I hope saul Ascend procs his way to winning the cup

Not as strong as ww and enh. And they’re both live lord specs too.

sub rogue hello


are we really calling enh and ww live lord specs?


Huh? Windwalker seems like more of a die lord spec.

What an original comment

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You can never connect to finish a ww off they alway get away. And yeah karma sucks but a good ww just uses it to buy a couple seconds so they can run and heal themselves.

no, you can’t. because you’re a wizard and all your mobility opens gaps, rather than closing them. that’s the tradeoff you make for having 40 yard range on pretty much every damaging spell and a life cocoon you can use in stuns and silences.

lmao what is going on. they win again.

Demo isnt a wizard

its so lame when you and bathrobe show up. cause literally no one here is being toxic, and then you guys just ruin a good thread.

its like a constant need for attention.

Its so lame that you exist


You can’t even kite them. They have enough mobility to close gap and run away when in trouble. And you can’t even think about going enh. They’re literally rolling over all 3 (demo, spriest, boomy) of the tanky casters every body’s been crying about

okay dude whatever non sequitur you wanna say. i thought we were having a conversation but if your truth is just whining and you can’t get your rocks off in the warcraft twitch chat, go ahead and live it

f tier are gigachads


RIP :frowning:

those games were so fun to watch. ty f tier…thank you

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Didn’t everyone complain about ret/warr doing nothing but tunneling? Isn’t that what WW/enh just did? Same thing?


What’s the difference?