I just don't understand

Why is blizz doubling down so hard on making sure people who only do LFR miss out on things the 1% do not? “LFR is not a raid difficulty. You can’t set it.” Of course you can’t set it but it is a difficulty level of raiding. Queue for LFR Sylvanas. Do LFR N’Zoth. Those are raid fights and they are not at all story mode. The playerbase is not majority raid or die and hasn’t been for a long time. Pandora’s box was opened with LFR Dragon Soul and it cannot be closed. Yet Blizzard is still denying casual players who don’t wanna get in discord and listen to Caleb talk about how mean his mom is and schedule two or three days a week to raid for three hours. We just don’t. I’ve outgrown organized raiding. In Wrath I raided hard. I raided hard even in Warlords. But since then I just don’t wanna do it anymore and it’s bullcrap to lose out on a mount because I raid at the difficulty I WANT not the one Blizzard tells me I should be doing. It’s like they want this game to die. It’s mind boggling.



They just want token sales. I guess they calculated that they’d make more money from token sales from people buying carries than they would from people quitting over it.


Normal mode is base mode, though.


Okay I won’t disagree. Since that is Blizz’s stance. I wish LFR were the base with the difficulty of flex mode from siege though.

Yeah, I miss Flex mode from SoO.

Actually, I miss just about everything gamplay-wise from MoP.


Amen sister. Flex was legit. I will never understand why they dumped it.

A lot more than 1% of the playerbase does more than LFR.


If you actually think Normal+ is a 1%'er activity… You are beyond saving.


Whatever percentage it is, it isn’t a majority man.


If you ran keys, pvpd or did higher raiding, you would actually understand how much of the playerbase actually plays the game.


So just do the content you like and ignore the rest. It’s a mount - there are hundreds of them - who cares? I’m going to level out the toons I like, and probably get back into playing battlegrounds. That’s what I spent most of my time on three years ago, anyway.

A lot has changed since then, and I’m gonna enjoy the new content as much as I’m allowed to what with all the speed-freak, uber-efficient players you find even in pug dungeons leveling now.

I don’t see what would motivate me to do content I find uninteresting - a special mount? That’s fer sure not gonna do it. Once you’ve experienced the expansion content, the way I see it, the only ‘new’ stuff is the player created situations, ie, battlegrounds. Rated pvp is alright, but you again run into the elitist type who probably don’t have jobs in the real world, and have maximized their toons in a way just not realistically obtainable by someone who plays an hour or two or on weekends.

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normal is not 1% btw

Can we chill with the broadway production? I’m just trying to have a discussion. I’m trying to understand why people such as myself who for example only had four hours total for the week to play last week is being left out. I give blizzard so much money for race changes etc. I love this game and it’s annoying not to feel the least bit appreciated.

And I do keys. Look up Nonjek. That is my main. I do keys almost every week with him. i LOVE keys. Keys are legit because I can login and just do a key. I don’t have to plan my day around it. Many many many more people do keys than raid.

its not cause we have LFR and people can go in there with no weapon and still clear it

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This is a valid point. We need to do more self policing. We had a ret tank in lfr last night. He didn’t stick around long.

stop giving blizzard money? just because you feel like you give blizz $$ dose not mean they should include everything for everyone. If you have the gear you wont find issue finding a team honestly


Is the implication of your very first sentence that… only 1% of people do difficulties higher than LFR? People need to stop overusing the “1%” argument. It’s pretty much lost merit.

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Maybe he made a mistake, and is correcting it… just like blizzard did with the mount.


I give them moeny because i want the stuff I pay for. Heheh. And my shaman could easily get into a normal I just don’t normally have time for a full clear.

While I don’t care much about the mount I’m particularly turned off over the complete lack of non-pre-made content.

I am a random group finder player. Casual pvp is so imbalanced because of ilvl discrepancy it’s barely worth the time.

Random heroics are ruined by ilvl discrepancy and overgeared players queueing into the wrong roles for their specs and trying to Zerg the instance.

LFR is still LFR. But again ilvl/power discrepancy gap is too big this expansion. You notice it if you have a meter up. Makes the whole game feel a bit rediculous.

Kind of wish Blizz would decide to either make randoms a real, actual, part of the game…. Like they use to be. Or just kill them so I know I should quit.