I hope we are not forced to go TBC when it comes

What do you think they will do…force us or allow vanilla players to stay in classic?


As much as I would love to have TBC servers, whatever they do between TBC or Classic+ I hope that they leave Classic servers as they are.


Ya you could always reroll on a TBC server but still keep your vanilla toon if you wanted to go to TBC.


I would love to play TBC, i quit WoW when level 60 was the cap and never came back after they nerf’d my ZG bat i worked so hard to get…

Ideally they would let us copy over classic characters while keeping the existing, but i am skeptical if that will happen


People keep mentioning “classic+” as if Blizzard ever mentioned they would be making any changes at all. The only thing they’ve mentioned is tbc.


In nearly every conversation about the potential for TBC/Wrath to be re-released, the concept has ALWAYS been about preserving the Classic servers as they are, and making a separate client and servers for the later expansions. I do NOT want Classic+ AT ALL. That is an abomination that needs to be squashed. If you go look in the Classic+ thread right now you will see people asking for retail features like the barbershop/transmog/paid race/faction change/heirlooms etc. And all they want to do is to keep the level cap at 60 and keep flying out, but put new raid tiers in and add new zones. It’s completely ridiculous and hypocritical how they say “Oh no we don’t want TBC/Wrath cause those only take us closer to retail” but then want retail features…Seriously?? The hypocrisy is on a whole other level with those people :roll_eyes:


I wonder if they would do a BC release on realms that are currently Classic, and concurrently launch new Classic realms. Which would you play then? Would you re-roll on a new Classic realm, or continue and go into BC?

Conversely, if they launch new forever-BC realms, while leaving the current Classic realms as forever-Classic, would you stay?

How many people would answer the same way today, a year from now, and two years from now?

It’ll be an interesting ride, and I look forward to seeing the future to come.

What is classic+ this is the first I heard of it

Idk, I would be fine 2 or 3 years down the road doing what EQ2 did and put the matter up for vote to progress to BC. When 2/3 say yes then they turn on BC. I personally would be fine either way as I enjoyed Classic and BC. If they want Classic to be a one and done, that’s fine. They brought it back and people can enjoy it to their hearts content! But if they progress to BC that would be fun too! The pre xpack patches used to be a BLAST imo

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Getting sick of these threads. They would never force classic vanilla players onto classic BC servers because that complete negates the point of classic vanilla servers. Then it’s not classic, it’s temporary.

As much as I want BC servers, I’m not sure how far Blizzard will be willing to split their playerbase, even if it brought in return players. Some advocates of classic+ are concerned that BC servers could impact vanilla servers dramatically. I think Blizzard can make it work and merge/balance realms when needed. Mostly I just want to play BC and simply settle for vanilla.

Best guess would be they’d fire up a few new BC servers and either allow char copies or xfers to them. Possibly also a BC server that doesn’t allow copy/xfer (everyone starts from level 1).

If a certain number of Classic servers are abandoned in favor of TBC servers, the few who are left can be transferred onto a higher pop Classic server, and the dead ones can be recycled into more TBC servers if needed. It’s not like Classic is going away. The diehard vanilla fans can have what they want, and the rest of us can move on if we want

Why would they force you to go to BC… That would put us back to where we were for 15 years… Use your brain…

Classic+ would be basically be classic, but adding in things that got cut. Karazhan, Grim Batol and many other things were originally slated for Classic and just got pushed off to later expansions. I wouldn’t mind seeing the original vision.

That said, many of the people who were working on that original vision no longer work for Blizzard, so it may just be for the best that it’s unlikely to happen.

Neither. I’d quit, since they would have just sent an “any character you get invested in may be at Bfa in ten years or so; you can’t count on the ground under your feet staying there” message. Maybe look back in a decade and see if there were stable original-Classic or BC realms now.

Then I’d move to BC; it was my favorite version of WoW.

If they do BC Classic servers I think they should be separate servers with the option to copy or move your Classic character to the BC Classic servers.


Spoiler alert. Most of the classic crowd is here waiting for BC and LK.

I wouldn’t come back if I knew it would never progress. I just spent 4 years playing 1.x on Elysium. I’m already sick of it again.

I just plan on leveling up my toons and professions entirely for BC and beyond. No intention of even raiding this tier. Just spent 1 year raiding MC and BWL. (FYI - BFA crowd, /played of 42 days and only have 5 epics, 2 pieces of tier total)

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A bit of a side note here is that, by the time BFA rolls around, characters are rather meaningless. With almost everything being account-wide, I could delete all my characters, and re-roll without really losing anything.

Sure the upside is that I keep all my achievements, but that’s at the expense of any attachment I would have had to any of my characters. The only things I can think of that are truly unique to a particular character are some random sentimental things, like the original tabard celebrating the 2008 olympics, or /played time. But, since any tabard can look like any other tabard, and /played doesn’t really matter in any meaningful way, there’s just not much attachment.