I hope the "No Changes" fetish isn't as strong for TBC

If you can’t win an argument with rationale, characterize the opposing view as losing. Also known as putting your fingers in your ears and crying “la la la la la” till everyone stops talking.

No son. It is and always has been #nochanges.

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Think what you want but that slogan has been a joke for months. Theres been so many changes and you guys still play the game, theres no backbone behind the slogan and its turned into a punchline.

That’s fake news. Just because you don’t understand what #nochanges is and always has meant (and not meant), doesn’t mean your confusion belongs to anyone else. Sloganizing, ridiculing, and dismissing the view you oppose may gain points in the stupidity of political discussion, but not here. It just makes you look ignorant.

Its ok to be in denial and stand behind a failed movement. That is your right.

Its also ok to laugh at you guys and you continue to throw out the slogan as if it actually has meaning anymore.


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Thank-you for the illustration.

/shrug #nochanges is a hugely hypocrital group.

#nochanges, psstt… except for the changes we want.

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Which just shows your ignorance of what #nochanges means - at this point, willful ignorance. Your strawman is old. You need new material. Try watching the Dev video of the Classic announcement at Blizzcon, which is bare minimum due diligence.

And try posting on a Classic character.

It was watched, we have junk like batching in classic because of #nochanges

Retail, Mr. level 120 ----------->

So no real argument?

You’ve got to be kidding. You spend posts offering nothing but naked baseless (ignorant) opinion, and then require an argument of me? Go watch the video, read any of a hundred posts outlining why you’re wrong, post on a Classic character, or get back to Retail where your ignorance and entitlement have a home. This is Classic.

Why do any of that, #nochanges is a complete fraud at this point. Not only were we never going to get the same experience we got in vanilla but the #nochanges crowd has actually worked to make the game experience worse.

Yes, why get informed about the truth of the very thing you are attempting to argue against. Brilliant.

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Do you understand what no changes means?

Something’s wrong with you.

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Do you? Tell us, what do you think #nochanges means?

#nochanges means no changes. Their position was quite simple.

The game has always been horde dominated as a whole. If you wanted a chance to break it you’d have to just make the factions mirrors for racials. Even then Horde would PROBABLY still etch out because it’s just always been the popular faction to play. IE: Nothing says boring like playing a human in a fantasy game.

Plus a lot of us are playing what we played back then. I’ve played both sides, albeit mostly horde. I’m horde on Classic because I was horde back then, racials wouldn’t change that.

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Ok, let me articulate your argument for you as you seem incapable of doing it. You think #nochanges means literally reproducing the Vanilla client exactly and precisely as it was in 2004, without anything changed.

That is a stupid (because it’s impossible for a thousand technical reasons) and ignorant (because it’s never been true and that’s easily verifiable) view. If you watched the dev video you would have armed yourself with at least an understanding of the thing you are bumbling around trying to argue against by calling it names and wagging your finger at it.

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I completely agree the #nochanges argument was stupid and ignorant.

But they stuck by it to the point we have junk like batching in classic, thanks #nochanges