I just lost my job

Company decided to restructure, and I lost my job. Not due to performance or anything. I graduated from medical school last year.
I have a bunch of personal and public debts and am considering filing for bankruptcy; any tips appreciated. Atleast I can play WoW with gold right?

Ps. Don’t study medical science.

Update; company just laid off 35% of their staff on Friday across multiple locations. Anyone who was hired past November and under probation was made redundant. Company is in extreme debt.

Admin please delete; have arranged something and some comments are potentially giving dangerous information. Thanks for the help everyone. Due to amazing references from previous workplaces and my old coworkers I was lucky to get a bunch of interviews…


Happens. Sucks. You’ll come out better I promise.

If wow-tokens could pay the rent, huh? I’d love that.


Wait …re-read. Are you filing for bankruptcy? I assumed company was…

I take it no savings, then? Oof, that’s a rough one.

If you’re able-bodied and relatively young, there’s always the military. It’s not the most ideal of job opportunities, but it’ll keep food on the table, and a degree would probably start you at a higher base pay.


I’d focus on finding another job first before worrying about WoW.

Grinding gold is time consuming, you’re better off investing that time preparing yourself in your job hunt.

I lost my last job due to the company shutting down (5 years ago) and took a break from WoW while looking for a new job.


Apply bankrupt, move on.

Filing for bankruptcy seems a bit drastic at this stage.


I graduated from Medical school with over 50k in Student debt. I had to relocate and such to study and work at this job that had over an hour commute. It’s incredibly difficult to find Pathology jobs within Australia.

“Learn to code”


Atleast it was not blizzard who fired you so chin up


classic wow is on the way.

Sorry to hear this OP

Sadly, college just isn’t really worth it these days, a lot of folks end up holding the bag even with “good” degrees. It’s become a pretty big gamble if student loans are involved (in particular).

Just like the DPS market in WoW, the college degree market is also flooded


With pretty much everything in Australia being poisonous, I would think there would be a great need for pathologists and frequent openings due to the local wild life.


Oof times two.

Sounds like your degree wasn’t worth the expense of getting it, which sucks. I realize this may be a touch-and-go situation for you, but have you considered seeking employment overseas? It might be jarring to try to do, but if the industry for which you’re qualified isn’t doing well in Australia, perhaps the United States or Canada might be a more fruitful job orchard?


College is notorious for stealing your work (any subject), copyrighting it, then holding it forever under their name. If you minored in Literature Arts, hope that your future world-famous novel wasn’t part of your projects.


That’s the thing though, it’s not just the “worthless” degrees that struggle anymore (like Liberal Arts)… even some of the “good” degrees like medical, engineer, computer science are no guarantee either

Things have changed for sure, competition is much more intense than before

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When I started studying jobs were in demand and I was passionate and wanted to become a doctor but due to my mental health I wasn’t selected. Medical sciences was the next best thing and the industry was booming. But over the past year or so jobs have died down. I have one useful major in histopath and my other major in clinical Biochemistry is useless because everything is automated now.

It sucks.

On the brightside, you’re below the HELP debt repayment threshold .

Well, I hope this helps a little. You’ve probably already been looking, but maybe the immediate money crisis has delayed that.

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