I hope the "No Changes" fetish isn't as strong for TBC

I just hope they don’t try to replicate limitations like spell batching and debuff limitations.

Just give us TBC in the new server/client framework.

It might be interesting if they made the classes a little more unique like they were in vanilla and bumped all the 25-player raids to 40 players… but they’re not going to do that.

coordinating 40 players is a chore.

and being part of a 40 man raid group is a chore.

I’m just here trying to log in whenever I fancy to play a game which is fun, and then I’m gonna log out whenever I want too.

I’m not going to spend hours farming consumables which is observably dull and laborious to perform encounters which are lackluster and clunky so that I can get gear to PvP which is all I genuinely care about.

Raiding can bite my shiny metal…

if you want a game with changes, go play retail, if tbc classic does become a thing, it needs to be as close as possible to the tbc from 2007.

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The leveling experience was fine in tbc.

The PvP reward structure was god awful and the only new BG was a crapshoot.

Meanwhile yall got like what 6 new raids?


Load of bullocks.

Blizzard should’ve used classic/tbc/wotlk to buy time to build a sequel client – instead of continuing to expand upon a 15 yo game.

Better yet, a prequel client. The narrative has become lost and confused.

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If you want changes, you don’t want what existed in the past. We do want what existed in the past. Simple as that.

Advocate for your preferred changes on retail.






Anyhow, No-changes is finally falling apart on Classic. The next “legacy” server they do should be a + variety, like OSRS.

Even the “No-change” streamers are turning their backs on their cult, claiming that tons of changes have already happened so Blizzard should fix all the “problems” with the game right now.

The biggest issue with TBC, is there is no reason to not roll horde… classic will stay classic, its a museum… so IF we at all get TBC, its likely to be standalone, meaning no one will choose alliance, and why should they ?.. literally everything is better with horde…

So if people think the ques is unplayable now in classic, they will be legendary if TBC happens… i suspect like 95% will roll horde… i myself will stay in classic, and keep playing on and off, if TBC is forced, ill just quit…

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:joy: :ok_hand:

If you want competitive gameplay, retail wow is waiting for you.

Classic is a museum piece and should be left unchanged


2007, you’re right, sorry my finger slipped, but that’s the only thing you’re right about.



So, what is your solution to the problem? You’re complaining about a problem, yet you didn’t provide a solution. What can we discuss the Pros and Cons about?

This isn’t about No-Changers vs Pro-Changers. This is about ensuring Changes will be effective rather than damaging. So, what have you come up with?

In my opinion if they decide to do TBC they should absolutely do it different than vanilla.

Vanilla has very few patches that were playable to the masses. I don’t think people would have enjoyed an earlier patch where warlocks were dumpster fires, druids were unplayable tanks, the odd talent trees, debuff slots being less, itemization being much poorer. TBC is much different IMO.

You can start TBC on a progressive patch cycle and it would do fine with most people. It wasn’t perfect OFC but nothing is. Personally i’d like to see TBC done over again with pre-nerfed raids, gear itemization following the patch cycles (no buffed tsunami talisman or dragonspine trophy for instance), talents starting off from 2.0 and take it from there.

Unfortuantely I think they will go the quick and easy route of giving us 2.4.3 patch, which is basically the final polished 1.12.1 patch were on but instead for TBC. Its one of the final sunwell patches and has a lot of itemization and changes that were fine for the difficult sunwell raid but from playing on private servers this makes the opening Tier 4 and Tier 5 raids a joke. They aren’t hard by any means but 2.4.3 changes and the likely event these raids will be post-nerf ontop of us having naxx gear (most likely) will mean that Tier 4 and maybe even Tier 5 will be akin to our current MC/Ony patch. It would be a cakewalk and be fairly boring IMO.

Obviously don’t put out the bugged encounters like Kael’thas and touch up the lady vashj fight to not bug out but having pre-nerf vashj/gruul/Kael’thas on top of the correct talents/correct patch for the time they were released would be a fun and semi challenging raid.

No changes is a fetish now? Oh my. I’ll work that phrase into my rotation.

I still support no changes, look how retail turned out.

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for pvp, mix the factions. for pve, doesnt matter

Then why was vanilla’s faction imbalance favoring alliance? In some cases with a 10 alliance to 1 horde ratio.
I would also add the majority of no changes folks did not want 1.13

I keep seeing this:

I played back in vanilla on a refurbished toaster on the lowest settings with Crapcast cable internet in a house with coax barrel connectors from 1984 and I NEVER remember things being as ridiculous as they are now. This batching needs to die. I killed the greench yesterday while a snowman.