I just don't understand

LOL the amount of crying over this mount is nuts.


I feel like nobody has ever done Normal-mode raids or higher, because I haven’t.

Feelings are cool because facts don’t always affect them. In fact, when facts disagree with feelings, sometimes, the feelings grow even stronger.

So you go on feeling like the percentage of players who do Normal or higher raids is higher than 1% and I’ll go on feeling like no one has ever cleared a normal before.

That way, neither of us ever has to do any research, and we can cling blissfully to our feelings until we pass away.

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They hate us cause they ain’t us

Shreds, L O L nice

i did some research and see you havent hit 1200 mythic rating on your main

possibly they wants to keep people away from LFR so can close it down and not be left as pieces of :poop:

It is also possible that they want to do it to have the numbers needed to close it at the cost of looking like pieces of :poop:


I suppose. I always understood that shift as “we’re moving what we consider the base to something slightly easier.”

Has it occured to you that some of us do keys for fun and not for a magic number? I do two-three a week tops.

just never anything above like a 5 right

Alright, cool. So I did some quick research and found that I am correct. Normal and Higher Raids are participated in by 10% of the player base, not 1%.

Cool that you were a huge condescending tool only to be wrong though.

I’m not wrong, I reject facts and continue to feel that I am correct.

You have abandoned the feeling train and decided to actually look up numbers and statistics. Now your feelings have been de-prioritized. That’s a shame.

I would never do that.

this guy has probably never done a +10 let alone a 15 in his life. this guy complaining about mounts is like a paraplegic mad they didnt get picked to run track in the Olympics

no i mean i do two or three RUNS tops. I’ve done 15s on my lock. I plan to get a 15 in on this shaman this week to get my balance of power skin. I switched mains from lock to sham bout a month ago.

I am a machine of cold hard math, I think in binary and dream of electric sheep.


LFR is literally the 1%. Like how many people actually do LFR as an endgame activity?

LFR was intended as a means for casual players to experience the story.

The reward for participating in LFR is the cutscenes.


Has LFR ever given special rewards for completing it?

Comparing this mount to a mythic raid mount that is actually a 1% mount seems almost criminal.

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Guafi messed around and made an excellent point about this game’s inaccessibility.

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When LFR first came out is was treated much the same as any other raid difficulty.

I run it for mogs and anima. Also the luls of watching people die.