I hope we don't see Tyrande in Patch 8.2

If it’s a Night Elf thing, I don’t want Alleria inserting herself and/or Grizzlecheeks into it. If it’s an Alliance thing, I couldn’t care less who the front runner is.

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So you want the person that Azshara wanted to be her successor some day… not show up at all?

Tyrande and Azshara have a history. It would be like saying you didn’t want Malfurion getting involved in the plot with Xavius back in Legion.


How many times have we seen Tyrande like the One million Time?

If there’s going to be some Night Elf Relevance atleast have some Night Elf Characters that people like.

Example Maiev Shadowsong, Shandris, and etc besides having Malfurian or Tyrande doing the same old thing again and again.

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Azshara visited Tyrande in her palaces cells during the war of the ancients. (Tyrande got kidnapped by Xavius’ goons while the Satyr boi went for round 2 with Malfurion).

Azshara was hoping to sway Tyrande to her side, even make the high priestress her successor (which pissed off Vashj, who was also present). However Tyrande refused.


Stop visiting Darnassus and you will stop seeing her a million times.

Legion and BFA are the first expansions where Tyrande has major roles in the plot. Her only real screen time in Cata was a dungeon boss in End Time, and a NPC in the WoE dungeon. She made cameos in MoP and was a no show in WoD.


Human imagination or potential never stops to amaze me…

Lets remove from the Story one of the FEW persons alive that know a bit about Azshara and how we may deal with her, let us IGNORE all the elves that has a beef with WotA and Azshara and use JAINA and Vereesa both creatures that Have nothing do to with our favorite sexy tentacle naga witch.


azshara tried to steal her ships and also, probably is going to sunk the kultiran fleet.

but i do agree with you, tyrande has to be there.

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still underlings, lady ashvane, Jaina for now is focused in the War, she can be there but not as a leader, the main alliance face against Azshara that what I mean, she can be in the story but the story must not revolves around a HUMAN.

The night elves already had their lore-establishing nemesis - the Legion - lopped off and attached to the draenei instead; take away their enmity with the naga and they’ve got nothing left.

That said, it honestly wouldn’t surprise me if they end up not being significantly involved. After all, why would they be with the Kul Tiran fleet when they’ve still got Darkshore to fight over? Blizz might figure the Warfront content is more than enough exposure for them this expansion and that they get plenty of built-in conflict from being fourth-tier disposable rivals for the orcs and Forsaken instead of having their own dedicated antagonist.


Vanilla WoW Tyrande, Cataclysm Tyrande, Mists of Pandaria Tyrande, Legion Tyrande, and BFA Tyrande.

Only Expansions that we don’t see of her was TBC, Wrath, and Wod.

Besides Tyrande had more appearances in Cata, Mists, Legion, and BFA than WoD.

Because using One of the Worst Characters who barely done anything to develop as good characters is more important than likeable Characters that people actually care about. Ahh. :roll_eyes:

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Faction leader who did nothing but hand out a few quests and to look pretty

Same as vanilla. Was made a boss in a dungeon set in a different future, was an NPC in another dungeon because she was actually there.

Made camoes in alliance leader meetings. Showed up in SoO to bust open a gate.

Finding her Husband who was kidnapped by Xavius. Helps free her PLACE OF BIRTH from the burning legion.

Defends her new home then later attempts to avenge it.

Tyrande has been a minor character realistically in WoW until Legion.


It is more important to use characters who are relevant to the story then ones who are “popular”.

It would be like saying that Tony Stark should’ve been the hero of the winter soldier instead of Captain America because Iron Man was more popular (he actually was at that stage).

Tyrande has a personal history with Azshara. It makes sense that she should be involved in that plot.


Lol. She did more than being a Boss in a End Time Dungeon. Worgen? Mount Hyjal? Hello you keep forgetting those things.

You also forgot to put in Scenario with Varian Wrynn. Again. Did more than Meetings and Siege.

Ok and after that with Legion of Xavius and the so called Place Birth that she rejected. Illidan Ending?

Ok what this is. Are we even talking about Warcraft Lore or are we just talking about Random Franchises like Marvel or something?

If we are taking about popular characters. The ones who takes most of the spotlight and who is also very overrated are also the Ones who are Popular. Again. You just disprove your own argument.

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Tyrande was not involved at all in the Gilneas storyline. She was not involved in Mount Hyjal either. That was mainly Malfurion and Ysera (later on Cenarius)

We never talk about that, but it is pretty forgettable. It did nothing to progress the two characters.

So Illidan asking you to deliver a message to the women he loved is somehow a negative thing? Are you serious right now?

So Tyrande appearing in story arcs where it makes sense to the context of the plot is somehow her being “overrated”?

Your whole argument as to why Tyrande should not be involved at all in 8.2 is “I don’t like her”.


I mean…

I would have been cool with that.


Am I the only one who thinks that Tyrande would be 1000% more interesting if she actually had this characterization?


Miev is the angry grandma.


This plus Tyrande, Malfurion and maybe the Nightborne leader are the only characters in the game with a personal history against Azshara. Leaving out Tyrande would have kind of like not having Velen in Argus.


Why not have all of them…? Have a full on Elf on Naga party.

I want the Illidari, Coilskar, and Jinyu to appear in 8.2. Hell, bring in the Darkspear since they do have beef with the naga taking away their original home and trying to claim the Echo Isles.

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