I just lost my job

My degree is considered a “top tier degree”. Bachelor of Biomedicine (Laboratory Medicine).


Some will tell you that you have more important things to worry about, I feel you are smart enough to know when to play and such. Sorry you lost your job, you can play for free pretty easily.

I don’t farm or stand at the AH for hours either, I’m a JC and I pretty much just sell haste gems if truth be told, oh and Fish and Chips for the haste buff. It pays for my sub and takes me no time.

Good luck with everything! :shamrock:


Don’t file for bankruptcy, that’s an extremely drastic measure. Also I don’t believe Bankruptcy will wipe your HECS/FEE-HELP debt.

Your real estate/mortgage broker is usually more than happy to work with you on figuring out ways to make payments or in extreme cases of financial hardship they can even suspend payments for a while.

My advice would be to get a job as a kitchenhand. It’s not the most glamorous job but it pays the bills, and $25 an hour to scrub pots for 30 hours a week is better than nothing.

Keep applying for positions.

Also depending on how long you were employed there you should be entitled to a redundancy package. Hit up HR about that and make sure they give you reference saying you were made redundant and not summarily dismissed.


Unfortunately I’m too qualified for half of the jobs. Anything below a Scientist I get automatically declined because they have to pay me more due to my degree.

What about this one?

Could also look at government jobs, if you care to dip your feet into forensics at all.

This is a cop-out for most businesses. Even if you were to suggest you could receive competitive pay for a medium (not top tier) wage position, they’d still say no. Heard that one before, just trying to get a job lifting heavy boxes and moving them to new spots.

As much as I would love that position, I am realistically unable to relocate to another state.

File for unemployment for sure. You did nothing wrong in order to lose your job, so your old company cannot deny your claim. Also, don’t stay unemployed too long. I was unemployed for two months a few years back, and I got really depressed, and drinky.

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Hm. Roughly where are you located?

Im in Victoria

What about something like this?

I hope that’s not why you’re considering bankruptcy. Because bankruptcy doesn’t clear student loan debt. Bankruptcy only clears private debts, not public. Unless of course you can prove undue hardship, but that’s tough.

I guess what I’d like to know is how long have you been without work, and how much savings do you have? My tips (if I don’t get back to this thread) are to take whatever job(s) you can, right now. Because when you aren’t working and are in debt, no job is beneath you. Get a job delivering pizzas, and one waiting tables and live off of ramen noodles to keep the lights on. This is temporary of course, until you find a good job and land on your feet.

People need to learn to read, the company is filing for Bankruptcy.

Victoria…rough town. See if you can get a job at the gardens!

Is this actually a thing?

All of my writing was considered mine in college. They can’t do that without getting sued. We even signed documentation that stated if our work was ever reproduced in any type of filings or literature they released, they had to get prior consent and we had to be credited as author, otherwise we had grounds for legal action.

Did something change in the past decade or so?

Just become a streamer, that seems to be the trendy thing when people lose their job. Must be something to it if all these people are doing it.

Probably should cancel the wow sub since that 15 bucks a month is gonna come in handy

Yeah, american colleges try to pull the other way around. Can’t even quote your own words in future projects in the same class without citing a source, even if you are the source. It’s ridiculous.
(edit) This may be exclusive to Online colleges. Haven’t been to a mortar one.

answered already.

Oh. How ridiculously ironic.