I hope the "No Changes" fetish isn't as strong for TBC

LOL, TBC horde racials are actually very good compared to vanilla, if you think blizz will change racials for TBC. youve got another thing comin.

Every TBC pserver dies when ally stop playing because horde racials are that good in TBC, and pservers actually try things blizz never would for faction balance.

TBC is going to be great for PVE though, alot of good raiding and dungeons.

Your queues will be worse in pvp. BE pallies were way better than any alliance pallies iirc. Plus it gives the horde a “pretty race”. If I were a betting man I’d put money on faction imbalance being significantly worse in classic TBC


One of the most upvoted posts I remember pre-Classic launch was an impassioned, long-winded plea specifically for spell batching. Soon it was on several “OMG CLASSIC HAS TO HAVE THIS OR I KILL MYSELF” lists that kept popping up around here.

Now its a colossal mistake, lol.

Reminds me of the US government. “This band-aid had unintended consequences; we must now invent a new band-aid.” Repeat ad infinitum.

How about remove the damn changes in the first place? That’s the whole point of #nochanges.

Tbf alot of people expected classic to be a time machine back to 2004. Clearly it’s anything but that. The content may be the same but the way were consuming it is nothing like was done in actual vanilla.

Just remember, people thought MC/ony would be a challenge for mythic raiders lol. Because vanilla is when the game was “hardcore” and required an absurd amount of “skill” and only the best of best players even get to level 10. A lot of people forget that before Heroic was added in there were only a handful of hard bosses in the game. Classic has 3-5 bosses that will pose a challenge for the average raider.


I hope it is stronger. We messed up by having so many changes for Vanilla, but we can do it right next time.

Nothing less than exactly how it was in the past. Periodic bug patches and same durations of content releases.

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Well, that’s where they messed up. I was here for 15 month of Vanilla. A lot of people around here, myself among them, were actively telling people to temper those expectations some. Didn’t work.

Nostalgia is insanely powerful. People will abandon all pretense of reason in the pursuit of “I just want it to feel like it felt back then.”

I loved going head to head with a pally on my disc. Bubble hearth? Not so fast . . .

Thank you!

No stupid mega servers, no stupid layering, no stupid node nerfing, no stupid batching/leeway or any of the other stupid stuff they changed. Classic would have been 100x better if they wouldn’t have made all these dumb mistakes.

I hope they make #nochanges whatsoever for TBC.

Changes like 5x size server cap and layering caused some of the worst exploiting and imbalance issues I’ve ever seen in this game.

I really thought you #change fanatics would have learned some lessons from Classic but clearly not.

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I was amazed by the amount of people who legit wanted all the horrible talent trees of early vanilla, and for them to reintroduce old bugs so we could have the “real vanilla experience” i was personally hoping for more of a classic plus. Some of things were technical limitations not gameplay decisions.

The biggest examples to me are spell batching and the debuff limit. If blizzard actually thought only using 16 debuffs on bosses added an element of skill they would’ve kept it. For instance the warlock is supposed to be a dot class. But in raids you put up your assigned curse and spam SB. I’m sure that’s not how they invisioned the class being played when they designed it. And bosses can always be retuned to compensate for it.

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Yes, wasn’t this the whole point? We wanted it to be exactly how it was. I never expected it to be a finished and polished game. I wanted all the silly quirks and problems because it is amusing. It shouldn’t be something to be taken so seriously.


Man, so many passionate players posting opinions like it’s all or nothing. Remember, your opinion is subjective and won’t be taken at face value, no matter how much you can attack other posters and/or condescendingly question their opinions.

In my opinion, leave TBC as it is if it were to be released. This way players know what’s coming and Blizzard has less of a chance to screw it up somehow.

There’s a question I came up with while reading this thread. For Arena, how many rank 1 teams would there be? Before, in the past we had multiple battlegroups, but now we’re all pooled. So only one team? I’m curious what blizzard would do at that point. Food for thought.

That right there was a lot of the problem imo. It had a 0% chance of being how it was because we all understand how this game works. I’m still having fun playing but there are glaring issues with how the game works. This is not the game most vanilla vets remember. It may have all the same stuff, but it’s not the same game. It never would be and never will be.

Fixing a few things to give a better gameplay experience wouldn’t kill the game. Would actually rewarding winning/skill in the honor system instead of raw honor/hr grinding be such a bad thing? Would retuning some raid bosses to make them harder than LFR make players quit in droves? Would adding in a few things they wanted to do but didn’t get the chance in 2004-2006 ruin things beyond repair? I wouldn’t mind seeing the azshara crater BG, or what they had planned for Kara in vanilla.

Making the game exactly as it was wasn’t the issue. People experiencing it exactly the same way they experienced it was a pipe dream and that’s where a lot of the issues come from.

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Well that for sure is impossible. You can’t really start to try without the same starting point though. The only difference should have been the people and not the game.

We asked for classic WoW and we got it. If you’re not happy with it, go back to retail (see what I did? I know that since you are complaining, you are 100% a retail player… teeeeheeee).

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#BubblewingAOEsilenceElf too… <.<

May contain sarcasm.

No we asked for Vanilla and didn’t get it.

Its funny that the few remaining vocal #nochanges talk as though anybody still takes them seriously.