I just locked myself out running stocks for my guild

Blizzard I can’t level boost my guildies more than 30 times in a day!

You are the same children who, after boosting characters to 60 through instance blasting complain that there is nothing to do shortly after.

How about your lazy sack -guildies just run the damn instances in a group like they were meant to be played?

And if they don’t want to do that, then maybe they wanna play another game?

Man I can problem solve this morning, wooo!



There’s not enough people leveling that aren’t bots.

Maybe they will if they find a better company - not particularly hard though.

MMM me thinks ya…I’m right. Who else complains about a 30 lock out cap except those who want to smash the content as fast as possible because it’s the only way to appease their ADHD?

Because everyone was being lazy and buying boosting services. If you limit the boosting services, you are likely to see an increase of those looking to run the dungeons naturally.

hurrrr. Durrrr.

K fine! Can I has your stuff though?

No, I want all the stuff. Especially the wool and stacks of mutton collected from 30 stocks runs. I’ll be rolling in gold.

Nope. There’s plenty to do, especially if you’re the type that tries to min/max and play to your best.

No, there weren’t enough people leveling to do a dungeon at level because there just aren’t enough people leveling new characters - period. The vast majority are bots. Boosts became a thing because it was too difficult to find people to do instances, and it took far, far more time and effort to level in the world.

Past the initial rush phase of early Classic, instances dried up. Plus it could take hours to get one instance done.

Why do you act so childish and insulting?

I don’t think you’re old enough.

lol. Best argument in this thread. I salute you.

Well I guess you the min/maxer will have to now work around 30 lock outs in a day efficiently. wooo!

Oh well? This change will bring about more people. But if that’s still not enough, then I guess you alt levelers will just have to deal with only 30 instances in a day.

Again I say…oh. The horror!

The entire argument against this change is so childish and insulting to my intelligence. It’s just people trying to all pretend they are outliers who are up in arms over a change designed to curtain bot instance farming.

I don’t need Jedd’s reed which is clearly all you are 'bout.

To recap:

People against the change - WhY aRe U tElLiNg Me HoW tO pLaY?

Most everyone else (aka normal people) - LOL. Do whatever you want, I don’t control Blizzard.

Thankfully no, I don’t min/max. I mean I’m SM/Ruin. That’s not min/max at all. I just have empathy for other people and am not a jerk like you.

No it won’t. It just bumps up the cost of the runs a bit, but boosting is still happening.

You lost me there. What intelligence? You have to prove you have some before I can believe your claim.

Blizzard has allowed boosting for 16 years, they’re not suddenly going to be against it after all that time.


Your empathy is misplaced. The bots that were exploiting instances for gold farming have a much larger impact on the game. This is a good change. Or at the very least, worth the shot.

Then I guess you need not complain then, huh?

Awww that’s so cute. “I know you are but what am I”!

I’d rather they just ban the bots.

I’m actually largely too cheap to boost, outside of once or so for specific dungeons for the reward. I’m leveling my Warrior (40) and my Priest (31) right now by questing. Obviously if I wanted to, I could dump gold and be 60 far faster.

Dunno if youve noticed but majority of forumers are against the change. Its ok if you dont like boosting, this change doesnt stop boosting so i guess kudos on an imaginary small victory but if anything you should be against the change because blizzard changed an actual gameplay element of classic.

This change will not bring more people into low level dungeon groups. People boost because they dont wanna take the time to level, you think being forced to make leveling longer is gonna make them want to alt?

Your intelligence is slim to none and should be insulted.

This change creates more bots and doesn’t negatively impact them in the slightest.

Cool! They did that too!

So they both banned the bots and removed or lessened the incentive of bot instance farming!

Sweet! Let’s see where the bots go next?

Ok thanks for that story. Appreciate it.

They didn’t ban enough bots, they don’t ban them frequently enough, and we have no idea if they IP ban or are trying to region lock China.

They aren’t doing enough.

You claim I gold farm, I don’t. You claim I reset instances to farm items, I don’t. You claim I boost, I don’t. My point is that this change does not affect me in the slightest but I can still be against it.

Also correct me if I’m wrong, but you still haven’t addressed the poor implementation of the system.

Oh jesus guys! It’s over now! Owns here has declared these changes are useless and as such there should be no changes.

Please Blizzard, hire Owns here. She knows what’s up.

And that has nothing to do with the instance lock out, although I can agree with you on this point. More would obviously be better!

You are arguing for continued instance farming. Doesn’t really matter if YOU do or don’t…


How was this a poor implementation of the system? Lol. You make a change you think will have a positive impact on the game. You implement the change.

What the hell are you being sensitive about now?

They don’t hire just because someone has common sense unfortunately

There’s no indication on how many instances you’ve entered, nor when it resets. It also doesn’t say when it resets the 24 hour lockout. They need to fix both of these things so players who may hit the 30 instance limit don’t.