others do. If you were REALLY desperate, Iā€™d suggest going and talking to a National Guard recruiter in your area.

ā€œHi, I have a medical degree and debt from my medical degree. I would like to serve, is there a way we could work something out?ā€


Cancel your wow sub, go job hunting, move in with your parents, and avoid job hunting if you need to improve your skillset.

The only thing I can say is donā€™t lose hope, which is often easier said than done.

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Happened to me 2 years ago, lost a great job I had been at for over 5 years.

Was in a pretty bad spot for about 18 months after that but I now have an even better job with a great company.

Keep your head up and youā€™ll pull through just fine. :slight_smile:

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i pay with gold. And am job hunting. I donā€™t plan on more study and I have a type of medical degree.


Whatever you do. Make sure you air out your dirty laundry in GD of the World of Warcraft forums.


To be honest, I prefer the Level 3 place, less snide and snarky remarks from people there

Donā€™t just talk about it, be about it.

In the United States, financial loans do not ever go away until they are payed. Thatā€™s includes through bankruptcy. A bankruptcy will not clear your student loans.