I just lost my job

These days it is better to learn a skill rather then waste time on getting a degree .you will earn more money .I am female mechanic in Mercedes benz Tokyo workshop and I earn more money then the people who sit in offices all day long



You must always have savings, even if they are little, you must have savings.
If you donā€™tā€¦ well, start looking for a job right now instead of posting on random forums. Donā€™t let yourself get kicked by let down feelings, if you had the ability to find the job you had, you have the ability to get into many more.

Also, if you have to start from the beginning of the ladder, just do it, donā€™t let your pride come on top of your head.


Move down to Tassie. Royal Hobart and Launceston General might be worth a shot.
Your student debt - you donā€™t have to start paying that back until you start earning ā€¦ 60k? Something substantial, at any rate. It doesnā€™t accrue interest at the market rate, itā€™s a flat rate 1% or something.

Bankruptcy doesnā€™t clear student loan debt in the United States.

The OP is in Australia and their laws may be different.


I have some savings. But I donā€™t think it will be enough to help me. Iā€™ve worked other jobs. Iā€™ve applied for anything and everything before as I am doing right now. Iā€™d rather be employed anywhere than unemployed.

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Right now donā€™t worry about finding the job you want , just find the job you need to survive. Even if it is not in your chosen field. Look for the one that will pay the bills while you search for the one that gets you to your later years.

Nah. Weā€™ve developed an incredible tolerance to such trivial things.

Except for the sharks. Most people are still allergic and need to seek medical treatment if bitten.

even those 40 inch spiders that I see on youtube randomly?
(edit) Obviously exaggerated. the ones I saw were roughly 9 inches at maximum reach length.

Well, I hope you find something, and Iā€™m sorry if my clumsy efforts to help opened any wounds.


Huntsman? Theyā€™re not even poisonous.

I used to pick them up in my hands and take them outside if I found one inside. Until someone told me that, despite not being poisonous, they can bite you and it is painful.

The more you know!

horror stories of Brown Recluse will haunt me, even this far away from the desertā€¦


Tough luck there, doesnā€™t help that it sounds like you have a heap of debt from your education as well. Sounds like youā€™re also have some difficulty due to your specialized education as well.

I can only offer some generic advice in this caseā€¦

Consider branching out of your chosen field
Itā€™s a common mistake, many people end up becoming fixated on a particular job (or field)ā€¦ but there simply isnā€™t enough positions to fill the potential applicants. But people have to eat, so if you arenā€™t fortunate enough to end up in your dream job or be able to work in your chosen fieldā€¦ you just have to start looking outside of it to keep on going.

Your skills are transferable to other fields
Yes, this is true for even specialized fields. You just have to be able to think outside the box a bit on this one, and the ability to get more knowledge and learn new skills is an unbelievable asset; you have an education, youā€™d be surprised just how useful that can be. Seeing as youā€™re more in the lines of being a lab techā€¦ you can probably adapt yourself to ANY laboratory-oriented position. Iā€™m guessing youā€™d start leaning more towards environmental sciences and other bits of biology if you canā€™t focus on medicine in particular.

Social connections are a MASSIVE benefit
To be honest, this is the oldest and dirtiest trick in the book. People you know can provide you a break, especially between jobs in your chosen field; if itā€™s in an unrelated field altogether, youā€™ll be surprised at how much you can learn from it. Quick tip, small businesses often have to be self-sufficient and you can quickly find yourself wrapped up in learning how to actually run a business or a project; the amount of doors this can open is INSANE.

The door to your dream job can swing open again
You donā€™t have to go straight towards your dream job, quite often because it isnā€™t always there; so take the next approach, and start working towards it. This can include gaining skills outside your chosen field, because they can be transferred into the same field for some use; just the same as the skills in your chosen field can be transferred to others. The ability to use skills from multiple fields ends up improving the net benefit in all of them.

To give a little bit of perspective, my own education is in Civil Engineering; from university, the main focus is on engineering design. Thanks to how things worked out to the end of my degree (last minute professor swap meant the nature of the capstone project for my degree changed), and I ended up wanting to design bridges.

ā€¦ needless to say, I didnā€™t end up designing bridges.

