I hope the "No Changes" fetish isn't as strong for TBC

Ya retail, a literal ghost town, sure is there cash cow now.


no changes

Yeah and Alliance will be getting gimped Shamans while Horde get best paladins hands down. They become the top raiding and pvp faction.

Draenai were okay but a TBC will see servers highly favor the Horde. Those pvp servers are going to be insane.

Will roll a Bloodelf even if I hate them simply because playing Alliance will be pointless and rolling pve isn’t my cup of tea.

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its not a ‘fetish’, its a standard to hold Blizzard too so that ‘Classic’ is not infected by those who pushed retail in a direction not enjoyed. Its called authenticity.


BC made a number of balancing changes.

Kidney shot was put on the same DR timer as other stuns, so rogues couldn’t perma-stun and kill anyone not an Orc.

I believe Orc stun resist was nerfed from 25% to 15%. So with base resist of 5% orcs go from 30% stun resist before items/talents to 20% in BC.

They never did nerf wotf in BC, but they did give warlocks felguard which can stun people, so warriors and undead (majority of horde) aren’t just immune to all alliance warlock CC and can slaughter them them with impunity.

The blood elf’s do get the instant AOE silence which is pretty broken vs casters. But when it’s between wotf or stun resist or AOE silence it’s still a hard call which of the racials is best.

The only thing I liked better about TBC was resilience and larger health pools
vs damage dealt. Class balance seemed a smidge better then too.

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If you like retail sure. Because that will be the people making the plus

This is so true. I’ve been thinking about it lately.

If they wanted add another “good guy” race to the Alliance, why not at least make the Draenai an extremist crusader type? You know, a “the light burns me as it burns you” zealot? Instead they are just these boring soy-infused victims.

Better yet would be to, as you said, add a monstrous race to the Alliance to counterbalance the pretty race that was added to Horde. Baffling that they didn’t do that, and in fact ret-conned the existing Draenai look to make another pretty race.

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Alliance should have recieved high elves and horde ogres. Warcraft roots!


No changes

Speaking of fetishes… how strong is your foot fetish?

Its a change from the nochanges is what im saying. Blizz is clearly open to somechanges. As long as they are the right changes they are ok.

If you want to know what classic TBC will be like, just look at what we have now.

Blizzard will take the final balance patch pre-WotLk for the base game, and they’ll time gate the raids. So whatever racial skills horde/alliance had at the end of TBC, they’ll have in classic TBC.

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Created its own set of issues though, you think the reee is strong in pvp right now wait till hordes population swells even further with bubblewing paladins , elves with AOE silence, and if spell batching is in you can bet your bottom seal of blood will be breaking sheeps and other ‘break on damage’ inapacitations left and right causing all sorts of drama.

I’m all for changes personally, but ONLY if they are put up to the community requiring a certain percentage of the communities vote to pass.

Firstly, is there confirmation or strong indication from Blizz that a BC reboot is a goer? And secondly, yep. Belf pallies. With beautiful placement of horde towns, fps, and zeps close to all the important levelling dungeons and quest hubs. Not even I will bother will Alliance.

[quote=“Caiafphas-tichondrius, post:31, topic:398472, full:true”]Go back to retail if you don’t like Vanilla.

You guys and the constant parroting of this straw man argument.

Think for yourselves for a change.

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The Dev’s waffle enough on player demands without having the game be dictated directly by them, and most of the issues people have with retail are there because players wanted them.

They looking out for the bottom line and no one else, bunch of penny pinching bean counters. Do you seriously think layers are a feature? It’s just another cash grab tool and believe me if we didn’t riot more about stuff they would roll out the cash shop and micro tranx

Re-tune everything in TBC to get that overall feel for dungeons and raiding when they were released.
But i don’t think people would want that. They probably want the braindead latest patch - just like Classic.