I just lost my job

I know it’s not ideal, but while you look for a job, try to go into a trade or the army. Trade jobs might not pay well during apprenticeship and are hard labor, but they’re always hiring.

$18 AUD is equivalent to about $12.75 USD. Which puts the OP not much better off than an American post-grad with debt.

Has anybody decreed that his former company is evil ,amoral and should go down in flames for restructuring ?


they said they can’t ‘afford’ to relocate to another state, doubtful moving to another country is in the cards.

Join the military. At a minimum you will be an officer with your degree. If you have student loans, you can get an automatic ~$10k in student loan forgiveness, or you can choose to get the Post 911 GI Bill. Also, if you pass the MCAT, the “Medical Corps” program will pay you to go to medical school full-time, with fully-paid tuition and a living stipend. You will owe the military six years of your time once you are complete. I am in the Army and my oldest daughter is in the Air Force.

(gives OP a little box of cookies and a bucket of good wishes!)


Hope you land on your feet soon!

Call / Apply for Unemployment asap. Where I live they make you wait a week before they get you into the system. Might as well do that now. I hope they gave you a severance package.

Yearss of parents telling their kids to stay in school. Now they need manual labor and public services jobs more than ever but would you want to go nail some wood to a house after 5 years of extra studies?

Three close friends of mine are in the medical field and live in the Boston area where there’s no shortage of medical work available. Still, it’s insanely competitive and it’s really, really hard to advance.

Move to nz, they’re screaming out for qualified people in most fields.

Plus no snakes, and the country is beautiful.

You’ll need to learn to say “fush n chups” though.

This is probably the most wholesome GD thread I’ve ever read.

Brings tears to my eyes…

I wish you luck, OP!

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Some degrees aren’t worth it in your area. Where I am I’ve lost out on interviews to people with a 2-year degree so it was worth it for them. You just have to see what is available in your area and be ready to not like what you’re doing if you want money.

Just so you know, make sure the debts you’ve got can even be fixed with a bankruptcy. I know for a fact student loans cannot be filed for and I’m not sure about medical or legal. I assume you can’t bankrupt legal fees or fines but I don’t know. I hope you can find work fast and get back on track. Until then, you may want to file for unemployment benefits and look into military/vocational training. Everyone everywhere needs plumbers, mechanics, and electricians.

And listen to artists like Eeemineem.

It sucks, but it does happen. First step would be networking with friends/coworkers towards getting your resume out there, maybe check with headhunters as well. Start hitting the job websites for your field.

Also, you should be eligible for unemployment since it was a layoff situation. There are jobs out there, so good luck.


I rully loyke that eem an eem!

And also learn how to pronounce six as six, and not…

The kiwi accent is so weird. If you don’t know them, watch Viva La Dirt League on Youtube. They make really good weekly content and they’re from NZ.

In the US, financial loans go away 7 years after you stop paying them. In some states, credit card companies cannot collect after 3 years but have to wait the full 7 before they can be removed.

Worst thing you can do is ever make a payment as it starts the clock again. If you cant pay it, dont. Never pay the debt collectors after that either. There is no benefit to you to do so. It doesnt fix your credit score, it just makes you poorer.

I used to believe in doing the right thing. Then I had some real hardships happen and I was introduced to the vultures who work with collections and bad credit industries. Treat them with the same ruthlessness they would treat you and leave your emotions out of it.

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It is, but I find the Aussie accent nauseating.

Pinch your nostrils and add y or ie to every word.

I speak with a Swedish accent so everyone I talk to thinks I’m German.

/Le sigh

Happened to me a few years back, they moved my job to the corporate HQ which was in a different State and I had roots in my area.

The mistakes I made is not networking enough and then not asking anyone I networked with about employment. That is eventually how I got my current job.