I actually started out as a quality control inspector on an infrastructure project. On the bright side, I was still getting to work on bridgesā€¦ but more on the construction side. Canā€™t say it was the smartest thing to volunteer to help close out another infrastructure on my first day on the job, ended up getting stuck with the clean up for nearly two years.

I eventually moved into a field engineer position, a common entry-level position for recent engineering graduates (wasnā€™t a promotion, just changed field of work on the project); so I got a bit more involved in the actual operations. My experience in QC gave me a unique advantage, generally allowing me to identify issues before they bigger ones. Ended up leaving the position after a while, though another not-so-wise decision was not seeking out another job before leavingā€¦ so it was struggle getting back up afterwards.

After that position, I had moved into a more estimating and project coordination role; bidding on projects and assisting the project manager run the project. An introduction to the business side and more overall management; Iā€™ve recently started moving into more of an actual project manager position, which is a whole new learning curve.

And still working on bridgesā€¦ and probably leaning to the more technical and ā€œchallengingā€ projects no less. By hook or by crook, I have a tendency to find myself doing things the hard way (but also making sure I know it inside and out by the end of it).

At this point, Iā€™m drawing on experience in multiple fields; technical experience and education from university, quality control and some coordination from my first job, estimating, project management, and a little bit of business from my current one.

And still plenty more to learn as I go.

Beyond that, all I do is wish you the best of luck.

I would suggest trying to branch out a bit, if only to help support your dream job in the long run.

Donā€™t just confine yourself to only one field.
Pursue several ā€“ then make them work together.


Sometimes it just takes good friends to support you through rough times.

Australian student debt should be in the form of HECS or HELP meaning it comes out of your tax only after you earn over a certain threshold, you shouldnā€™t have to pay it back if youā€™re not earning over about 45K a year?

Been a while since Iā€™ve been at Uni, so I could be wrong, but itā€™s fairly unusual to have student debt here in the same way ppl do in the US.

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minimum wage in Australia is also 18 bucks and change. i think youll be fine. at least you didnt lose your job living in the US where you cant even declare bankruptcy and get out of student loan debt because our politicians are bought by the big banks :smile:

here we dont even have a living wage so gl getting your life back together here

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I was earning over that salary; and it was coming out in my tax.

Yep, not poisonous and not aggressive. My sister stepped on one once in the backyard though, and it did bite her (as you would), it was rather painful she said!

But thatā€™s the only time Iā€™ve ever really heard of one biting someone, itā€™s pretty rare.

Bankruptcy would dog you for about a decade. I would not recommend that unless you absolutely can not avoid it. Beyond that if your debts are student loans, you will have a hard time discharging that debt with bankruptcy. I am not a lawyer, but if you are going to consider bankruptcy seriously, find yourself someone that can guide your decision who is familiar with the law who can give you advice in that regard. But generally, itā€™s worth steering clear of it from an economic perspective if you can at all avoid it. Credit is important, and bankruptcy will be a stain on your credit for about a decade.

Iā€™d put your focus on trying to find new work, take temp positions if you need to in order to stay afloat until you land another position for the career you are going into.

Iā€™ve been through similar situations before myself. It sucks and you have my sympathy. But pick up something, cashier, temp jobs from a temp agency, anythingā€¦ get enough to at least pay bills, and see if you can defer some of the debt. Especially if itā€™s school loans, thereā€™s some ways you can delay having to pay those off, without going through bankruptcy. Cut your expenses down to the bone. And just keep applying for jobs you actually want. Itā€™s largely about numbers. Flood every position you can find that might fit with a resume and application, use the people you know in your position if you can for recommendations or referrals. Keep moving.

So while itā€™s frustrating that you owe that much money for something youā€™re unsure that youā€™ll be able to get a job in anytime soon, you can basically ignore it and not feel stressed about that debt.

If youā€™re unemployed or have a lower paying job, you wonā€™t be paying any of it.

Still stressful not to be able to pay the rent/mortgage etc., but you should def be able to get on unemployment benefits whilst you are looking for something else, and just take anything to tide you over.

I def wouldnā€™t file for bankruptcy over a debt no-oneā€™s even going to chase you for.