I just dont get it

No, it really wasn’t.

Agreed. The flight “issue” was a non-issue.


Yea, it was. Not everyone is ‘Raid or Die’. WoD was horrible on many, many fronts. Chief among them was the pruning, only receiving a talent tier, and the typical ‘my class is ruined’ shpiel. All of that led to Legion.

And that’s the reason WoD was hated. Because it was either raid, or do PvP. There was nothing else to do. For PvP players, WoD was great! But for those PvE players who couldn’t do anything outside of the raid? It sucked.

Sure, the pruning wasnt good, but that is not why people hated WoD.

My WoD schedule was:
Log on
Join guild group
Raid 3 hours
Log off
Repeat 3x a week.

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People hated the lack of content in WoD, but for the most part, liked classes.
Classes were fine in WoD and I still wonder why they bothered to revamp them in Legion.


Bloat is a myth and pruning was a garbage idea. Hence why one of the main selling points is giving us abilities back that we shouldn’t have had removed ever - hence why nobody should be grateful.


Because they figured out that if you just kept adding permanent abilities, it wouldn’t be very long until your playerbase was whining incessantly about them being pruned away. I assume they feel that the incessant whining about this is the better alternative, because at least it leaves them with some place to go for the next expansion.

People need to stop thinking of Covenants as extra systems and think of them as what they actually are: part of your class for this expansion.

Could’ve fooled me back in the day in General Discussion. It seemed like a hotter topic than Trashran.

What changed Ralph?!?!?!


You’re only fooling yourself. :man_shrugging:


So you must not of been around then. Ok.

It’s either borrowed power or an inevitable pruning :man_shrugging: You can’t keep adding stuff to the game endlessly so borrowed power systems lets them add stuff and then throw it away.

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It’s a clever way of finding out what works and grandfathering some of it over into the next expansion as Talents or a permanent ability.

Those who PvP’d didn’t. Also, WoD was good while leveling and still had good class design - but it was phoned in for Legion.

What I find is a lot of people loved Legion, but a lot of terrible systems came from Legion.

This is unrelated. MoP had amazing class design and not much borrowed power.

What? There’s more variety in specs in vanilla than there is in live.

Pity that’s basically what we have still.


No? We didn’t need pruning when it happened, and there are some abilities that can be trimmed in favour of new abilities. But pruning until we’re basically gutted and reliant on borrowed power to feel complete is terrible.


Yea, I can definitely tell you were never around. Sure, you could be a Warrior, so long as he was Prot. You could also be a Druid, so long as it was Resto.

But, I’m getting ahead of myself. You were lying?

I agree, they could have just left classes the way they were in MoP/WoD and we’d have been fine.


Well I’m probably on his ignored list but here goes

Ok a year after SL they are going to announce the next expansion to follow SL if there is one . So that means more then likely they have already started plans for it or will do so by the time SL launches . So why can they not in that year come up with ways to improve the classes then add the expansions borrowed power.


All I was saying is that endlessly adding abilities will lead to pruning. Do you think that if Blizz went back to their, new ability every (other) level for new xpacs model that 20 years from now we won’t have 76 abilities all of which having to be worked into a rotation and balanced around won’t happen?

Uh… I’m playing Classic right now. And that’s when cookie cutter is absolutely more common. For PvE, there’s two main specs - but there’s more than just that, and there’s different choices I can make. They’re minor, but make for far more choices than in live.

Right now - with post-buffed Fury, and better understanding of itemization and how things work - Fury is nuts. Arms is for PvP, but Fury is optional for PvP. Then there’s Prot - full Prot that is. Then there’s Fury/Prot for pure threat. Sounds like more choices than in retail. Feral Druid done right is actually competitive. It out-DPS’s casters quite often in current raids.

Nice that someone who claims things in the past that are not accurate to Classic (what we can actually use as evidence) calling someone else a liar.


Except they don’t have to endlessly add things. They don’t have to gut classes to prune them either.