I hope the "No Changes" fetish isn't as strong for TBC

In retrospect, some of the worst, skill-killing aspects of Classic such as spell batching and leeway are things on the Blizzard reference client, and were thus a part of Vanilla. But they were made for an age of bad PCs and bad internet connections, and they just make the game seem worse in this day and age.

And would it have really hurt anything to give, say, Ragnaros more health and damage so that he wasn’t an instant joke on the first pull against him? I don’t think so.

So I’m hoping Blizzard learns from the mistakes of Vanilla Classic when and if it makes TBC Classic. In particular, I hope the pvp racials aren’t vastly better for horde, thereby making it the only faction to choose for pvp, and causing bg queue times which will make the current horde AV queue times seem like a picnic.

#Nochanges is good to some extent, but not when it gets in the way of actual competitive gameplay. Hopefully some of the #nochanges fanatics will have learned from the lessons of Classic.


Ask yourself this.

What were the racial traits like for Vanilla and Burning Crusade all those years ago, Horde side?

I would not know the effects of a legacy server strictly following a “Nochanges” philosophy. Classic certainly did not follow it.


There will be more horde than alliance in tbc easy. It definitely will be worse than it is now. Horde have bis racials and paladins, no reason to roll alliance. I mean aoe silence vs a 1% hit to party and crappy hot its an easy choice.


Yeah classic has nothing but changes, I’m sure tbc would be in the same boat.


Only change that is needed is faction queue for PvP servers (which many successful tbc private servers did with great results). On pve servers it won’t matter

Blizzard would have to make a lot of changes to make faction balance relatively even in tbc. Would rather no changes than lots of changes.


There is no way it won’t be horde dominated even more than it is now. There aren’t benefits to running alliance over horde in tbc.

I agree with your sentiment. But the reality is TBC was a much more complete game than classic ever was on launch and wouldn’t require as many changes as classic really needed.


Yes, which is why they need to change it. Just saying “herp derp, well that’s the way it was, we’ve got to repeat the mistake just because” isn’t a compelling reason to me.

One faction being vastly stronger than the other is a fundamental design flaw that WILL result in this board being filled with “1 hour horde bg queue times- I’m quitting” posts when and if Classic TBC releases with #nochanges.

We need to get rid of the lemming mentality- we don’t have to jump off a cliff just because a mistake was made in TBC.


Uh. Yes? Perception is really, really, really good in rogue v rogue fights. Or even to get an early sap on druids as rogue.

In fact, the higher ratings you get (2.3k+ in tbc), the more Perception won matches by itself.


So I guess that will mean huge queue times for battlegrounds for the Horde? That will be a good thing, yes?

Me, I’ll continue playing Alliance and see how things pan out. (and yes, this is an unused alt, not my main character.)

wow classic + changes = tbc
tbc + changes = wotlk


I’m more interested in Classic+/WoW+. Leave Classic how it is going right now for the folks who enjoy it, but focus the development work on the + aspect.

I am hoping + would be where they see where things hurt the game, and work around/avoid them entirely (coughLFDcough), while being fine with fun fluff that adds no harm.

Classic+/WoW+ is a pipedream though, as Classic seems to already be struggling and I have a feeling the main branch of Activision is not happy Classic is doing so well, therefore ‘nudging’ it to perform poorly.

Probably just my tinfoil hat, though.


TBC is gonna be raining Blood Elves.


Alliance will be dead on TBC servers all the weirdos and weebs will roll Belfs. If you think the faction imbalance is big wait till then.


I hope you’re wrong.

TBC was fine as it was.

Fixed a lot of problems with Vanilla.



Won’t happen.

Blizzard isn’t going to run WoW in two different directions to appease a small percentage of people that, let’s face it, will end up hating some portion of whatever the “+” is and quit anyway.

They’d be stupid to waste the resources on it.


Instant bg queues all day everyday. Easier to premade too if you’re into that.

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You just don’t get it do you? I’m talking about the obsession over Belfs in TBC…


Very few will play ally in a TBC refresh. There is no real reason. For classic that reason is Paladins. For TBC, horde has the better Paladins.

R.I.P. Alliance.