I hope the "No Changes" fetish isn't as strong for TBC

The main change I’d want for TBC is to re-itemize S1-2 Ret (and I believe Enhance had the same issue) pvp sets to ACTUALLY HAVE RESILIENCE LIKE EVERY OTHER SPEC IN THE GAME.

Ret didn’t need any help being a sub par spec and not having resilience on their gear was absolutely game breaking.

If I’ve learned anything, it’s that even with plenty of #nochanges holding the line, Blizzard will make changes and changes will exist by the simple fact that changes happened from 2.1 to 2.4.

Hell, I’m mostly #nochanges, and I wish there was some way to get 2.2 for most things rather than the 2.4 mess of catchup mechanics, nerfing, and vertical gear progression. I’d rather accept #nochanges 2.4 TBC than #changes 2.2 TBC with butchered horde racials that make more people roll Alliance.

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It was actually hilarious that Ret PvP gear didn’t have resil on it.

It’s like Blizz was saying you really shouldn’t PvP as Ret.

Yes, this.

And since my (RP-PvE) realm is currently imbalanced toward Alliance to the point where it’s hard for my Horde warrior who’s willing to tank dungeons to find a dungeon group, “that will push more players to play Horde!” falls flatter with me than you could imagine.

Can’t wait to tank Karazhan on a blood elf paladin.

For me, the changes I’d like to see would be more of a consistency thing, like the math on how things like armor pen%+flat would would be calculated, because that changed like 3 times in TBC and I believe resilience also went through a change (I don’t recall exactly what it was) and if things need to be buffed a bit to make up for how it was when it was made vs how it would be with the final calculations in place that would be fine, but I do remember things being really hard, getting fresh 70 doing shattered halls I recall needing lots of CC and the truesight dogs prevent me from using sap hurt and would like these things to still be a challenge when we first get to them.

after the classic absolute failure, there won’t be a BC ever again.

I mean, pallies were annoying AF to kill in the first place, you have to kill a good one three times for it to actually stick.




All fine and dandy like actual Vanilla WoW that existed before 1.10 / 1.11…

Unfortunately blizzard used 1.12.

Unfortunately for the TBC fan base that blizzard will likely use 2.4, this does much of the same to TBC that was done to Vanilla WoW for exactly the same use via 1.12.

NERF all the early content both indirectly and directly.

Enjoy, because like Classic WoW it’s not going to be a TBC experience, instead of will only be a 2.4 experience; not what you actually hope for or want.

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I was 6/6 SWP before 2.4 and still happy about it!!


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Dam those pesky nochangers kids. If it weren’t for them we could change everything about TBC and be playing BFA 2.0.


dam :joy: :joy: :joy:

Don’t worry, we’re not getting TBC.

like the bogus content release schedule, and allowing for spells and hunter shots to be cast through solid objects that should rightly break line of sight.

These were obviously mistakes.

Agree. I don’t want BC, either. Too many backward steps. It takes away more goodness than it adds.

The OP clearly wasn’t here for all the lame “add transmog and guild banks to Classic” debates.

Someone didn’t take the time to do a bit of research on the game, how it got here, and why they used the version of the data that they used before offering up a baseless opinion. But then, this is the Blizzard forums.

But then they would be broken!

Oh what a world :C