I just dont get it

Why does Blizzard keep insisting on systems upon systems to make a spec or class feel complete? What happened to a class feeling complete on its own with everything else being added flavour? What happened to talents being interesting and adding something extra to your playstyle instead of it again only making the class feel complete and only because some talents are absolutely mandatory for your spec to even remotely work and even then for some its not enough. What happened to class design being a big focus so that everyone can feel like their class was actually looked at and had meaningful changes added instead of having to resort to basically screaming at blizzard and begging for changes because they’re so focused on their “borrowed power” philosophy thus leaving some specs literally dead. I just dont get their mindset.


Tom Chilton left. :slightly_frowning_face:


For the intents of discussion, which classes would you consider the most impacted without the borrowed power systems?

Gurdian right now feels pretty barebones without azerite/essences/corruption.

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I’m guessing gimmicks, and the ability to reset and rebuild after the expansion, as well as add some RPG flavor to whatever the theme of the expansion is.

That said I dont agree with it. I’d much rather they put that time into permanently enhancing the current systems(not bfa just innate systems of the game) or adding new ones that would move forward with us.

It is my hope that subsequent SL patches will add new layers of player character customization to the theme of SL. As we will undoubtedly lose whatever borrowed powers we gain along the way.


Shadow Priest.


Time. Which is also why they are reducing the loot rates, and why they are making changing covenants akin to meeting Jesus and why we have pathfinder, the longer it takes you to do anything the longer you are here.

Maybe Blizzard have stats to show this, but I know many players who regardless of how long it takes to do X are still here. I have 9 max level characters, all of them are 410+ iLVL, 2 are 445+ and 2 are 468+, 3 have the cloak, all of them have the HoA and 5 of them have raided at heroic or better and done an M15 at least.

Moving into SL that is going to turn into 2, maybe. Anything more and it will be a waste of my time at least early on since everything is changing again to make it take even longer, so I might get back into more alts by 8.2 or 8.3 if they have catchup mechanics, but highly unlikely given the loot issues.


reminds me of back in the 1990s when combo attacks were ‘discovered’ and then subsequent sequels were designed around combos and breaking them

at that point fighter games got way to gimmicky for me so that’s when i moved over to role play games. but now it seems wow is really latching itself on combat gimmicks which is why quests like leylocked/runelocked chests feel refreshing to me


Easier to make. Easier to throw away.


well ion got his lead position back in legion and was assistant lead director before that. i imagine he really likes his borrowed power since he keeps allowing to it happen.


Maybe use your brain and think.

Borrowed power was introduced because if they kept adding talents and abilities bloat would happen and prunning would come back, the solution to this infinite expansion process is borrowed power.
Yes you could argue they need to focus more on classes first and then add the borrowed power on top as extra but i guess that would depend on therir time.


What if the philosophy is against us gaining inherently better power. We have to reach for the BFG…I mean FAMAS…I mean golden gun…I mean Cerebral Bore…death penalty.

Somewhere a dwarf dug too deep and found another Kazadum belt buckle

yeah, not too crazy about the borrowed power philosophy myself.

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It extends the content, that’s about it. It keeps players grinding.


Marksman. Without azerite traits the spec would legit do nothing.


People hated WoD.

People hated WoD.

Welcome to Vanilla WoW.

People hated WoD AND Homogenous classes.

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Pretty much everything but DH


These reasons aren’t why WoD was hated.


Ralph contradicts ralph


Yes, it was.

The whole flying debacle was between entitled children. That doesn’t count.