Oh yeah, she showed up for like two seconds at the end of the worgen chain and said nothing. I don’t even think she did anything. And Hyjal… she wasn’t in Hyjal during Cata.
Oh yeah, that time where she did nothing but stand fully still and get educated by the big important human.
You mean the five lines of dialogue they gave her to give her closure with Illidan because her and Malfurion were hugely important to his story? Even though she probably should’ve been more involved? Kind of like how she should be involved with Azshara’s?
This is a very transparent and dumb post made by someone who clearly doesn’t like Tyrande the character. Regardless of how often a character has appeared recently or how sick you are of seeing them, if they have relevance to a character arc then they should be there.
Tyrande is a big part of the Azshara story. More than Jarod. More than Maiev. More than Shandris. And DEFINITELY more than Vereesa and Alleria, by and far your worst suggestion.
Keep defending a Terrible Character. Last thing I want to heard that Tyrande had every right to be in the Story. I much would rather see her get killed off and be done with it.
Why brother with this post if you think that is a “Me Hate Tyrande Post” unless you can’t stand people bashing your favorite waifu.
Jaina Proudmoore (a character I actually really like, but let’s pretend I don’t for a moment) has shown up nonstop. Vanilla questing, Battle for Mount Hyjal raid, Battle for Undercity, Ulduar trailer, Icecrown dungeons, Lich King ending, Elemental Invasion, Thrall’s wedding, End Time, very heavy presence in Pandaria, Legendary ring questline, Legion pre-patch, and a very big presence in BfA - including a full questline about her and a raid boss.
Jaina is very relevant to the story BfA presents. Yet she’s shown up a lot. As such, I don’t want to see her anymore in the expansion, and I’d rather see Falstad Wildhammer or Aysa Cloudsinger leading Kul Tiras.
And if you disagree with me, I’ll just say “we’ve seen Jaina eight million times ”, even though she’s a major character like Tyrande and it makes sense to see her get a lot of usage in this particular story.
You seriously want me to believe this isn’t a “Me Hate Tyrande!!” post when you can’t even come up with a good argument other than you’ve seen her more than you’d like because you hate her? Like… you’re not even trying to disguise it.
Oh good, now you want her killed off. Nelves already lost their home, now let’s kill their leader because “sHe BaD!!” Very Male Human Paladin of you to want to kick another race in the head for human benefit.
Since when has any Alliance Character died through? Malfurian mostly died yet he continues to live. Tyrande almost died by Nathanos yet she lives.
Like that’s a bad thing for the Night Elf Race. Really? Not opening up to other chances of other characters who are more likeable than forced overrated ones?
I’m starting to think some Male Human Paladins really don’t understand why Tyrande is hated the most.
Ah yes, one guy who happens to be a Male Human Paladin disagrees with you and it’s representative of all of them. I could easily say that Male Human Hunters don’t understand why Tyrande should be involved in Azshara’s plot, but that would be boorish of me.
Also hated the most? Based on what? I see plenty of love for her, probably more than hate. I know you hate her, so forgive me if I don’t take your grammatically poor word as gospel.
Losing Teldrassil and having most of the population die is a big enough blow to the Night Elves already. They don’t need their major characters dying to fill out an Alliance death quota, and certainly not because you just hate her.
Basically why I’ve stuck with her this long. There are fleeting moments when WCIII Tyrande shines through. But the writers have mostly treated her like a prop. She stands around in the background as a literal prop. She props up Malfurion (which, they are married, so it’d be fine, if Malfurion was also shown at times to prop her up). She props up Varian.
Honestly, the last leg of Val’sharah questing, the bit part in Suramar, and now BfA are really the only times we’ve even seen her as a character in her own right, since WCIII.
Yikes do you really believe Sylvanas’ second rate sisters should be Queen Azhsara’s opponents? They’re both boring characters. Blizzard gave Alleria void powers because Void Elves, which make zero sense, and Vereesa is as irrelevant as ever.
Azhsara and Tyrande go way back. We’re talking 13,000+ years. Tyrande probably has the most ties with Azhsara out of anyone else alive. She was a Highborne who left Suramar leaving Elisande behind to clean up after Azshara. They fought in the War of the Ancients. I’d love to see Azhsara vs Tyrande.
Not really relevant to the post, but < Brotherhood of the Horse > is known for being a super abrasive guild that mass spams invites to everyone multiple times on my server.
Hmm… listening to the preview it sounds like Lor’themar, Nathanos and Jaina are currently on the list of characters who will at least be there at the beginning.
This is one of those rare threads where everyone agrees with each other because the OP has said something ridiculous. We don’t get many of those.
Alleria and Veressa have no reason what so ever to be leading a charge against Azshara. They are removed from her by thousands of years. Azshara had history with Tyrande and she tried to turn her. Further more in old lore before Knaak’s WotA the war lasted longer and Azshara and Malfurion battled.
There is no one else with the amount of significant history that Tyrande has with Azshara. The naga even call her “queen” to mock her position as the leader of the Kaldorei, which is what Azshara used to be. You want to ignore all of that lore just to give it to the Windrunners? Wtf! Tyrande has barely been used until legion. Should all elves be there, yes with Shandris, Maiev, Jarod, and Farondiswith a presence to back up Mal and Tyrande as the leaders. The high and void elves should be there too. Thalyssra should be leading the horde with Lor’themar. All elves should be there but that majority of that presence should be held by the NE. Your only argument is based on the fact that you just don’t like the character, and that’s a poor arugment.
Varian and Vindicator Miraad.
WHHHAAATTT!!! What fight were you watching? He was near death and she wasn’t even close to it. He couldn’t handle her. But I just remembered that you’re biased and what you saw happen has been twisted into what you wanted to see happen.
That’s literally all this is. There is zero lore reasoning to back up this argument.
The OP is driving the anti-Tyrande, anti-(N)elf train at full throttle and we’re just here for the ride, my guys. Like Tyrande hate hasn’t been relevant in such a long time now